Friday , March 28 2025
NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Flowering of Culture and Science

NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Flowering of Culture and Science

Question: What are stupas? Mention some of their striking features.

Answer: Stupas are Buddhist religious buildings made of brick and stone. There are several kinds of stupas.

  1. Some are round and tall while some are big and small. Here are some striking features of stupas.
  2. There is a small box, known as a relic casket, placed at the centre or heart of the stupa. The box contains bodily remains of the Buddha or his followers, or things they used, as well as precious stones and coins.
  3. This box was covered with earth. Later, a layer of mud brick or baked brick was added on top. And then, the dome like structure was sometimes covered with carved stone slabs.
  4. A path called the pradakshina patha was laid around the stupa. This was surrounded with railings. Entrance to the path was through gateways.
  5. Devotees walked around the stupa in a clockwise direction, as a mark of devotion.

Question: Describe the earliest Hindu temples.

Answer: Some Hindu temples were also built during this period. The deities worshiped in these shrines were Vishnu, Shiva and Durga. The most important part of the temples was the garbhagriha, which was a room where the image of the chief deity was placed. It was at this place that priests performed religious rituals and devotees offered worship to the deity.

The garbhagriha had a tower known as the shikhara built on its top. This marked the place as a sacred one. Building shikharas require careful planning. Most temples also had a mandapa. This was a hall like structure meant for the common people to assemble.

Mahabalipuram and Aihole in south India were famous for their temples. These were stone temples. The monolithic temples of Mahabalipuram were very beautiful. Each of these temples was carved out of a huge, single piece of stone. It is therefore they are known as monoliths. The Durga temple at Aihole was built about 1400 years ago.

Question: Describe the two Sanskrit epics the Mahabharata and Ramayana. Or Why are the epics like Mahabharata and Ramayana so popular even today?

Answer: The Mahabharata and Ramayana are the most popular of the epics and other religious books of the Hindus. They are also famous among the followers of other religion. The causes for their popularity are almost the same. The story of the Mahabharata tells family drama followed by a great war between the two groups of the same family, the Kauravas and Pandavas. Here, we learn how are fights for the right cause. The Pandavas are dethroned and banished diplomatically by their cousin Duryodhana. They are always subjected to humiliation and injustice. Finally, they are put in a great battle to get their own right. In the Mahabharata we know how much tolerance one should have, how one can fight for a justified cause, how we should respect our elders, etc. There are so many teachings of ideal life in it. The Gita, which constitute a part of the Mahabharata is in itself considered as a great epic. It unfolds all the mysteries of life, the life before and the life after.

In the same way the Ramayana, written in the most popular language of the time, teaches us the high ideals of life. Rama, the most prominent character, shows how man should follow the ideals of life. He possesses all the virtues of a highly idealistic and realistic human being. He follows the system in a humble way. He fights for the justice and his right. This story is told in a very realistic way. It seems to be the story of a common man. So, it has a great appeal in our society till today.

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