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8th English NCERT Honeydew and It So Happened

This is Jody’s Fawn 8th CBSE English Honeydew Ch 6

This is Jody’s Fawn 8th Class NCERT CBSE English Honeydew Chapter 6

Question: What had happened to Jody’s father?

Answer: Jody’s father had been bitten by a rattlesnake.

Question: How did the doe save Penny’s life?

Answer: The doe’s liver and heart were used to draw out the poison from Penny.

Question: Why does Jody want to bring the fawn home?

Answer: Jody wanted to bring the fawn home because he felt that they had killed the doe for their purpose and the fawn had been orphaned for no fault of its own. He kept thinking about the hungry and scared fawn. He felt that it was their responsibility to take care of the fawn or else it would starve to death.

Question: How does Jody know that the fawn is a male?

Answer: Jody knew that the fawn was a male because the spots on its body were all in a line. His father had told him that on the body of a doe-fawn, the spots are in different directions.

Question: When and why does Jody’s father need a remedy?

Answer: Penny, Jody’s father, is bitten by a poisonous rattlesnake. Instead of going to a doctor, he kills a she deer and uses her liver to draw out the poison.

This is Jody’s Fawn – Question: How does Jody react to the cruelty of his father?

Answer: Jody, the small boy, tells his father that he had left the fawn alone and defenseless to die. So it is their moral duty to save the innocent and hungry young one of the doe.

Question: How does Penny take his son’s argument?

Answer: Penny agreed with Jody’s argument that it would be ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve.

Question: What did Doc Wilson say about Jody’s suggestion?

Answer: Doc Wilson said that they had to pay the price for everything. He justified the plan of Jody and Penny about the fawn.

Question: Why did Jody see only vultures and kites feeding on the dead body of the doe?

Answer: The sand showed large footprints of tigers or leopards but they did not eat up the dead doe. The reason was that the big cats killed an animal themselves to eat its flesh. Vultures and kites are birds of prey. They also feed on the dead bodies.

Question: How did Jody approach and win the trust of the fawn?

Answer: The fawn shook with fear as Jody drew near. It lifted its nose and scented the visitor. Jody moved forward on all fours and put his arms around its body.

Question: How did Jody feel as he touched the fawn’s skin?

Answer: Jody found the fawn’s skin very soft and clean. He stroked its sides gently as though it were made of clay and would break soon.

Question: How did Jody feed the fawn?

Answer: Jody decided to give away his share of milk to the fawn. He poured the milk into a small pot. Then he dipped his fingers in the milk and put them into its mouth. The fawn sucked slowly until the milk vanished.

Question: What message does the story of the fawn convey to the readers?

Answer: The story highlights two things. It is not fair to kill an animal for its use as a cure. Secondly, one should have pity and love for the animals.

Question: Jody didn’t want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. What were they?

Answer: Jody did not want Mill-wheel with him for two reasons. One reason was that if the fawn was dead or could not be found, he did not want him to see his disappointment. The second reason was that if they found the fawn, then the meeting would be so lovely and secret that he could not endure to share it.

Question: Why was Mill-wheel afraid to leave Jody alone?

Answer: Mill-wheel did not want to leave Jody alone as he was afraid that Jody could lose his way or get bitten by a snake.

Question: How did Jody bring the fawn back home?

Answer: Jody did not want to scare the fawn away. That is why he first stroked its neck slowly, and then put his arms around it. Then, he picked it up and carried it through the thick bushes. He tried to shield its face from the sharp vines. He stopped to rest on his way home. On walking a little, he saw the fawn following him. After this, he would either carry the fawn, or put it down so that it would follow him by itself. When they reached home, it refused to climb the stairs. He then picked it up and took it inside the house.

Question: Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. Can you find at least three words or phrases which show how he felt?

Answer: Jody was filled with emotion after he found the fawn. When he stroked its neck, the touch made him ‘delirious’. When he realized that it was his fawn now, he was ‘light-headed with his joy’. When he finally brought the fawn into the house, Penny thought that “the boy’s eyes were as bright as the fawn’s”.

This is Jody’s Fawn – Question: How did the deer drink milk form the gourd?

Answer: The deer drank the milk from Jody’s hands. When Jody gave milk to the fawn in a gourd, it butted it suddenly, smelling the milk and not knowing what to do with the milk in the gourd. It was then that Jody dipped his fingers in the milk and pushed them into the fawn’s soft wet mouth so that it would drink the milk.

Question: Why didn’t the fawn follow Jody up the steps as he had thought it would?

Answer: The deer is a wild animal. It is used to a life in the forest. When the fawn reached Jody’s home, it did not follow Jody up the steps because of the strangeness of the house and the steps and everything. This is similar to its reaction to the milk in the gourd. It simply did not know what to do.

Question: Why did Penny Baxter allow Jody to go find the fawn and raise it?

