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9th Class CBSE English Literature Reader

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read: 9th English Ch 01

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read: NCERT 9th Class CBSE English Course Communicative: Literature Reader Interact in English Chapter 01

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: What did the narator and others wait eagerly for? Why?

Answer: The narrator and others of the village waited eagerly for the bus because it used to bring the newspapers, weekly magazines and the post. The bus was their only link with the outer world.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: Who was Triveni? What did she write about?


What made Triveni popular?


Why are Triveni’s novels appreciated even forty years afters her death?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: Triveni was a popular writer in the Kannada language. Her novels are still apprecited because

  1. her writing style was easy to read and very convincing.
  2. she wrote about the lives of ordinary people.
  3. her stories dealt with complex psychological problems of the people.
  4. her stories were very interesting.

Her stories made people identify with the characters. It made her very popular amoungst them.

Question: What was kashi Yatre? What was it all about?


What did Triveni’s Kashi Yatre reveal about the social, cultural and religious aspects of the contemporary society?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: Kashi Yatre was one of Triveni’s famous novels. It appeared as a serial in the weekly magazine. It narrated the story of an old woman who like other Hindus believed that visiting Kashi and worshipping Lord Vishweshwara yielded the ultimate salvation. But she spent all her saving for the wedding of a young orphan girl. Thus, Kashi Yatre highlighted the social and cultural conditions and religious beliefs of the contemporary society.

Question: What made the old lady in the novel spend all her savings for the wedding of the young orphan girl? What does it tell you about the character of the main protagonist of the novel?


Who is the protagonist in the novel? What does she do and why?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: In Kashi Yatre, the old lady is the leading protagonist. She saved money all her life to go to Kashi but then spent all then spent all that money for the wedding 0f the young orphan girl because she valued her happiness more than her own desire for punya. It tells us that she was kind and sympathetic, generous and self sacrificing and loved the girl. Moreover, she had strong religious beliefs but humanity won over them.

Question: How did the narrato’s grandmother come to know about the story? Why?


Why did the narrator’s grandmother made her narrate the story?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: The narrator’s grandmother was an illiterate woman. She never went to school. So she did not know how to read. As such she made her read out the story to her. Thus, she came to know about the story.

Question: Write about the following memories or experiences. Share your views with the class.

  1. A memorable holiday spent with your grandmother
  2. A story told by your grandmother
  3. The things you admire the most about your grandmother
  4. The difference between your mother and your grandmother


  1. A memorable holiday spent with my grandmother
    Grandmothers are more than mothers. I still remember how I spent a holiday with my grandmother. It was quite a long time since I met her. I found her standing at the village bus-stand to receive me. She was really excited. She had prepared some of my favourite dishes only for me. She took me to the fields. We stopped at the canal. What a sight! Children were diving into it from a wooden bridge. I enjoyed fresh sugarcanes. It was evening. A herd of cattle was returning home. My grandmother would not let me sleep early. She had many interesting stories to tell. She talked of her youth, her good old times and her hobbies. She kissed me affectionately before I went to bed.
  2. A Story told by my grandmother
    It is difficult to imagine a grandmother without her fanciful stories. My grandmother is a great story-teller. Her narrative skill is very real and convincing. She will make you believe even the incredible. She has stored many stories in her rpemory. Her favourite story is of Savitri and Yama. Savitri’s husband was cutting wood in the forest. He fell down from a tree and died. The God of death, Yama came to take him to the other world. Savitri would not let him come near the dead body of her husband. She remained glued to the dead body for many days. She didn’t eat and sleep. The God of death was moved. He had never seen such a devoted and determined wife. He was pleased and restored Savitri’s husband to life.
  3. The things I admire the most about my grandmother
    My grandmother is my role-model. I am very much impressed with her personality. But there are certain things which I admire the most in her character. The first thing is her sense of discipline. She is very regular and punctual. She gets up at 5 a.m. in the morning. She is ready for her prayers before 6 a.m. She has always a fixed time for everything. I like her deep faith in God. Her sense of cleanliness is extremely praiseworthy. She looks noble and dignified in her spotless white clothes. All these things make her a very pleasing and dignified personality.
  4. The difference between my mother and my grandmother
    Human relations generally defy comparisons. But still there are certain basic differences between my mother and my grandmother. I am also different from my mother. So is my grandmother from her daughter-in­law. Basically it is a generation gap. My grandmother is conservative. She is highly religious. She has deep faith in God and fate. But my mother is a working woman. She has a progressive outlook towards life and people. She is not so religious. She believes that everyone has a right to lead one’s own kind of life. My grandmother thinks that home and children are the most important things for any woman. My mother thinks of other things as well. She believes that a woman must have freedom to decide what is good or bad for her.

