Friday , March 28 2025
Force and Laws of Motion

9th Class (CBSE) Science: Force and Laws of Motion

Question: When a motorcar makes a sharp turn at a high speed, we tend to get thrown to one side. Explain why?

Answer: It is due to law of inertia. When we are sitting in car moving in straight line, we tend to continue in our straight-line motion. But when an unbalanced force is applied by the engine to change the direction of motion of the motorcar. We slip to one side of the seat due to the inertia of our body.

Question: State the difference in balanced and unbalanced force.


Balanced force
Unbalanced force
Force acting on a body from the opposite directions are same.
Force acting on a body from two opposite directions are not same.
It does not change the state of rest or of motion of an object.
It do change the state of rest or of motion of an object.

Question: What change will force bring in a body?

Answer: Force can bring following changes in the body:

  1. It can change the speed of a body.
  2. It can change the direction of motion of a body,
  3. It can change the shape of the body.

Question: Explain why it is dangerous to jump out of a moving bus.

Answer: While moving in a bus our body is in motion. On jumping out of a moving bus our feet touches the ground and come to rest. While the upper part of our body stays in motion and moves forward due to inertia of motion and hence we can fall in forward direction.

Hence, to avoid this we need to run forward in the direction of bus.

Question: Why do fielders pull their hand gradually with the moving ball while holding a catch?

Answer: While catching a. fast moving cricket ball, a fielder on the ground gradually pulls his hands backwards with the moving ball. This is done so that the fielder increases the time during which the high velocity of the moving ball decreases to zero. Thus, the acceleration of the ball is decreased and therefore the impact of catching the fast moving ball is reduced.

Question: In a high jump athletic event, why are athletes made to fall either on a cushioned bed or on a sand bed?

Answer: In a high jump athletic event, athletes are made to fall either on a cushioned bed or on a sand bed so as to increase the time of the athlete’s fall to stop after making the jump. This decreases the rate of change of momentum and hence the force.

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