Question: What is the difference between a Gram Sabha and a Gram Panchayat?
- Gram Sabha consists of all the adults of a village while Gram Panchayat is elected by the members of the Gram Sabha for a period of five years.
- The area of Gram Sabha is the entire village whereas Gram Panchayat is divided into wards represented by Ward Councillors.
- Gram Sabha puts control over Gram Panchayat.
Question: Find out more about watershed development and how it benefits an area?
Answer: Wastershed Development Programme is an initiative of the goverment. It is done by the Non-govenment Organisation (NGOs). It helps in conservation of water by plantation, making bundns, canals etc.
Question: What various works does a Gram Panchayat do?
Answer: A Gram Panchayat does various works. These works include
- The construction and maintenance of water sources, roads, drainage, school buildings and other common property resources.
- Levying and collecting local taxes.
- Executing government schemes related to generating employment in the village.
Question: What are the sources of funds for the Gram Panchayat?
Answer: The sources of funds for the Gram Panchayat are:
- Collection of taxes on houses, market places etc
- Government scheme funds received through various departments of the government through the Janpad and Zila Panchayats
- Donations for community works etc
Question: What are the functions of the Zila Parishad?
Answer: The functions of the Zila Parishad are:
- It makes developmental plans at the district level
- With the help of Panchayat Samitis, it also regulates the money distribution among all the Gram Panchayats