Question: Have you ever been on a trip to any place in India, where you didn’t know the language spoken locally? How did you feel? How did you manage to communicate?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: During my tour to Tamil Nadu, I happened to visit a small village. It is near the temple town of Kanchipuram. Actually, I went there to buy some sarees for my mother and my elder sister. I went to a handloom shop. The shopkeeper welcomed me with folded hands and wished ‘namaskaram’. I did the same. I said ‘sarees’. He responded by saying ‘ilia’ or ‘Yella’ or something like that. He said something to the helpers. I could not understand even a word. Many new sarees of different colours were laid before me. I picked up one and asked the price. He raised three fingers—I couldn’t make out whether he was asking for three hundred or three thousand. A man who knew some Hindi saved me from the embarrassment. I paid six thousand and bought two sarees. Only then I realised that I was a stranger in my own country and I determined to learn at least one language that is spoken in South India.

Question: Now that you have enjoyed reading the story, answer the following questions by choosing the correct option

(a) The grandmother could relate to the central character of the story ‘Kashi Yatre’ as _______

  1. both were old and uneducated.
  2. both had granddaughters who read to them.
  3. both had a strong desire to visit Kashi.
  4. both were determined to learn to read.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

  • (3.) both had a strong desire to visit Kashi.

(b) Why did the women at the temple discuss the latest episode of ‘Kashi Yatre’?

  1. to pass their time.
  2. the writer, Triveni, was very popular.
  3. they could relate with the protagonist of the serial.
  4. women have a habit of discussing serials.


  • (2.) the writer, Triveni, was very popular.

(c) The granddaughter found her grandmother in tears on her return as__________

  1. the grandmother had been unable to read the story Kashi Yatre’ on her own.
  2. the grandmother had felt lonely.
  3. the grandmother wanted to accompany her granddaughter.
  4. she was sad she could not visit Kashi.


  • (1.) the grandmother had been unable to read the story Kashi Yatre’ on her own.

(d) Why did the grandmother touch her granddaughter’s feet?

  1. As a mark of respect to her teacher.
  2. It was a custom in their family.
  3. Girls should be respected.
  4. She had read the story of Kashi Yatra’ to her.


  • (1.) As a mark of respect to her teacher.

Question: Answer the following questions briefly

(a) What made Triveni a popular writer?
(b) Why did the grandmother depend on her granddaughter to know the story?
(c) Pick out two sentences which state that the grandmother was desperate to know what happened in the story.
(d) Could the grandmother succeed in accomplishing her desire to read? How?
(e) Which of the following traits would be relevant to the character of the narrator’s grandmother?

  1. determined
  2. selfish
  3. emotional
  4. mean

Give reasons for your choice.


(a) Triveni was a very popular writer in the Kannada language. Her style was easy to read and very convincing. Her stories usually dealt with complex psychological problems of ordinary people. They were always very interesting.

(b) The grandmother never went to school. She was totally illiterate. So she could not read. Her granddaughter would read the next episode of Kashi Yatre when the weekly Karmaveera came. The grandmother depended on her granddaughter to know the story.

(c) The following two sentences state that the grandmother was desperate to know what happened in the story:

  1. ‘During that time, she would forget all her work and listen with the greatest concentration.’
  2. ‘So more than anybody else she was the one most interested in knowing what happened next in the story.’

(d) Yes, the grandmother did succeed in accomplishing her desire to read. Being illiterate, she felt very dependent and helpless. She was determined to overcome that obstacle and learn the Kannada language. She made her granddaughter her teacher and did amazing amount of homework. She set Saraswati Pooja day as the deadline. She came out with flying colours. She could now read Kashi Yatre on her own.

(e) Two traits that were relevant to the character of the narrator’s grandmother were:

  1. her determination
  2. her emotional nature

She was determined to learn the Kannada language to read Kashi Yatre herself. She set the deadline and accomplished the task within the stipulated time.

When the narrator came, she found her grandmother in tears. Her affectionate hands touched her granddaughter’s feet. She touched her feet as a mark of respect to her teacher

Question: Here are some direct quotations from the story. Identify the speaker and write what each quotation suggests about the speaker. You can use the adjectives given in the box and may also add your own.

amiable, tender, gentle, sympathetic, determined, diligent, kind, concerned, systematic, wise, helpful, enthusiastic, cruel, humble, religious, prudent

Speaker Quotation Quality Highlighted
(a) ‘Awa, is everything all right? Are you O.K.?’
(b) ‘At times, I used to regret not going to school, so I made sure that my children and grandchildren studied well.’
(c) ‘Awa, don’t cry. What is the matter? Can I help you in anyway?’
(d) ‘We are well-off, but what use is money when I cannot be independent.’
(e) ‘I will keep Saraswati Pooja day during Dassara as the deadline.’
(f) ‘For a good cause if you are determined you can overcome any obstacle.’
(g) I am touching the feet of a teacher not my granddaughter.’


