Tuesday , March 25 2025
6th class English book Honeysuckle

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! 6th English 02

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master!: NCERT 6th CBSE Honeysuckle English Chapter 02

Question: Discuss these questions in pairs before you write the answers.

  1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
  2. Who did he first choose as his master? Why did he leave that master?
  3. Who did he choose next?
  4. Why did he serve the Lion for a long time?
  5. Who did he finally choose as his master and why?

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! – Answer:

  1. The dog felt the need for a master because he was tired of wandering about alone, looking for food and getting frightened by those who were stronger than him. Therefore, he decided to serve someone who was the strongest on earth.
  2. He chose a big wolf as his master. One day, the dog saw that the wolf was afraid of the bear. Since the dog wanted to serve only the strongest, he left the wolf and asked the bear to be his master.
  3. He chose the bear to be his next master.
  4. He served the lion for a long time because there was no one more powerful and stronger than the lion in the forest. The lion was not afraid of any creature and thus, the dog was well protected by it. Therefore, the dog lived happily by serving the lion for a long time.
  5. He finally chose man as his master. One day, the dog realized that the lion was afraid of man. As he wanted to serve someone who was the most powerful, he chose man as his master.

Question: A summary of the story is given below. Fill in the blanks to complete it taking appropriate phrases from the box.

a dog     stronger    than   anyone    else
the       strongest of all   a wolf     the bear
afraid of man     his own master    a lion

This is the story of _________________, who used to be ______________. He decided to find a master _________________. First he found _______________, but the wolf was afraid of ___________________. The dog thought that the bear was ________________. After some time the dog met __________________, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realized that the lion was _________________________ . To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.

Answer: This is the story of a dog, who used to be his own master. He decided to find a master stronger than anyone else. First he found a wolf, but the wolf was afraid of the bear. The dog thought that the bear was the strongest of all. After some time the dog met a lion, who seemed the strongest. He stayed with the lion for a long time. One day he realized that the lion was afraid of man. To this day, the dog remains man’s best friend.

Question: Each word in the box given below indicates a large number of…

For example, ‘a herd of cows’ refers to many cows. Complete each of the following phrases with a suitable word from the box.

School    fleet   brood   bundle    bunch     pack     team    herd

  1. a ________________ of ships
  2. a ________________ of flowers
  3. a ________________ of chicks
  4. a ________________ of cattle
  5. a ________________ of sticks
  6. a ________________ of sheep
  7. a ________________ of fish
  8. a ________________ of wolves

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! – Answer:

  1. a fleet of ships
  2. a bunch of flowers
  3. a brood of chicks
  4. a team of cattle
  5. a bundle of sticks
  6. a herd of sheep
  7. a school of fish
  8. a pack of wolves

Question: Make nouns from the words given below by adding −ness or − ity.

(For some words we need to add just −ty, or −y.)

1. honest ________________
2. kind _________________
3. cruel _________________
4. calm _________________
5. sad __________________
6. active ________________
7. creative _______________
8. sincere ________________
9. cheerful _______________
10. bitter _________________
11 sensitive________________
12. great _________________


1. Honest Honesty
2. Kind Kindness
3. Cruel Cruelty
4. Calm Calmness
5. Sad Sadness
6. Active Activity
7. Creative Creativity
8. Sincere Sincerity
9. Cheerful Cheerfulness
10. Bitter Bitterness
11 Sensitive Sensitivity
12. Great Greatness

How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! – Question: C. Word search

  • There are twelve words hidden in this table.
  • Six can be found horizontally and the remaining six vertically.
  • All of them are describing words like ‘good’, ‘happy’, etc.
  • The first letters of the words are given below:

Horizontal: H R F F S G

Vertical: A W S F L Q


How the Dog Found Himself a New Master! – Answer:


Question: Read the following passage and do the exercises that follow. Then complete the family tree of dogs given on the facing page.

