Wednesday , March 26 2025
NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Sultanate Period

NCERT 7th Class CBSE SST: New Kings and Kingdoms

Question: Which ruling dynasties engaged in tripartite struggle to control Kannauj? Give reason.

Answer: The tripartite Struggle:

  1. Since 8th country the Palas, The Gurjras – Pratiharas and Rashtrakutas were engaged to control Kannauj
  2. One major cause was a city of Kannauj in North India. Kannauj was rich in wealth and resources.  ( minerals. agriculture and trade)
  3. There was a fight to control the wealth as well as the fertile of Gangetic Valley.
  4. Continuous fights weakened all the three and within 100 years the power of three declined.

Question: How do you know that the Rashtrakutas were patrons of art architecture and literature?

Answer: The Rashtrakutas were patrons of art architecture and literature. The famous Kailasa Temple at Ellora and the rock-cut caves at Elephanta were carved during the reign of the Rashtrakutas. The Rulers also encouraged the growth of the regional languages, especially Kannada.

Question: What do you know about Chola sculpture?

Answer: The cholas also excelled at making images. They were either of stone or bronze, the latter being more popular. The bronze image of Lord Shivo as Nataraja – Lord of Dance is one of the finest specimens of chola art.

Question: How was the clash between Prithwiraj Chauhan and Muhammad Ghori in 1192 different from the clash in 1191?

Answer: In 1191, the armies of Muhammad Ghori and pritheiraj Chauhan clashed at Train, about 80 miles from Delhi. Muhammad Ghori was defeated in the first battle of train.

Soon after, Muhammad Ghori began to regroup his forces. The two armies met once again in 1192. This time, Muhammad’s army was better prepared. Prithwiraj appealed to the neighbouring kings for help. The most powerful Rajput ruler – Raja Jaichandra of kanauj, however stayed away. Prithwiraj was defeated and captured. His territories were occupied.

Question: Describe the military achievements of Rajaraja Chola and Rajendra chola.

Answer: Rajaraja chola (985-1016) also called Rajaraja I was a brilliant commander. He defeated the Pandyas and the Cheras. He built a strong navy to control trade along the coastal area. The Chola fleet captured parts of Ceylon (Sri Lanka ) and the Maldive Islands.

Rajendra Chola (1016 – 1044 ) was Rajaraja’s son. He succeeded his father to the throne. Rajendra Chola’s most daring compaign was in South-East Asia. For countries, Indian merchants had been trading with various parts of South-East Asia and Southern China. Indian ships had to pass through the straits of Molucca, which was controlled by the kingdom of Sri Vijay. They appeald to Rajendra Chola for help. He sent his fleet and defeated the Sri Vijaya king.

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