Wednesday , March 26 2025

NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Democracy

Question: Write a short note on elections.

Answer: In a democratic country everyone participates in governing directly or indirectly. An important means for people to exercise their political power are elections. All adult men and women vote to elect their representatives. In doing so, they are indirectly participating in the governance of the country. The elected representative takes part in the government directly on the behalf of the entire community. If people are not satisfied with their government they can remove it in the next elections.

Question: Our constitution guarantees certain basic rights to all its people. What is the purpose behind this.

Answer: Our constitution guarantees certain basic right to all its people. The purpose behind it is that.

  1. Everyone should have equal opportunities.
  2. There should be no discrimination on the basis of caste and colour.
  3. To remove inequality amongst all people.

Question: What is more important in a democracy all citizens should have equal voting right or all citizens should have food clothing and shelter?

Answer: I think that all citizens should have food clothing and shelter because these things are the basic necessary things of life for protection and survival.

Question: What do you understand by absolute monarchy? Name one country which follows this form of government.

Answer: An absolute monarch means the rule by a king or a queen. As heads of state monarch hold absolute power and are above law. They are not accountable to the people. It is a hereditary form of government ruled by single ruler (king, queen or emperor). It was the most common form of government during the medieval period. Today there are very few monarchies left in the world. For example – Saudi Arabia and Yemen.

Question: What is direct democracy? Is it practical to follow it in India?

Answer: If the government is elected and run directly by the people, it is called direct democracy. This however, may not be practical today, especially in countries with a large population like India.

Question: Why is India called a democratic republic?

Answer: India is a democratic republic because we have both the head of the government or the Prime Minister and the head of the state or President elected by the people.

Question: What are the two principles on which democracy is based?

Answer: Democracy is based on two important principles – liberty and equality. Individual freedom and equal opportunities are necessary conditions for a democracy to be successful.

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One comment

  1. Please also tell about political democracy.