Saturday , March 29 2025
Rural Administration

NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Rural Livelihoods

Question: Why are local crafts important?

Answer: Local handicraft are an important part rural livelihoods. Some people work in agro based industries. Kantha work, glasswork, madhubani, ikkat, bandhini etc. are forms of artwork found in a specific place. Some of these handicraft are sold in towns and cities.These artistic traditions help to preserve the centuries-old art forms ans also provide a source of income for the artisans.


Question: Define-Malik, mazdoor, kisan.


  1. Malik: Landlords or maliks (owners) are of two types-absentee landlords (landlords who stay in cities and towns) and those who reside in the village in which they own land. The malik derives his agricultural income primarily from property rights. He gets a share of the produce of the land that he owns, in case as well as in kind. He may give his land their to a tenant or may cultivate it by hiring labourers. He may manage the hired labourers himself or through a manager.
  2. Kisans (farmers) may be small landowners or tenants. The difference between the malik and the small kisan is the size of the land owned by them. The kisan himself and one or more members of his family actually work in the fields. Sometimes, the income of the kisan is so little that he and his family members work as agricultural labourers.
  3. Mazdoor: Mazdoors are those landless villagers who earn their livelihood primarily from working on other people’s land. They receive wages in cash or kind.

Question: Write a short note on the new power structure in villages?

Answer: A new power structure has emerged in villages. The power – holders may be classified into groups:

  1. Those who have power based on the ownership and control of land.
  2. Those who have power based on their caste.
  3. Those who have power because of the positions they hold in panchayats or other local bodies.


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