Friday , March 28 2025
Animals – Habitat and Adoption

NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Science: Habitat of the Living

Question: Give two examples of each biotic and abiotic components.

Answer: Plants and animals are biotic components, air and water are abiotic components.

Question: What do you mean by germination of seeds?

Answer: The beginning of a new plant from the seeds is called germination.

Question: Does adaptation take place in a short time?

Answer: No, adaptation does not take place in a short time. It takes place in thousands of years.

Question: Name few terrestrial habitats.

Answer: Deserts, mountains and grassland.

Question: Name some aquatic habitats.

Answer: Oceans, ponds and lakes.

Question: What are predators?

Answer: The animals which kill other animals for their food are called predators.

Question: What is a prey?

Answer: The animals which are killed by predators for their food are called prey.

Question: Name two aquatic animals which have no gills.

Answer: Dolphin and whales.

Question: What are blowholes?

Answer: The organs by which dolphin or whales breathe are called blowholes or nostrills.

Question: What is photosynthesis?

Answer: The process by which plants make their own food with the help of chlorophyll,sunlight, carbon dioxide and water is called photosynthesis.

Question: What is the main Junction of food?

Answer: Food gives energy to the organism which helps them in growth and development.

Question: What is breathing?

Answer: The process of taking in oxygen and giving out carbon-dioxide (inhalation and exhalation of air) is called breathing.

Question: What is respiration?

Answer: The process in which oxygen is used by the living bodies to break down food to get energy, water and carbon dixode is produced is called respiration.

Question: What is stimuli?

Answer: The changes in our surroundings that makes us respond to them are called stimuli.

Question: What is excretion?

Answer: The process of getting rid of the waste by the living organisms is known as excretion.

Question: Do plants also excrete?

Answer: Yes, plants also excrete.

Question: What is reproduction?

Answer: The process by which living organisms produce more of their own kind is called reproduction.

Question: Do animals move?

Answer: Yes, animals move from one place to another.

Question: Do plants also move?

Answer: Plants are generally fixed in the soil so they do not move from one place to another.

Question: What do you mean by ecology?

Answer: The study of the relationship between living things and their environment is called ecology.

Question: Define the term environment.

Answer: Everything surrounding and effecting organism is known as environment.

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