Speaker Quotation Quality Highlighted
(a) The narrator ‘Awa, is everything all right? Are you O.K.?’ concerned sympathetic, helpful
(b) The grandmother ‘ At times, I used to regret not going to school, so I made sure that my children and grandchildren studied well.’ wise, understanding
(c) The narrator ‘Awa, don’t cry. What is the matter? Can I help you in anyway?’ Sympathetic/helpful, amiable
(d) The grandmother ‘We are well-off, but what use is money when I cannot be independent.’ prudent
(e) The narrator ‘I will keep Saraswati Pooja day during Dassara as the deadline.’ determined, religious
(f) The grandmother ‘For a good cause if you are determined you can overcome any obstacle.’ enthusiastic; diligent
(g) The grandmother I am touching the feet of a teacher not my granddaughter.’ respectful, humble

Question: (a) List any three feelings of the old people in this story.

  1. ____________________
  2. ____________________
  3. ____________________

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

  1. They feel dependent.
  2. They feel helpless due to extreme old age.
  3. They feel proud of their children who are so caring to them.

(b) Complete the following:

  1. We can make our grandparents happy by __________
  2. We can avoid constructing more and more Old Age Homes by___________


  1. giving them proper care.
  2. giving them honourable place in our own house.

Question: After having read the story, you realise the anguish of the illiterate adults. You want to make your friends aware of it and contribute something in bringing about a change in the lives of the illiterate adults. Deliver a speech in the morning assembly at your school about the Importance of Adult Education and ways to implement it.

Read the following to make your speech effective:

The introduction of a speech is like the nose of an airplane. The nose sets the course and leads the plane off in a specific direction. A good introduction sets the direction of your speech by

  1. getting the attention of your audience
  2. introducing your topic
  3. stating your central idea or purpose
  4. briefly identifying the main points
  5. making your audience eager to hear what you have to say

Answer: Importance of Adult Education and Ways to Implement it

Respected Principal, teachers and dear friends!

India’s economic achievements may be spectacular. So may be its rapid strides in space and arms. But let me ask you a question. Don’t we feel ashamed at having the maximum number of illiterates in the world? Doesn’t it make a mockery of all our achievements? I want to make, particularly my friends aware of it. I want that all of us must contribute something in bringing about a change in the lives of the illiterate adults.

I feel that every unit of N.S.S. in schools must call for volunteers. The volunteers of each unit must adopt at least five villages. They must set their targets. I think two years are enough. Scatter out in the villages. Find out the illiterate adults. Be respectful and cooperative. Give them at least 20 hours a week.

I want to draw the attention of all of you to the grandmother of the story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’. When an old and illiterate lady like Krishtakka can read a novel within a year, why can’t others? Let’s be like the granddaughter. Let’s be totally devoted to the cause of the illiterates. We can do wonders. A day will come when we will have not a single illiterate in India. It may take time. But that day will come.

Question: You are the grandmother. How did you feel when your granddaughter gave you the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’ ? Write your feelings in your diary.

To make your diary entry interesting, read the following information about what is a diary entry.
A diary entry is a purely personal piece of writing. The writer expresses his / her thoughts and feelings. Reactions to incidents are generally poured out in a diary. Hence expressions that are emotionally charged are used.
For example – When you are happy about something, you could start like this
8th July 20xx, Wednesday 8 pm

Today I am very happy as ………………………..

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

8th July 20XX, Wednesday 8pm

Today I am very happy as my mission is almost over. About a year ago I set a deadline. I didn’t want to remain dependent and helpless anymore. So I decided to cast off the curse of illiteracy. I decided to leam the Kannada alphabet. No doubt, this task would not have seen the day without the active help of my granddaughter. She acted as my teacher and I worked hard and did an amazing homework under her guidance.

Today, my granddaughter has given me a copy of Triveni’s famous novel Kashi Yatre. Lord, how merciful you are! Now I can read any novel with confidence on my own. don’t need my granddaughter to read Kashi Yatre anymore for me. I have attained self­respect and independence. It is true that if you are determined you can overcome all obstacles. And I have learnt another lesson. For learning, there is no age bar.

Question: Here is a story about Swami and his grandmother. After reading the excerpt, change it into a conversation between Swami and his Grandmother.

After the night meal with his head on his granny’s lap, nestling close to her, Swaminathan felt very snug and safe in the faint atmosphere of cardamom and cloves. ‘Oh, Granny !’ he cried ecstatically. ‘You don’t know what a great fellow Rajam is.’ He told her the story of the first enmity between Rajam and Mani and the subsequent friendship.

‘You know, he has a real police dress,’ said Swaminathan. ‘Is it? What does he want a police dress for?’ asked Granny.

‘His father is the Police Superintendent. He is the master of every policeman here.’ Granny was impressed. She said that it must be a tremendous office indeed. She then recounted the days when her husband, Swaminathan’s grandfather, was a powerful sub-magistrate, in which office he made the police force tremble before him and the fiercest dacoits of the place flee. Swaminathan waited impatiently for her to finish the story. But she went on, rambled, confused, mixed up various incidents that took place at different times. ‘That will do, Granny,’ he said ungraciously. ‘Let me tell you something about Rajam. Do you know how many marks he gets in arithmetic?’

