Saturday , March 29 2025
NCERT 5th class (CBSE) Science: Earth, Sun and Moon

NCERT 5th class (CBSE) Science: Earth, Sun and Moon

Question: How is the earth different from all the other planets in the solar system?

Answer: Earth is different from all the other planets in the solar system because it is only the planet that has life. The following features make life possible on earth.

  1. Presence of air, water and soil.
  2. Presence of atmosphere around the planet.
  3. Presece of important gases like oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen in the air.
  4. The different layers of atmosphere perform special functions for eg stratosphere has ozone layer which protect us from ultravoilet rays (UV rays).
  5. The surface of the earth has various features like oceans, rivers, mountains and valleys.

Question: Describe the surface of the moon.

Answer: Surface of moon:

The surface of the moon is covered with craters, mountains, valleys.

Formation of craters:

  1. Craters were formed on the surface of the moon billions of years ago. They are formed when solid bodies called meteorits are crashed into moon’s surface.
  2. The oldest craters were formed billions of years ago. Lava that floats from these craters covered the earlier craters and made them smooth and dark.
  3. The surface of the moon have not changed since then because there is no water and air on the moon to cause weathering.

Question: Write a short note on the sun.

Answer: The sun:

  1. The sun is a star that is closest to the earth.
  2. It is a dwarf star because usually other stars are much larger than the sun.
  3. It is about 1.5 million kilometres away from the earth.
  4. It is a huge ball of hot burning gases with a temperature of 15 billion degree C at the centre and 6000 degree C at the surface.
  5. The surface of the sun has thin layer of atmosphere called Corona.
  6. At the centre of the sun which is also known as core, hydrogen changes into helium and this reaction produces large amount of heat and light which is called as solar energy. this energy is inexhaustible.
  7. The sun has a diameter of about 1392000 km. It is so big that millions of earth can fit into it.

Question: Write a short note on the ‘landing on the moon’.

Answer: Landing on the moon:

  1. Man has been successful in landing on the moon.
  2. There are 2 types of space mission
  3. Manned – In this type of space mission a space craft with crew.
  4. Unmanned – In this type of space mission a space craft is sent without crew to being back information through photographs and other ways.
  5. The first men to land on the moon were the crew of the American space mission, Apollo II. It was launched from the Kennedy space center at Florida, on July 16, 1969. The rocket that carried it into the space was Saturn 5. Edurin Aldrin, and Michaek Collins.
  6. Armstrong was the first to step out, and thus became the first man to set foot o the moon on July 20, 1969. He and Aldrin stayed for two and a half hours on the moon and collected rock samples to bring back to the earth. These rocks have given scientists a lot of information about the moon.
  7. After Apollo II, many more missions have gone to the moon and elsewhere in space.

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  1. Tq u ? but provide notes of all classes start n mcqs too so that children can better understand the concept clearly!