NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Science: Fun with Magnets – Quiz
19 Multiple Choice Questions related to NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Science: Fun with Magnets – Quiz:
- Using a compass is better as stars are only visible at night and sometimes they are not seen at night due to pollution and clouds and stars change their position every night.
- The compound of iron is iron oxide or magnetite.
- There is repulsion between these two magnets as there is repulsion between like poles.
- Television, mobiles, CD, computers and many more devices are made up of magnetic materials and magnets in it. If you bring a magnet closer to it then it will spoil these devices.
Quiz: Fun with Magnet
According to a legend, the first magnet was discovered by a Greek shepherd named Magnes. It is said that the nails in his shoes and the iron tip of his staff got stuck to a large black rock on which he was standing. Greeks named this strange type of rock ‘magnetite’. The Chinese also knew about magnets.
- Question 1 of 19
How many poles does a magnet have?
Wrong! Correct answer is Two
- Question 2 of 19
A magnetic compass is generally used ________
Wrong! Correct answer is To find directions
- Question 3 of 19
The North Pole of a magnet will attract _______
Wrong! Correct answer is The South Pole of another magnet
- Question 4 of 19
The Earth acts like a giant ______
Wrong! Correct answer is Bar magnet
- Question 5 of 19
Which of the following materials is most appropriate to make a good temporary magnet?
Wrong! Correct answer is Iron
- Question 6 of 19
Which of the following is not a magnetic material?
Wrong! Correct answer is Gold
- Question 7 of 19
The magnetic strength of a magnet.
Wrong! Correct answer is Is Concentrated in two regions called the poles of the magnet.
- Question 8 of 19
If a magnet is rolled in a packet steel pins, will get most attracted to ______
Wrong! Correct answer is Equally to bath poles
- Question 9 of 19
A freely suspended magnet comes to rest in the _______
Wrong! Correct answer is North-South direction
- Question 10 of 19
Which of these materials can be used to make the needle of a compass?.
Wrong! Correct answer is Aluminium
- Question 11 of 19
In a bar magnet, magnetic power is ________
Wrong! Correct answer is More that both ends of the magnet.
- Question 12 of 19
A bar magnet is immersed in a heap of iron filings and pulled out. The amount of iron filling clinging to the ________
Wrong! Correct answer is North pole is almost equal to the south pole.
- Question 13 of 19
When a magnet is suspended freely in air with the help of string, it aligns itself in _________ direction.
Wrong! Correct answer is North-South
- Question 14 of 19
Which of the following is a non-magnetic material?
Wrong! Correct answer is Wood
- Question 15 of 19
Usually the North Pole of a magnetic needle is painted ______.
Wrong! Correct answer is Red
- Question 16 of 19
According to Law of Magnets “Unlike poles ________ each other and like poles _______ each other”.
Wrong! Correct answer is Attract, repel
- Question 17 of 19
When a North pole of a bar magnet is brought near the north pole of a freely suspended magnetic needle, then it _______ each other.
Wrong! Correct answer is Repels
- Question 18 of 19
Which of the following action will NOT make a magnet loose its magnetic properties?
Wrong! Correct answer is Pass Electric current from a current
- Question 19 of 19
Which of the following is a natural magnet?
Wrong! Correct answer is Magnetite
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Magnet: An object which attracts magnetic materials; like iron, cobalt and nickel; is called magnet.
Discovery of Magnet: Magnet was discovered by an ancient Greek shepherd; named Magnes. Once; while he was fiddling with his stick, the metallic end of the stick got stuck with the rocks. Those rocks contained the natural magnet, magnetite. The story of magnetite spread far and wide. Some people believe that magnetite was discovered at a place called Magnesia.
Natural Magnet: Magnet which is found naturally is called natural magnet.
Artificial Magnet: Magnet which is made by humans is called artificial magnet.
Types of Magnet
Magnets are made in different shapes and they are named according to the shape, e.g. bar magnet, dumb-bell shaped magnet, horse-shoe magnet, cylindrical magnet etc.
Magnetic Materials: Materials which are attracted towards a magnet are called magnetic materials, e.g. iron, nickel and cobalt.
Non-magnetic Materials: Materials which are not attracted towards a magnet are called non-magnetic materials, e.g. aluminium, zinc, wood, rubber etc.
Poles of a Magnet:
A magnet has two poles, viz. north pole and south pole. The magnetic power is concentrated on the poles of a magnet. When a bar magnet is suspended to move freely, it always points in the north-south direction. The north pole of the magnet points towards the north and the south pole of the magnet points towards the south.
Interaction Between Poles of Magnet
Like poles repel each other. This means when north pole of a magnet is brought near the north pole of another magnet, both repel each other. The same holds true for the south poles of two magnets.
Unlike poles attract each other. This means when north pole of a magnet is brought near the south pole of another magnet, both attract each other.
Use of Magnet in finding directions: Magnetic compass is a simple device which has been in use since ages; to find directions. Magnetic compass was discovered in ancient China. The sailors and travelers found magnetic compass very useful in finding directions.
Magnetic compass is composed of a small box with a glass top. The magnetic needle is placed on a pivot around which it can rotate freely.
Making your own magnet: With the help of a permanent magnet you can change a piece of iron into a magnet. For this, you need to place the iron piece on a flat surface. Then rub the permanent magnet on the iron piece for many times. Your hand movement should always be in the same direction, while doing this. After some time, the iron piece would attain magnetic property.
Storing a magnet:
- Bar magnets should be kept in pairs. Their unlike poles should be kept on the same side. A wooden piece must be placed between them. A piece of soft iron should be placed at their ends.
- For storing a horse-shoe magnet, you should place a piece of iron across the two poles.
- Magnets should be kept away from speakers, CD, television, music system, computer etc.