‘He gets all the marks, does he, child?’ asked Granny.

‘No silly. He gets ninety marks out of one hundred.’

‘Good. But you must also try and get marks like him…. You know, Swami, your grandfather used to frighten the examiners with his answers sometimes. When he answered a question, he did it in a tenth of the time that others took to do it. And then, his answers would be so powerful that his teachers would give him two hundred marks sometimes.

‘Oh, enough, Granny ! You go on bothering about old unnecessary stories. Won’t you listen to Rajam?’

‘Yes, dear, yes.’

‘Granny, when Rajam was a small boy, he killed a tiger.’

Swaminathan started the story enthusiastically : Rajam’s father was camping in a forest. He had his son with him. Two tigers came upon them suddenly, one knocking down the father from behind. The other began chasing Rajam, who took shelter behind a bush and shot it dead with his gun.

‘Granny, are you asleep?’ Swaminathan asked at the end of the story.

Now read the dialogue and complete the conversation:

Swarni: You don’t know what a great fellow Raj am is! In the beginning I could not get along with him but now he is my good friend. And you know, he has a real police dress.
Grandmother: Is it? What does he want a police dress for?
Swarni: His father is the Police Super­intendent. He is the master of every policeman here.
Grandmother: I think, it must be a tremendous office. Do you know, your grandfather was a powerful sub­magistrate and the Police Force trembled before him? Even the fiercest dacoits of the place fled.
Swarni: That will do, Granny. It’s so boring. Let me tell you something about Raj am. Do you know how many marks he gets in arithmetic?
Grandmother: He gets all the marks, doesn’t he, child?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Swarni: No silly! He gets ninety marks out of one hundred.
Grandmother: That’s good. But you must also try and get marks like him. Do you know how your grandfather used to frighten the examiners with his answers sometimes? He would answer a question in a tenth of the time that others took. He would give so powerful answers that his teachers gave him two hundred marks sometimes.
Swarni: Oh, enough, Granny! Don’t bother about old unnecessary stories. Won’t you listen to Rajam?
Grandmother: Yes, dear, Yes.
Swarni: Granny, do you know when Rajam was a small boy, he killed a tiger? His father was camping with him in a forest. Two tigers came upon them suddenly. One knocked down the father from behind. The other began chasing Rajam. He took shelter behind a bush and shot it dead with his gun. Granny, are you asleep?

Read the given extracts and answer the questions that follow:

Question: One of her novels, called Kashi Yatre, was appearing as a serial in the Kannada weekly Karmaveera It is the story of an old lady and her ardent desire to go to Kashi or Varanasi. (Page 3)

  1. Who is the author of Kashi Yatre?
  2. Like the old lady in Kashi Yatre, who was the other character who had ardent desire to go to Kashi?
  3. Find the word from the extract similar in meaning to ‘keen’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

  1. Triveni is the author of Kashi Yatre.
  2. Narrator’s grandmother had ardent desire to go to Kashi.
  3. Arcent

Question: In the end, the old lady gives away all her savings without going to Kashi. She says, ‘The happiness of this orphan girl is more important than worshipping Lord Vishweshwara at Kashi.’ (Page 4)

  1. Who was the old lady?
  2. Why did she give away all her savings to the orphan girl?
  3. Find the word from the extract opposite in meaning to ‘trivial’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

  1. The old lady was the main character of the novel Kashi Yatre.
  2. She gave away all her savings to the orphan girl to make her able to marry the man whom she loved.
  3. Important

Question: So more than anybody else she was the one most interested in knowing what happened next in the story and used to insist that I read the serial out to her. (Page 4)

  1. Who is ‘she’ in the above lines?
  2. Name the Kannada weekly in which the story appeared.
  3. Give a word from the passage similar in meaning to ‘urge’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

  1. She is the narrator’s grandmother, Krishtakka.
  2. The story appeared in the Karmaveera
  3. Insist

Question: ‘When I was a young girl I lost my mother. There was nobody to look after and guide me. My father was a busy man and got married again. In those days people never considered education essential for girls, so I never went to school.’ (Page 4)

  1. Who is the speaker of the above lines?
  2. What is the speaker’s agony?
  3. Wite the verb form of ‘education’.


  1. Narrator’s grandmother, Krishtakka is the speaker
  2. Her agony was that she couldn’t go to school
  3. Educate

Question: I felt so very dependent and helpless. We are well-off, but what use is money when I cannot be independent? (Page 5)

  1. Who is ‘I’ in these lines?
  2. Why did she feel very dependent and helpless?
  3. We are ‘well-off’. What does the phrase ‘well-off’ mean here?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

  1. ‘I’ stands for the narrator’s grandmother.
  2. She was illiterate so she felt herself dependent and helpless.
  3. Prosperous

Question: Childishly, I made fun of the old lady. But she just smiled. (Page 5)

  1. Who made fun of the old lady?
  2. The old lady was ridiculed and laughed at. Why?
  3. Why did the old lady smile?


  1. The narrator made fun of the old lady.
  2. She was ridiculed as she decided to learn Kannada alphabet at the age of 62.
  3. The old lady smiled because she was confident of herself.

