Sunday , March 30 2025
Diversity in Living Organisms

9th Class (CBSE) Science: Diversity in Living Organisms

Question: Differentiate between vertebrates and invertebrates.


1. Notochord is present.
Notochord is absent.
2. True internal skeleton present.
No true internal skeleton present.

Question: Name the phylum of the following animals: (1) Tapeworm (2) Starfish (3) Jellyfish (4) Octopus


  1. Tapeworm – Flatyhelminthes
  2. Starfish – Echinodermatai
  3. Jellyfish – Coelenterata
  4. Octopus – Mollusca

Question: Identify the phylum for the following characteristics given:
(a) Organisms with joint appendages.
(b) Organisms are generally flat worms.
(c) Body is segmented.
(d) Skin of organisms is full of spikes.


  1. Arthropoda
  2. Platyhelminthes
  3. Ann elida
  4. Echinodermata

Question: State the features of all chordates.

Answer: All chrodates possess the following features:

  1. Have a notochord
  2. Have a dorsal nerve chord
  3. Are triploblastic
  4. Have paired gill pouches

Question: Give general characteristics of Porifera.


  1. Animals with pores all over the body.
  2. Body is not well differentiated.
  3. Non-motile animals, remain attached to solid support.
  4.  Body is covered with hard outer skeleton. Example, sponges.

Question: How are pores or holes all over the body of Porifera important?

Answer: The pores or holes present all over the body of the organisms lead to a canal system that helps in circulating water throughout the body to bring in food and oxygen.

Question: Give general characteristics of ‘Platyhelminthes’?


  1. These are flat worms.
  2. Most of them are parasites.
  3. Animals are triploblastic
  4. No true internal body cavity.
  5. E.g., Tapeworm, planaria, Liver fluke.

Question: Give specific characteristics of Coelenterata.


  1. Water living animals.
  2. Body is made of two layers of cells.
  3. Some of them live in colonies (corals), while others have solitary life-span {Hydra).
  4. Body cavity present.

Question: Give the characteristics of Arthropoda with 2 examples.


Arthropoda means “jointed legs”.

  1. Animals are bilaterally symmetrical and segmented.
  2. It has an open circulatory system.
  3. This is the largest group of animals.
  4. Example: Spider, scorpionts, crabs, house flies.

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