Wednesday , March 26 2025

NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Constitution And The Need For Law

Question: What is a constitution? Why need to have a constitution?

Answer: A constitution is an important document laying down the fundamental principles of a country. The country is governed by these principles. Our Constitution was prepared by the Constituent Assembly. The Indian Constitution came into effect on 26 January 1950.

Question: Why are laws essential?

Answer: Laws are meant for the welfare and security of the people. They serve as a means of bringing about social change and establishing an egalitarian society. In a traditionally inequal society like India, plagued by social evils such as dowry, female foeticide and alcoholism, the need for laws become even more important are curb.

Question: Why was the Dowry prohibition Act passed? What do you know about it?

Answer: Dowry is the money or gifts given to the groom by the bride’s family at the time of marriage. Often dowry demands continue after marriage. The inability to fulfill the demands results in physical or mental torture of the bride and in extreme cases leads to death. The government passed the Dowry Prohibition Act in 1961. This Act prohibited giving and taking of dowry. According to the Act, anyone caught giving or taking dowry is liable for both imprisonment and fine.

Question: What is the difference between rule and rule of law?

Answer: Rule: A rule in an established principle, a standard or a guide for action. Rules are essential for efficient and proper governance of a country.

Rule of Law: The Rule of Law implies that no one is above the law. This not only regulates the power of the government but also stresses that everyone is equal before the law. We can say that democracy and the Rule of Law complement each other.

Question: List five reasons why our Constitution is important.

Answer: Importance of Our Constitution:

  1. Our Constitution regulates the relation regarding the structure, organs, duties and responsibilities of the government.
  2. Our Constitution regulates the relationship between the various organs as well as between the citizens and the government.
  3. Our Constitution has a system of checks and balances. This prevents the misuse of power vested in the government.
  4. Because India has a diverse population, it is important to protect the rights of the minorities. Our Constitution guarantees certain rights to project the minorities against the oppression by the majority.
  5. Our Constitution also guarantees certain Fundamental rights to the citizens in order to protect them against any injustice by the government.

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