Question: ‘For a good cause if you are determined, you can overcome any obstacle. I will work harder than anybody but I will do it. For learning there is no age bar.’(Page 5)

  1. What is the ‘good cause’ here?
  2. Who is ‘I’ in the above lines?
  3. What does the phrase ‘age bar’ mean here?


  1. Learning Kannada alphabet is the ‘good cause’ here.
  2. Narrator’s grandmother.
  3. There is no age limit for learning.

Question: Read the extract given below and answer the questions / complete the sentences that follow: “It is the story of an old lady and her ardent desire to go to Kashi or Varanasi.”

  1. Whom does ‘it’ refer to?
  2. Describe the character of the old lady on the basis of above mentioned lines.
  3. What do you mean by the word ‘ardent’?


  1. It’s meter to the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’
  2. The old lady was kind and helpful.
  3. Ardent’ means very passionate.

Question: “At times, I used to regret not going: to school, so I made sure that my children and grand children studied well”.

  1. Who is the speaker of these lines?
  2. What did the speaker regret?
  3. What did the speaker decide to do?


  1. Avva, the grandmother.
  2. The speaker regretted not being educated in childhood.
  3. Avva decided to educate her children and grand children well.

Question: “I felt so very dependent and helpless. We ate well—off: but what use of money when I cannot be independent”

  1. Who is the speaker of these lines?
  2. When did the speaker feel so very’ dependent and helpless’?
  3. By ‘independent’ the speaker here means.


  1. The grandmother.
  2. When the speaker had gone for a wedding in the neighbouring village her grandmother opened the magazine, looked at the pictures but was unable to read anything. It was at this moment that she felt dependent and helpless and understood the value of literacy.
  3. To be able to read and write and to be literate represents actual independence.

Question: “But I knew I loved her immensely and there had to be some reason why she was talking to me. I looked at her face. It was unhappy and her eyes were filled with tears.”

  1. Who is ‘V and ‘she’ in the above extract?
  2. Why did the grandmother want to talk with the narrator?
  3. Why was file grandmother unhappy? (Board Term 12012, Set 37)


  1. ‘I’ is the narrator, Sudha Murthy and ‘she’ is the grandmother.
  2. The grandmother was feeling distressed, so she wanted to tell her granddaughter about her inability to read.
  3. The grandmother was unhappy because she felt helpless and dependent due to her inability to read.She regretted that she didn’t go to school.

Question: “The amount of homework she did was amazing”. She would read, repeat, write and recite.

  1. Who is ‘she’ in the above lines? What ‘homework’ is being talked about here?
  2. Why was she so keen on doing the homework?
  3. What does this extract reveal about the character of ‘she’?


  1. ‘She’ is Avva, the grandmother The homework is the practice of reading repeatedly, writing and reciting
  2. She was keen because she wanted to learn how to read and write so that she could be independent.She had fixed
  3. The extract shows her willpower and strong determination.

Question: “When I came back to my village, I saw my grandmother in tears. I was surprised, for I had never seen her cry even in the most difficult situations.”

  1. Who is T in the above extract ? Where did she/he return from?
  2. (b) Why was the grandmother in tears?
  3. (c) What does the last line of the extract tell you about the grandmother’s character?


  1. Sudha Murthy is T in the extract. She returned from a neighbouring village after attending the marriage.
  2. Grandmother was in tears as she realized how helpless and dependent she was due to her inability to read.
  3. The last line of the extract indicates that she was determined and strong and had taken life as it came.

Question: “Childishly I made fun of the old lady. But she just smiled.”

  1. Who made fun of the old lady?
  2. Why did the speaker make fun of the old lady?
  3. Why did the old lady smile?


  1. The granddaughter made fun of the old lady.
  2. The narrator made fun of the old lady because she wanted to learn the alphabet at the age of 62.
  3. The old lady smiled because she had confidence.She believed that for learning, age was no bar.

Question: “I felt so very dependent and helpless. We are well off but what use of money when I cannot be independent,”

  1. Who is ‘I’ in these lines?
  2. Why did she feel dependent?
  3. What does the phrase ‘well off’ mean?


  1. The grandmother.
  2. She felt dependent because she was illiterate.
  3. Well off means prosperous.

Question: What were the gifts exchanged between the granddaughter and grandmother?

Answer: Grandmother gifted her a frock material-granddaughter gifted her the Kashi Yatre – novel.
The Grandmother gifted her granddaughter a frock material and touched ha- feet as a sign of respect. The narrator gave her the novel-Kashi Yatre as a gift.

Question: How did the granddaughter react to her grandmother’s request to teach her to read?

Answer: At first made fun of her – age bar – seeing her grandmother’s determination to overcome all obstacles – started teaching her in earnest’

When the grandmother requested the granddaughter to teach her to read at first, she made fun of her. She wouldn’t understand why at the age of sixty-two her grandmother had resolved to read and write. Then seeing her determination to overcome all obstacles she (granddaughter) started teaching her in earnest.

