Using fractions we can say 43/100 of her coins are Indian coins.
Using decimals we can say 0.43 coins of her collection are Indian coins. We can also express this as a percentage. The word per cent means ‘per one hundred’. We use the sign % to represent per cent.
43% of Anisha’s coins collection is Indian.
We use percentage very often in our every day lives. Sometimes we use it to compare numbers, sometimes just to understand them. If you see a sale sign that says 20% off it means that for every item that costs Rs. 100 you have to pay Rs. 20 less. If we say that 9% of people were spectacles it means that for every 100 people 9 people were spectacles.
So, 1% means 1 out of 100 or 1/100.
99% means 99 out of 100 or 99/100.
This is a page out of Sunil’s stamp album. The page has 100 stamps. He has stuck them according to their color.
- Any number that can be written as a fraction or decimal can also be written as a percent.
- We use per cent to compare a number with hundred.