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Physical Education

Yoga – Physical Education: 11th Class Chapter 5

Yoga – Physical Education: 11th Class – Chapter 5

Yoga – Physical Education – Quiz

Question: What do you mean by Yoga?

Answer: The unification of atma with pratma is yoga. It is derived from Sanskrit word ‘yug’ which mean to write or join.

*According to Bhagvad Gita, ‘Samatvam Yoga ucchate‘ is yoga

Question: Explain due importance of Yoga?


  1. Physical Purity: In mean cleanliness of internal body and in yoga we are able to purify our internal organs with different yogic / shuddhi kriyas.
  2. Postural Deformities: Good Posture is imp for leading a good physical appearance and it can be maintained by yoga. If we do Yoga daily, we can prevent our body from various postural Deformities.
  3. Prevention from Diseases: Through due regularity of yoga we can prevent from various disease fighting Resistance.
  4. Enhancing Flexibility: If we do yoga a sans daily so we can enhance our flexibility which are very imp for leading a healthy life. It prevent us from injuries and sports and body movement become quick.
  5. Mental Relaxation: Yoga is helpful for reducing mental stress everybody waits to free from anger, anxiety and emotional disturbances which is possible by the regular practice of yoga.
  6. Reduce Obesity: Through the yogic exercises we can reduce obesity and make our body fit.
  7. Will power & Confidence: Through meditation mind can be trained to concentrate in one direction. All the distractions are eliminated and persons get mental power.

Question: What are the elements of yoga and explain in detail?

Answer: Maharishi Patanjali: Explain the eight elements of yoga and they are also known as eight paths / eight limbed of yoga, through these path we can join yourself with universal spirit.

  • Yama: It is the first stage of spiritual path through this we can abstain ourselves from due things which make us violent and mindless.
    Five Yama are given below:
    1. Ahimsa (Non-Violence): Which means non-violence which hurt other. In which never speak ill of other and never harm other.
    2. Satya (Truth): Always speak Truth and never play false upon other in any manner.
    3. Asateya (Non-Stealing): It means not to steal things without asking to someone and never steal away other ideas, things and well for your own benefit.
    4. Brahamacharya (Celibacy): In this the yogi is instructed to follow a bachelor’s life.
    5. Aparigah (Non-Possession): It means to spend a simple life with minimum necessity and whatever we have it belongs to god only.
  • Niyama: It is related to the purification of mens sense organs five Niyama are given below:
    1. Shoucha (Purity): We should keep our clean both internally and externally.
    Internally – Purify the internal organs by six actions of yogic kriyas
    Externally – Clean due body by taking bath
    2. Santosh (Contentment): It means satisfaction in any condition of life. We should be content whatever god has given us.
    3. Tapa (Penance): It means do efforts and face the harsh reality of life for achieving the aim and the hardship like meal – was, gain – lose etc.
    4. Swadhyaya (Self Study): It is the study of vedas scriptures, Yoga darshan, Gita and self study as well as in which we study about who am i, What should I do, What I am doing, What is the aim of our life basically to known about oneself.
    5. Eshwar Pranidhan (Surrender to God): It means Surrender your each and every deed achievement to got and leave arrogance impurity and other negative tricks from mind.
  • Asanas: It means to sit in a comfortable position for a longer period. It keeps a body fit healthy and flexible.
  • Pranayama: It means to inhale, exhale and control your Breathing movements with the help of three faces:
    1. Puraka: It is inhalation of air into the lungs
    2. Rechaka: It is exhalation of air from lungs
    3. Kumbhaka: In a particular posture the holding of breath is done
  • Pratyahara: The controlling of mind and senses is pratyahara through this we can adopt good values and abstain from bad things which distract our mind.
  • Dharana: After achieving all, now a person need control and much have sense of complete absorption.
  • Dhyana: Now it complete stability of mind without any hurdle during that time.
  • Samadhi: The union of men with the universal spirit is samadhi when the person uses his own identify and begans to experienced blissful movement of living in the company of god.

