Wednesday , March 26 2025
NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Social Science: India from the 4th Century CE to the 7th Century CE

NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Social Science: India from the 4th Century CE to the 7th Century CE

Question: What was the difference between the way in which Samudragupta treated the rulers of Aryavarta and Dakshinapatha?

Answer: Samudragupta’s policies towards the rulers of Aryavarta were very strict. All the nine rulers were brutally defeated and their kingdoms were made a part of Samudragupta’s empire. But so far the rulers of Dakshinapatha were concerned, Samudragupta maintained a submissive altitude towards them. There were twelve rulers who surrendered to Samudragupta after being defeated and he then allowed all of them to rule again.

Question: What do you know about Harshavardhana? Describe the main events of his career.


  1. Harshavardhana ruled nearly 1400 years ago.
  2. We come to know about him from his biography, written by his court poet Banabhatta. This biography is known as Harshacharita which is in Sanskrit.
  3. Another source to know about him is Xuan Zang’s account which he left behind him.
  4. Harshavardhana became the ruler of Thanesar after both his father arid elder brother died.
  5. He took over the kingdom of Kanauj after his brother-in-law was killed by the ruler of Bengal.
  6. Harsha led an army against the ruler of Bengal.
  7. He got success in the east and conquered both Magadha and Bengal. But he had to face defeat when he tried to cross the Narmada.

Question: What do you know about the genealogies of the Guptas? Mention in brief.

Answer: We come to know about the genealogy of the Guptas from the prashastis, which mention Samudragupta’s great grandfather, grandfather, father and mother. His mother, Kumara Devi belonged to the Lichchhavi gana, while his father, Chandragupta was the first Gupta ruler who adopted the grand title of maharqj- adhiraja. Samudragupta too used that title. His great grandfather and grandfather are mentioned simply as maharajas. Samudragupta also added the name of his son Chandragupta II in the genealogy. Chandragupta II led an expedition to western India where he defeated the last of the Shakas.

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