Tuesday , March 25 2025
9th Hindi NCERT CBSE Books

CBSE Class 9th Hindi Syllabus 2024-25: Download Syllabus PDF

CBSE Class 9th Hindi Syllabus 2024-25: Syllabus of Hindi CBSE Class 9th for Session 2024-25 Released

CBSE Class 9 Hindi Syllabus 2024-25: The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the new Syllabus of Hindi for the class 9th who are pursuing the Class 9th academic session 2024-25. Class 9 Hindi comprises two courses – Hindi (Course A) and Hindi (Course B). CBSE Class 9th students are advised to understand the whole syllabus completely and create a doable timetable simultaneously sorted and structured strategy to maintain consistency and perform well in the periodic tests and the term exams in the academic session 2024-25. According, to the recent syllabus the syllabus of Hindi Class 9th is unchanged from the previous years.

Each courses are properly mentioned in the provided PDF by the Central Board of Secondary (CBSE). Both courses of Hindi-(Course A) and (Course B) are classified separately which will be better for the students pursuing CBSE Class 9th Hindi 2024-25 to focus on the given chapters and topics. Updates related to the CBSE class 9th 2024 -25 always keep checking our website. Furthermore, To peruse or read the syllabus of CBSE Class 9th Hindi 2024-25, read the Syllabus and PDF below

Table of Content:

  1. Overview
  2. Exam Pattern of Hindi (Course A)
  3. Exam Pattern of Hindi( Course B)
  4. Syllabus of Hindi (Course A & B) 2024-25 in PDF Format

CBSE Class 9th Hindi Syllabus 2024-25: Overview

The entire details of the CBSE Class 9th Hindi Syllabus 2024 25 is mentioned here:

Name of Board Central Board of Secondary
Official Website cbse.gov.in
Class CBSE Class 9
Academic Year 2024-25
Subject Hindi
Subject Code Hindi (Course A)-002
Hindi (Course B)-085
Status of Syllabus Released
Deletion in Syllabus No
Exam Pattern Annual Theory Exam (80) Marks + Internal assessment (20) Marks
Exam Duration 3 Hours

Exam Pattern of Hindi (Course A):

The exam pattern for the CBSE Class 9th Hindi (Course A) 2024-25 is as follows:

क्रमांक: S.No. विषयवस्तु: Subject-object कुल भार – Total weight
1 अपठित अंश 10
2 व्याकरण के लिए निर्धारित विषय-वस्तु का बोध भाषिक बिंदु / सरचना आदि पर प्रश्न 16
3 पाठ्यपुस्तक क्षितिज भाग-1 व पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक कृतिका भाग 1 34
4 लेखन 20
कुल (Total) 80

Exam Pattern of Hindi( Course B):

The exam pattern for the CBSE Class 9th Hindi (Course B) 2024 25 is as follows:

क्रमांक: S.No. विषयवस्तु: Subject-object कुल भार – Total weight
1 अपठित गद्यांश 14
2 व्याकरण 16
3 पाठ्यपुस्तक स्पर्श भाग 1 व पूरक पाठ्यपुस्तक संचयन भाग 1 30
4 लेखन 20
कुल (Total) 80

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