Friday , March 28 2025

Ideals Of Our Constitution: 8th SST

Question: List the main features of Indian Constitution.


  1. Written and detailed constitution
  2. Democratic governance
  3. Federal System: Distribution of powers between Center and States
  4. Independent Judiciary
  5. Secular State
  6. Universal Adult Franchise
  7. Fundamental rights

Question: Why was the Constitution of India adopted on 26 January 1950?

Answer: The Constitution was adopted by the Constituent Assembly of India on November 1949. However, it came into effect on 26 January 1950, a day selected for its historical significance.

Question: What would happen if there were no restrictions on the power of elected representatives?

Answer: If there were no restrictions on the power of elected representatives, there would always be possibility that they might misuse the authority for their vested interests. Constitution provides safeguards against misuse of authority.

Question: Why is the Indian federation called a centralized federation?

Answer: The Constitution of India has established the federal from of Government in India. It possesses all the necessary characteristics of a federation, i,e. the Indian Constitution is a Written and rigid one. The powers between the center and the state have been divided. But the Union Government have been given more powers than the State Government and there is a single citizenship of a country. So Indian federation is a centralized federation.

Question: Why did the Constitution Assembly decide to add the Directive Principles?

Answer: In addition to Fundamental Rights, the Constitution also has a section called Directive Principles. This section was designed by the members of the Constituent Assembly to ensure greater social and economic reform and to serve as a guide to the independent Indian State to institute laws and policies that help reduce the poverty of the Masses.

Question: Write any fore main feature of the Preamble of the Constitution of India.

Answer: Main features of the Preamble of the Constitution:The main features of India’s Constitution are as follows:

  1. Preamble is the key to Constitution because it contains the essence of Constitution.
  2. Preamble presents all the aims and objectives of the Constitution in short. It will not be wrong to call the preamble is the mirror of the Constitution.
  3. The short summary of all the aspects relating to working of government’s structure, judiciary and executive committees are given.
  4. Preamble provides the knowledge of main fundamentals of the Constitution. In fact Preamble is the foundation of the Constitution. In the words of Ex-Chief Justice K. Subba Rao, “The essence of whole Constitution is given in the Preamble.”

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