Question: What do you mean Asanas? Explain its types

Answer: To sit in the comfortable position for a longer period is called Asanas. It an Asanas the body is kept in different position so that our organs work more efficiently and actively. Asanas divided into there parts.

Classification Of Asanas:

Dhyanatmak Asana (Medidative Asana)
Vishram Atmak
Relaxative Asana
Corrective asana
Mayur asana

Dhyanatmak Asana (Meditative Asana):

Through the regular practice of these asana we can enhance our Meditation power Peace-full and disease free environment is must for these asanas

  1. Vishram Atmak Asana (Relaxation Asana): By practice the asana we need to Relax our muscles and it also mandatory to do relaxation asana after every asana.
  2. Sarvardhanatmak Asana (Culturalor corrective): These asanas are practiced for physical development and also for the efficient working of all activity.

Question: What is Pranayama and write down its types?

Answer: Pranayama is made of two words: Pran and ayama.

Pran – means oxygen (Breathe that gives life)

Ayama – means inhaling, exhaling and retaining (control)

So – Pranayama means controlling the Breathing process it includes there steps:

  1. Puraka = Inhaling
  2. Rechaka = Exhaling
  3. Kumbhaka = Retaining breath

*Through the regular practiced of Pranayama we can strengthen the breathing system and developed concentration Pranayama are different types which are as follow:

  1. Suryabhedi Pranayama
  2. Ujjayi Pranayama
  3. Sheetkari Pranayama
  4. Sheetali Pranayama
  5. Bhastrika Pranayama
  6. Bhramari Pranayama
  7. Plavini Pranayama
  8. Moorchha Pranayama

Question: Write down short note on Meditation?

Answer: It is a process of complete consistency of mind According to Patanjali. “Concentration of mind on an impulse without any diversion” Concentration on a particular thing for a long time like when an individual attains such concentration on whatever he thinks or imagines he start seeing that clearly with our internal eyes.


  1. It gives peace of mind/heart
  2. It increase power of concentration
  3. It enhancing self Knowledge
  4. It increases the mental power which control the power of distracting our mind.

Question: What do you mean by yogic kriyas explain in detail?

Answer: The kriyas are techniques used  for caring and purifying the body are mind internally. The techniques are six action which are also kraon as shatkarmas. Through the practice of six action and exercises we can purify our internal organs.

The six actions are:

  1. Neti – Nasal cleansing
  2. Dharti – Stomach cleansing
  3. Vasti – intestine cleansing
  4. Nauli – Abdominal Massage
  5. Trataka – Blinkless Gazing
  6. Kpalbhati – Purification of frontal lob and lungs.

Question: What is Yoga Nidra?

Answer: Yoga Nidra is a state of conscious deep sleep and it is also Ruoron a yogic sleep. In which we concious take our attention to different parts of body and relax there. It help consolidate this energy and relax the entire system. It is very Important after doing various yoga posture.

Yoga – Physical Education: Questions Carrying 03 Marks:

  1. Describe the importance of yoga.
  2. Elaborate Yama.
  3. Explain Nityama.
  4. What do you mean by Asanas?
  5. Explain Vrikshasana.
  6. Describe Naukasana.
  7. Write about Garudasana.
  8. How Gomukhasana is performed?
  9. Write any three benefits of Pranayama.
  10. Explain the types of Pranayama
  11. Write any three benefits of Meditation.
  12. How Basti is performed?
  13. Explain Jal Neti.
  14. Explain the procedure of Sukhasana.
  15. Write the benefits of Padmasana.
  16. Explain the procedure of Yoga Nidra.
  17. Describe the advantages of Yoga Nidra.

Yoga – Physical Education: Questions Carrying 05 Marks:

  1. Define yoga. Explain its importance.
  2. Write about the elements of yoga.
  3. Explain any five asana.
  4. What are the various types of Pranayam?
  5. Elaborate Meditation.
  6. Describe Naukasana, Vrikshasana & Garudasana.
  7. Describe various benefits of meditation.
  8. Explain the procedure, benefits and contraindications of Shashankasana.
  9. What do you mean by Yog Nidra? Explain its advantages.
  10. Elaborate the procedure of Yog Nidra.

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