Friday , March 28 2025
Elections Voting

9th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Electoral Politics

Question: What is an election? Discuss the importance of elections in a democracy.

Answer: An election is a contest between different political parties in order to get people’s support. Elections are exceptionally important in a democracy because of the following reasons:

  1.  Without the elections, a democratic government cannot be set up. It has been rightly said, “No election, no democracy”.
  2. Through elections alone, the people can get rid of their cruel and unpopular government, and in its place, they can elect a new popular government.
  3. It is through elections alone that an effective control can be maintained on the executive.
    All the citizens in a modern democracy cannot run the administration. Only their representatives can do it for them. In order to choose such representatives, the elections are a must.

Question: Explain any five conditions for free and fair elections.


  1. One vote one value: Everyone should be able to choose. This means that everyone should have one vote and every vote should have equal value.
  2. Multiple choices: There should be something to choose from. Parties and candidates should be free to contest elections and should offer some real choice to the voters.
  3. Choice at regular interval: The choice should be offered at regular intervals. Elections must be held regularly after every few years.
  4. All should have equal chance of winning: The candidate preferred by the people should get elected.
  5. Free and fair elections: Elections should be conducted in a free and fair manner where people can choose as they really wish.

Question: What is election campaign? What is its importance?

Answer: A political campaign or election campaign is an organized effort by political parties to win the trust of voters.

  1. Election campaign provide an opportunity to the voters to know about political parties, their main agenda and policies.
  2. It provides opportunity to the political parties to make a direct contact with the voters.
  3. During this period the candidates contact their voters, political leaders address election meetings and political parties mobilize their supporters. This is also the period when newspapers and television news are full of election related stories and debates.

Question: How does our Election Law regulate campaigns.

Answer: It is necessary to regulate campaign to ensure that every political party and candidate gets a fair and equal chance to compete. According to our election law, no party or candidate can:

  1. Bribe or threaten voters.
  2. Appeal to them in the name of caste or religion.
  3. Use government resources for election campaigns.
  4. Spend more than Rs. 25 lakhs in a constituency for a Lok Sabha election or Rs. 10 lakhs in a constituency in an Assembly election.

Question: What is model code of conduct for election campaign? Mention any three provisions of model code of conduct.

Answer: These are some set of norms which each and every political party is expected to follow during election campaigns. According to this, no party or candidate can:

  1. Use any place of worship for election propaganda;
  2. Use government vehicles, air crafts and officials for elections; and
  3. Once elections are announced, Ministers shall not lay foundation stones of any projects, take any big policy decisions or make any promises of providing public facilities.

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