Friday , March 28 2025
Reaching the Age of Adolescence

NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Science: Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Question: Write a brief note on personal hygiene for adolescents.

Answer: Due to increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, proper personal hygiene is very important for adolescents. Taking a bath every day and cleaning all parts of the body is essential, otherwise body odour and bacterial infection may result. Girls should be especially careful about hygiene during menstruation.

Question: In some teenage boys, the voice suddenly becomes hoarse. Why does this happen and how is it rectified?

Answer: In some boys, the muscles of the voice box go out of control when the vocal chords increase in size. Due to this, the voice becomes hoarse. The hoarse voice persists for a few days or a few weeks, and becomes normal on its own.

Question: Write a short note on HIV.

Answer: This is a virus which causes AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Disease). Till date, there is no cure for this disease. Hence, prevention is the only way to keep away from this dangerous disease. AIDS can spread through sexual contact, through infected needles and from a mother to her unborn child. This can also be transmitted to an infant through mother’s milk.

Question: Write a short note on goiter.

Answer: This disease happens due to iodine deficiency. Iodine deficiency results in less production of thyroxine. This may result in a disease called goiter which is manifested by a permanent swelling in the neck.

Question: What should be done to maintain physical and mental health of adolescents.

Answer: During adolescence, there is rapid mental and physical growth. Therefore, looking after physical and mental health at this stage is of utmost importance:

For proper physical health you need:

  • A Balanced diet containing the right amount of proteins, carbohydrates, fats, vitamins and minerals. The diet should contain adequate amount of cereals for carbohydrates; meat, milk, nuts and pulses for proteins; controlled amounts of butter / ghee / oils and sugars for energy; and fruits and vegetables for protection against diseases. Fast food which is tasty but does not have adequate nutrition, such as chips or aerated drinks, should not be used as substitute for meals.
  • Personal hygiene: Due to increased activity of sweat and sebaceous glands, proper personal hygiene is very important for adolescents. Taking a bath every day and cleaning all parts of the body is essential, otherwise body odour and bacterial infection may result. Girls should be especially careful about hygiene during menstruation.
  • Physical exercise: Walking, jogging, aerobics, outdoor games etc. are good for the growing adolescent body.

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