Question: Why did the grandmother depend on her granddaughter to know the story of ‘Kashi Yatre’?


Why did the grandmother feel so helpless when her granddaughter went to attend a marriage?

Why was the grandmother upset when her granddaughter went to attend the wedding?

Answer: As the grandmother was illiterate, she was unable to read the next episode of ‘Kashi Yatre’. She felt embarrassed at asking the villagers to read it for her.So she felt miserable and dependent without her granddaughter.

Question: Who was Triveni? What made her popular?


What made Triveni a popular writer?


“Even after 40 years, people continue to appreciate Triveni’s novels.” In the light of this remark what makes Triveni a popular writer?

Answer: Triveni wrote in the Kannada language. Her writing style was easy and had the power to convince the readers. Her stories were inspired from real life and were interesting. The readers can relate themselves with the characters in the stories as her stories were related to the lives of the ordinary people.

Question: What were the circumstances which made the grandmother realize the importance of education? Why had the grandmother not gone to school?


What incident made the grandmother realize the importance of education?

Answer: Like other villagers, the grandmother was also fond of the weekly magazine, ‘Karmaveera’. As she was not educated, she was dependent cm her granddaughter to read that magazine for her. In her granddaughter’s absence, she could not read the next episode of ‘Kashi Yatre’. She felt embarrassed at asking the villagers to read it for her. This incident made her realize (he importance of education. The grandmother had never gone to school because she was born in an era when education of the women folk was not given much importance.

Question: How had the narrator planned to surprise her grandmother? How was she herself surprised?

Answer: The narrator had planned to surprise her grandmother by gifting her a copy of the novel, ‘Kashi Yatre’. The narrator was herself surprised when her grandmother touched her feet to show a mark of respect to the Guru.

Question: What message does the story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ convey?

Answer: The story ‘How 1 Taught My Grandmother to Read’ conveys that there is no age bar for learning. One can learn at any age, provided she/he has a strong will power and determination.

Question: Why did Krishtakka want her children to study well ?

Answer: Krishtakka was not only the narrator’s grandmother but also her student. She had a great zeal to learn to read Kannada and to become independent. She wanted to overcome her inability to read. She had been born in an era when education for women was not given much importance. Later, she understood the importance of education in life and thus, wanted her children to study well.

Question: The novel ‘Kashi Yatre’ had a great impact on the narrator. Explain.


Which aspect of the serial ‘Kashi Yatre’ appealed to the grandmother?

Answer: Grandmother had a keen interest in the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’. She identified herself with the protagonist whose ardent desire to visit Kashi and sacrifice for others had a great impact on the narrator.

Question: Why was the grandmother so keen on doing the homework?

Answer: The grandmother was keen on doing the homework because she wanted to become literate. She found her illiteracy to be a one, handicap for her. She wanted to be independent and self-reliant.

Question: “Awa or the narrator’s grandmother was a wonderful student”. Justify with the help of the story.


How was Awa a wonderful student?

Answer: At the age of sixty-two, Awa resolved to learn the Kannada alphabets which was highly appreciable. She did a great amount of homework. She would untiringly read, repeat, write and recite which was amazing.

Question: “Krishtakka was illiterate but a very intelligent learner”. Explain.

Answer: Though illiterate, grandmother was a very intelligent lady. She could reproduce the entire story after reading it.She made-up her mind to learn to read and write at the age of sixty two and she did it very successfully.

Question: The grandmother in the story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ was a very determined woman, yet at the same time very emotional. Justify.

Answer: The grandmother was determined to learn how to read.She worked hard with strong determination in order to achieve her target before the deadline she had set for herself. After she had accomplished her desire, she ex-pressed her gratitude to her granddaughter She touched the little girl’s feet because she felt it was her duty to pay respect to her teacher irrespective of the gender and age.The grandmother seemed to be very emotional when she told the story of her life to her, granddaughter.

Question: The grandmother touched the feet of her granddaughter. How did she justify this gesture of hers?

Answer: It is a part of our culture that we touch the feet of God, elders and teachers as a mark of respect. But the grandmother touched the feet of her granddaughter. She justified the gesture by saying that she had not touched the feet of her little granddaughter but that she had given respect to the teacher who had taught her so well that she became literate.

Question: In the lesson ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ more than anybody else grandmother was interested in knowing about the latest episode of ‘Kashi Yatre’.Why was she so much interested in it?

Answer: She was interested as it was the story of an old lady and her ardent desire to go to Kashi and worship Lord Vishweshwara which is considered to be the ultimate puny a. The story is of her straggle to go there. The grandmother identified herself with the protagonist as she too had not been to Kashi.

Question: How did Triveni, the writer capture the imagination of the readers?

Answer: Triveni, the popular writer, dealt with complex psychological problems in the lives of the ordinary people. The readers could associate themselves with the characters in her story and hence, followed them.

