Friday , March 28 2025
Elections Voting

9th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Electoral Politics

Question: What is a reserved constituency? Why is there need for a reserved constituency?

Answer: These are the constituencies which are reserved for people who belong to the Scheduled Castes [SC] and Scheduled Tribes [ST]. In a SC reserved constituency only someone who belongs to the Scheduled Castes can contest elections. Similarly only those belonging to the Scheduled Tribes can contest an election from a constituency reserved for ST.

Importance of reserved constituencies:

  1. Political equality for weaker sections: Our Constitution entitles every citizen to elect her / his representative and to be elected as a representative. The Constitution makers, however, were worried that in an open electoral competition, certain weaker sections may not stand a good chance to get elected to the Lok Sabha and the state Legislative Assemblies. They may not have the required resources, education and contacts to contest and win elections against others. Those who are influential and resourceful may prevent them from winning elections. If that happens, our Parliament and Assemblies would be deprived of the voice of a significant section of our population. That would make our democracy: less representative and less
    democratic. So, the makers of our Constitution thought of a special system of reserved constituencies for the weaker sections.
  2. Gender equality: Indian society is a male dominating society. So to provide them equal representation one-third of the seats are reserved in rural and urban local bodies for women candidates.

Question: What is principle of universal adult franchise? What is its importance?

Answer: According to universal adult franchise every citizen of India who is 18 years of age or above has the right to vote irrespective of his caste, color, sex, gender etc.


  1. It provides political equality.
  2. Through universal adult franchise all are included in decision making. Different citizens differ from one another in many ways: some are rich, some are poor; some are highly educated, some are not so educated or not educated at all; some are kind, others are not so kind. But all of them are human beings with their own needs and views. That is why all of them deserve to have an equal say in decisions that affect them.

Question: Which moral value is reflected by the universal adult franchise?

Answer: Equality.

Question: “Sanjay Kumar, a citizen of India was not allowed to caste his vote as he was not having an Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC)”. What is the purpose of an EPIC and what were the options available to Sanjay Kumar?

Answer: The purpose of an Election Photo Identity Card (EPIC) is to make it sure that no one votes for someone else. Sanjay Kumar could have shown any other valid proof like ration card or the driving licence.

Question: When government officials work in election duty, are they under the control of the Election Commission or the Government? Give reason.

Answer: They work under the control of Election Commission. This is done to conduct free and fair elections, so that the party in power is not a position to misuse the government machinery.

Question: Mention any three provisions of a Model Code of Conduct for election campaigns.

Answer: According to this:

  1. No party or candidate can use any place of worship for election propaganda.
  2. Use government vehicles, air crafts and officials for elections; and
  3. Once elections are announced, Ministers shall not lay foundation stones of any projects, take any big policy decisions or make any promises of providing public facilities.

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