The Dog Family

The dog family is one of the 11 families that make up the Carnivores, a large group of intelligent, flesh-eating, backboned animals. In this group are such varied animals as bears, pandas, raccoons, cats, hyenas, and even seal. The dog or canine family has many wild species like wolves, foxes, coyotes, jackals, and wild dogs. The dog is the only domesticated member of the canine family though now and then someone tames a wolf, fox or coyote as a pet. All members of the dog family are descendants of a wolf-like animal which lived about 15 million years ago. From this distant ancestor, the true dogs gradually developed. But nobody knows the exact ancestor of the modern domestic dog.

Several wild dogs look and behave like domestic dogs. The dingo or wild dog of Australia is one of these. It is possible that the dingo was a tamed dog brought to Australia long ago which then ran wild. Dogs were the first animals tamed by humans – perhaps 20,000 years ago. Tamed dogs were brought from Asia to the New World 5,000 or more years ago. Dogs were first used for hunting.

1. Find the opposites of these words in the text above.

  1. ancestor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
  2. wild t _ m _
  3. ancient _ _ _ _ _ _
  4. near d _ _ _ _ _ t
  5. suddenly gr _ _ _ _ _ _ _

2. Complete the following sentences.

(i) The dingo is __________________________.

(ii) Dogs were the __________________________ animals tamed by humans. The other animals tamed by humans are __________________________


(Think and name some other such animals.)

(iii) The New World refers to __________________________ .

Dogs were brought there from __________________________ .


(i) ancestor – descendants

(ii) wild – tame

(iii) ancient – modern

(iv) near – distant

(v) suddenly − gradually


(i) The dingo is the wild dog of Australia, which looks and behaves like a domestic dog.

(ii) Dogs were the first animals tamed by humans. The other animals tamed by humans are wolf, fox, and coyote.

(iii) The New World refers to the non-Eurasian/ non-African parts of the earth, specifically the Americas and Australasia. Dogs were brought there from Asia.


Family Tree of Dogs


Family Tree of Dogs

Question: What sort of life did Dogs live a long time ago?

Answer: Dogs were once their own masters. They moved out freely like wolves.

Question: Why did the Dog decide to lose his freedom?

Answer: The dog found his life boring and unsafe. He had to look for his food alone. He felt tired. He was also afraid of stronger animals.

Question: What major decision did that Dog take?

Answer: That dog decided to become the servant of one who was stronger than anyone on earth. He set out to find such a master.

Question: Why did the Dog say goodbye to the Wolf?

Answer: The Dog noticed that the Wolf was afraid of the Bear. So he left the weak master and joined the Bear.

Question: Who was the Bear afraid of?

Answer: The Bear too was frightened when he got the smell of a Lion. He fled swiftly into the deep forest.

Question: What was the Dog’s experience with the Lion?

Answer: The Lion was definitely stronger than any other beast in the forest. The Dog felt happy and secure with his new master. But the Lion also showed signs of fear of seeing the man. So he decided to take up service with a man.

Question: What does the writer say about the friendship between man and dog?

Answer: Dog is man’s most dependable servant. He has been serving his master most faithfully for ages. He never felt the need to change his master again.

Question: Why did the dog prefer a strong master to live in the jungle?

Answer: Centuries ago, the wild dog roamed as freely in the forest as wolves. He enjoyed absolute freedom. But he was not quite happy with his way of life. He was sick of his loneliness. He was also afraid of animals stronger than him. He had to look for food himself. So to save himself from hunger and danger of other animals, he decided to have a master stronger than anyone else on earth.

Question: Give the list of the animals the Dog agreed to accompany and serve. Why did it reject them all?

Answer: The Dog set out in search of his protector or master. He first met a Wolf but it was afraid of the Bear. The Dog then asked the Bear to be his master. But the Bear fled on seeing a Lion. The Dog agreed to serve the king of the forest, the Lion. But one day the Lion also showed his fear of man. So the’ Dog said good­bye to Lion and accepted man as his master. He is man’s loyal servant till this day.

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