Question: What major Hindu belief did Triveni revolve her story around?

Answer: Most Hindus believe that going to Kashi and worshipping Lord Vishweshwara is the ultimate punya. Her story revolved around this desire, which is in the heart of every Hindu.

Question: What circumstances forced Sudha Murthy to become a teacher at the young age of twelve?

Answer: The grandmother’s realization of her shortcoming, ha- firm resolution to empower herself and her faith in Sudha’s ability to teach her made Sudha a teacher at a young age.

Question: How did Triveni’s death leave a void in Kannada literature?

Answer: Triveni was a popular writer who wrote in an easy style and convincing manner She touched the lives of ordinary people by dealing with issues close to their lives. Thus, her early demise left a void in Kannada literature.

Question: Which aspect of the serial ‘Kashi Yatra’ appealed to the grandmother?

Answer: The aspect of the serial ‘Kashi Yatre’ which appealed to the grandmother was the protagonist’s desire to go to Kashi and sacrifice her happiness for others.

Question: Do you think that the grandmother was really impressed or influenced by the Kannada writer Triveni? Why or why not?

Answer: Yes, she associated herself with the main character of’ Kashi Yatre’.

Question: What is the theme of the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’?

Answer: The novel describes the travails of an old lady and her deep yearning to undertake the much- cherished and arduous journey to Kashi.She ultimately sacrifices even her deepest desire in order to help an orphan girl. Thus, it is a story of yearning, struggle and sacrifice.

Question: What was the name of the magazine in which ‘Kashi Yatre’ appeared? How often did the villagers receive it?

Answer: The name of the magazine was ‘Karmaveera’. The villagers received it once a week.

Question: Could the grandmother succeed in accomplishing her desire to read? How?

Answer: Grandmother had a keen desire to read. To achieve success in her desire, she worked very hard. She read, repeated, wrote and recited, i.e., she did everything that the lesson demanded. Her capacity to do the homework was ‘amazing’. She showed that there is no age-bar for learning.

Question: “All times, I used to regret not going to school, so I made sure that my children mid grandchildren study well.” With reference to Krishtakka’s saying, do you agree that one understands the importance of something that one does not have in one’s life? What does it reflect about he character and values of the speaker?

Answer: One understands the importance of something only when it is not present in one’s life.

  1. Due to society’s restrictions, Krishtakka could not study at the right age.
  2. Always missed studying learning.
  3. Realized the importance of education, especially when she found herself to be completely dependent on her granddaughter.
  4. Granddaughter, despite being a girl, was made literate by her grandmother – Keeping in mind the void she had felt in her life all along.
  5. Grandmother – quite radical, liberal, modern in making her children and grandchildren literate when she herself had been the victim of society’s restrictions.
  6. Grandmother – determined – in making her granddaughter literate by going against the society norms.

One understands the importance of something only ,when it is not present in one’s life.Due to society’s restrictions, Krishtakka could not study at the right age. But she always missed studying and learning. She realized the importance of education, especially when she found herself to be completely dependent on her granddaughter. She felt helpless when she couldn’t read ‘Karmaveera’. She made her granddaughter literate despite her being a girl. She did so keeping in mind the void she had felt in her life all along. We can call the grandmother quite radical, liberal and modern in making her children and grandchildren literate when she herself had been the victim of society’s restrictions.

Question: “I will keep Saraswati Pooja day during Dussehra as the deadline,” says the grandmother. What does this statement reflect about the speaker? What is the importance of being determined and punctual in our day-to-day life?

Answer: Grandmother was an old lady of sixty-two. She decided that she would learn to read so that she would become independent. She had set a deadline for herself and was determined to achieve it. Her willpower helped her to succeed in learning how to read. She believed that for learning, age is never an obstacle and she proved it right. Both determination and punctuality can take us a long way towards our destination. They provide us with the motivation to fight difficulties and overcome hurdles.

Question: “The narrator felt happy that her student, her grandmother had passed with flying colours”. Comment.

Answer: Grandmother was able to read the Kannada alphabets by the date.She could read the first page of tire book gifted to her by granddaughter.

Krishtakka proved to be a wonderful student.She read, repeated, wrote and recited all her lessons with great enthusiasm and concentration. Despite her age, the amount of work the grandmother did was amazing. On the day of the Dussehra festival, when she gifted her teacher (the narrator) with a frock material, the narrator also gave the grandmother a copy of ‘Kashi Yatre’ which by that time had been published in the form of a novel. When the grandmother read the novel, ‘Kashi Yatre’ and the author’s name, Triveni as well as the publisher’s name; the narrator’s joy knew no bounds and she knew that her student had passed with flying colours.

Question: Education is important for all—young and old alike. Discuss, with reference to ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’.

Answer: I do agree that, ‘Education is important for all—young and old alike’. Many instances can be cited in support of this statement. Although the grandmother was unlettered and unschooled, she realized the importance of reading and took a keen interest in literature. Secondly, she was fully aware of the drawback of being an illiterate.