Answer: Penny allowed Jody to go find the fawn and raise it because it seemed ungrateful to him to leave the fawn to starve. He agreed with Jody that they had killed the doe for their purpose and the fawn was orphaned for no fault of its own. They could not let the fawn starve. They felt a responsibility towards it.

Question: What did Doc Wilson mean when he said, “Nothing in the world ever comes quite free”?

Answer: Penny had killed the doe to save his life. Therefore, in regard for what the doe had done, its fawn needed to be taken care of and saved from starvation. This was what Doc Wilson meant when he said that nothing in the world came for free.

Question: How did Jody look after the fawn, after he accepted the responsibility for doing this?

Answer: After Jody accepted the responsibility for looking after the fawn, he cared for it like its own mother would. While taking it home, he shielded its face from the sharp vines. He carried it in his arms even though he was tired. On reaching home, he gave it the milk that was meant for him. When he saw that the fawn did not drink the milk kept in the gourd, he fed it with his own hands. Hence, one can say that Jody carried out his responsibility quite well.

Question: How does Jody’s mother react when she hears that he is going to bring the fawn home? Why does she react in this way?

Answer: When Jody’s mother heard that he was going to bring the fawn home, she was a little surprised and asked Jody what fawn he was talking about. He then told her that it was the fawn whose mother they had killed to save Penny. She said they had nothing else to feed it and only the milk they gave him could be given to it. She reacted this way because she was not present at the site where Penny had been bitten, where they had killed the doe. She had not seen the fawn and therefore, was not as concerned as Penny and Jody.

Question: Here are some questions in direct speech. Put them into reported speech.

  1. Penny said, “Do you really want it son?”
  2. Mill-wheel said, “Will he ride back with me?”
  3. He said to Mill-wheel, “Do you think the fawn is still there?”
  4. He asked Mill-wheel, “Will you help me find him?”
  5. He said, “Was it up here that Pa got bitten by the snake?”


  1. Penny asked his son if he really wanted it.
  2. Mill-wheel asked if he would ride back with him.
  3. He asked Mill-wheel if he thought the fawn was still there.
  4. He asked Mill-wheel if he would help him find him.
  5. He asked if it was up there that Pa had got bitten by the snake.

Question: Say whether the verb in each sentence below is transitive or intransitive. Ask yourself a ‘what’ question about the verb. (For some verbs, the object is a person, so ask the question ‘who’ instead of ‘what’).

  1. Jody then went to the kitchen.
  2. The fawn wobbled after him
  3. You found him.
  4. He picked it up.
  5. He dipped his fingers in the milk.
  6. It bleated frantically and butted him.
  7. The fawn sucked his fingers.
  8. He lowered his fingers slowly into the milk.
  9. It stamped its small hoofs impatiently.
  10. He held his fingers below the level of the milk.
  11. The fawn followed him.
  12. He walked all day.
  13. He stroked its sides.
  14. The fawn lifted its nose.
  15. Its legs hung limply


  1. Intransitive
  2. Intransitive
  3. Transitive
  4. Transitive
  5. Transitive
  6. Intransitive, Transitive
  7. Transitive
  8. Transitive
  9. Transitive
  10. Transitive
  11. Transitive
  12. Intransitive
  13. Transitive
  14. Transitive
  15. Intransitive

This is Jody’s Fawn – Question: How did Jody persuade his father to go to the forest to bring back the fawn?

Answer: Jody was a small, brave and sensitive boy. He was with his father when he (his father) was bitten by a rattlesnake. His father quickly killed a doe and used its heart and liver to draw out the snake’s poison. Jody was happy to see that his father got a new life but at the same time he was worried for the little fawn who was left alone without its mother. He wanted to bring back the fawn. He requested his father to allow him to go to the forest to find the fawn. He told him that he didn’t need to drink milk because he was now a big boy. He would give the milk to the fawn. He also said that it was ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve. His father was in a fix. He couldn’t say “no’ to his son. And finally allowed him (Jody) to go to the forest to find the fawn.

Question: How did Jody feed the little fawn?

Answer: Jody poured milk into a small gourd. He dipped his fingers in the milk and thrust them into the fawn’s soft wet mouth. It sucked greedily. When he withdrew them, it bleated frantically and butted him. He dipped his fingers again and as the fawn sucked, he lowered them slowly into the milk. The fawn blew and sucked and snorted. It stamped its small hoofs impatiently. As long as he held his fingers below the level of the milk, the fawn was content.

Question: Here are some words from the lesson. Working in groups, arrange them in the order in which they would appear in the dictionary. Write down some idioms and phrasal verbs connected to these words. Use the dictionary for more idioms and phrasal verbs.

close         draw            make        wonder            scrawny
parted      clearing       sweet       light                   pick

Answer: The word would appear in the following sequence in the dictionary:

clearing,       close,         draw,          light          make,
parted,          pick,        scrawny,     sweet,        wonder

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