Saturday , February 22 2025

NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Industries – Comparative Studies

Question: Explain the geographical advantages enjoyed by Osaka for the development of the cotton textile industry.

Answer: The textile industry flourished here due to the following geographical advantages.

  1. Osaka situated in the plain provided scope for the establishment and future expansion of the textile mills.
  2. Warm and humid climate throughout  the year favours spinning and wesving.
  3. Osaka, situated on the coast, has the ideal location for the import of raw materials and the export of finished goods.
  4. The region is located close to coalfields and water power resources.
  5. Availability of sufficient freshwater from the Yodo river.
  6. New and technologically advanced machinery, alongwith efficient organization made the industry profitable.
  7. Asian and African countries provided a large market for the finished goods.

Question: Discuss the role played  by the Stanford Industrial park in the growth of the Silicon Valley.

Answer: After the Second World War, the US Defence programmes in the field of airspace and electronics helped the growth and development of a number of industrial units in the Silicon Valley. The establishment of the Stanford Industrial Park in 1951, played a key role in the development of the Silicon Valley. This park is a centre of high technology.

A large number of small towns developed high technical structures to meet the increasing needs of the industry in and around the Silicon Valley. Prof Freadrick Terman, who was a Stanford graduate is known as the ‘Father of Silicon Valley.’ He played an important role in its development.

Prof Frederick Terman, asked his students in Stanford University to start new units for the development of computer and electronic industry in this region. So, he asked the university to lease out land to new graduates so that their research work could help in new projects.

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