Saturday , March 29 2025

NCERT 9th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Democratic Rights

Question: Mention any three rights of a detained person.


  1. To be informed of the reason of arrest and detention.
  2. To be produced before the nearest magistrate within 24 hours of arrest.
  3. Right to consult a lawyer or engage a lawyer for his defense.

Question: Mention the restrictions that can be imposed on various forms of freedoms granted by the Constitution.


  1. Freedom of speech and expression — reasonable restrictions can be imposed on this freedom.
  2. Restriction on freedom to hold meetings, processions, rallies and demonstrations and reasonable restriction in the interest of public order.
  3. Restrictions on freedom to form associations and unions in the interest of public order, morality of sovereignty or integrity of India.

Question: Name the Fundamental Right under which each of the following rights falls:
1. Freedom to propagate one’s religion
2. Right to life
3. Abolition of untouchability
4. Ban on bonded labor


  1. Right to freedom of religion
  2. Right to freedom (personal liberty)
  3. Right to equality
  4. Right against exploitation

Question: Which of these statements about the relationship between democracy and rights is more valid? Give reasons for your preference.
1. Every country that is a democracy gives rights to its citizens.
2. Every country that gives rights to its citizens is a democracy.
3. Giving rights is good, but it is not necessary for a democracy.

Answer: Statement ‘a’ is more valid. Every country which provides rights to its citizens might not be a democracy but it is essential for a democracy to provide rights to its citizens.

Question: Are these restrictions on the right to freedom justified? Give reasons for your answer.
1. Indian citizens need permission to visit some border areas of the country for reasons of security.
2. Outsiders are not allowed to buy property in some areas to protect the interest of the local population.
3. The government bans the publication of a book that can go against the ruling party in the next elections.

Answer: Restriction ‘a’ is justified to protect the citizens from loss of life or property, but ‘b’ and ‘c’ are not justified as ‘b’ infringes on the right to freedom and ‘c’ violates the right to freedom of speech.

Question: Manoj went to a college to apply for admission into an MBA course. The clerk refused to take his application and said “You, the son of a sweeper, wish to be a manager! Has anyone done this job in your community? Go to the municipality office and apply for a sweeper’s position”. Which of Manoj’s fundamental rights are being violated in this instance? Spell these out in a letter from Manoj to the district collector.

Answer: Right to equality and Right to freedom are being violated in this instance.

Question: When Madhurima went to the property registration office, the Registrar told her. “You can’t write your name as Madhurima Banerjee d/o Α. K. Banerjee. You are married, so you must give your husband’s name. Your husband’s surname is Rao. So your name should be changed to Madhurima Rao.” She did not agree. She said “If my husband’s name has not changed after marriage, why should mine?” In your opinion who is right in this dispute? And why?

In this dispute, Madhurima is right. The Registrar, by questioning and interfering in her personal affairs, is violating her right to freedom. Also, the social question of adopting the husband’s surname has roots in a religious practice which treats women as weaker and inferior. In lieu of this, forcing Madhurima to change her name is an infringement on her right to equality and right to freedom of religion.

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