So she made it a point to ensure that her children and grandchildren studied well. She herself resolved to learn to read and write at the age of sixty-two so that she could be independent. It was all because she knew well that an educated person does not have to depend on others. Education helps one to gain confidence and opens the door for new opportunities.

Question: The old lady in ‘Kashi Yatre’, Sudha Murthy’s grandmother and Sudha herself share some common values of characters. What values are they? How are they important for our contemporary society?

Answer: The principal character of ‘Kashi Yatre’ had an ardent desire to go to Kashi. The grandmother had a similar wish.

She identified herself with the protagonist of the novel and followed her story with great interest. Both have a compassionate nature and the spiritual learning; Both are the epitome of love, determination, will power and dedication.The narrator, Sudha herself is a twelve year old girl and has developed a bond with her grandmother. She too-is sincere and hard working. As a loving teacher, she gifts her student ‘Kashi Yatre’.She too is caring and respects the feelings of her grandmother. Thus, all the three characters leave a permanent impression of dedication, sacrifice and love on the reader’s mind,

Question: Imagine you are Krishtakka and you have achieved the goal that you had set before yourself. Write a letter to one of your nephews telling him about your achievement in about 150 words.


Murthy Villa
Karnataka –


Dear Ramanatham,

How are you? I am fine here.I wanted to share my experience of learning how to read at this age. It is a dream come true for me. I am unable to express my joy tor being able thread and write. Now I am not dependent on ‘ anyone.

I realized the importance of reading when I could not read ‘Kashi Yatra’ in the absence of Sudha. I felt handicapped and dependent at that time. It was then that I decided to learn to read and write. I set myself a target- date. With my strong will power and determination and undoubtedly with Sudha’s diligent labour, I achieved my target 3 before Saraswati Pooja on Dussehra.

Today, I am able to read quite well. I shall always be indebted to Sudha. She has helped me realize my goal and raised my self-esteem.

Do write soon Yours affectionately,


Question: What made the narrator’s grandmother identify herself with the old lady of the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’?

Answer: The principal character of ‘Kashi Yatre’ had an ardent desire to go to Kashi and worship Lord Vishweshwara.The grandmother had a similar wish as it was a popular belief that worshipping Lord Vishweshwara in Kashi was the ultimate punya.

In the story, there was an orphan girl, who wanted to marry but had no money. The old lady gave all the money she had saved for her Kashi visit to the girl. This act of sacrificing pleased the grandmother the most. She identified herself with the protagonist of the novel and followed her story with great interest. Her compassionate nature and the spiritual learning endeared her to the grandmother.

Question: Suppose you are Sudha Murthy. Write a letter to your friend telling her how and why you taught your grandmother to read.


Murthy Villa,
26th April 20xx

Dear Asha

You will be glad to know that I’ve taught my grandmother to read.I wanted to share my experience of helping my grandmother become literate with you.

You know, granny was very fond of the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’. She would listen with great interest and full concentration when I would read out the story to her. Thereafter, she would discuss the story with her friends. However, when I came to visit you last month, there was no one whom she could ask to read out the story for her. She felt disappointed as she was illiterate. The reason behind her illiteracy is not lack of interest but the fact that people in those days did not give much importance to girl’s education. On her request, I taught her the Kannada alphabet. Now she is able to read as well as write.Really it is very satisfying to teach others.You too should try it.

Reply soon to my letter.

Your friend,

Question: Suppose you are the grandmother. How did you feel when your granddaughter gave you the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’ to read? Write about your feelings in your diary in about 150 words.


10, Saturday, December 20xx

Dear Diary,

l am feeling more confident and free today. I have become independent. I no longer feel embarrassed due to my dependence on others for reading.I can read well as I realized my shortcomings and worked hard to overcome them.

Sudha is a wonderful teacher. She has been my guiding light. She helped me in transforming my personality.I , accomplished my task in time – Sudha has gifted me the novel ‘Kashi Yatre’ as a mark of respect and appreciation. I was both thrilled and delighted to receive the novel in front of everyone.

She has raised my self-esteem. My heart’s desire to be able to read has been fulfilled and I shall ever be indebted to Sudha for it. I am full of gratitude and blessings for her. This is a gift. I shall always cherish.

Good Night Diary.

Question: Compare and contrast the character of the grandmother with Juliette.



The grandmother in the story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ is a sixty – two year old lady.She enjoyed listening to ‘Kashi Yatre’ as she related herself with the protagonist. She is very loving and affectionate towards her grandchildren. She decides to learn how to read and write and sets Saraswati Puja day as the deadline. She is very humble. This can be seen from the fact that she touches her granddaughter’s feet to show her respect, as her granddaughter has taught her how to read. She is very enthusiastic about reading, diligent and works very hard.


She is a fickle-minded young woman.’ She changes her mind too often. When she decides to sell the Villa, she wants more money for it than it is worth. This shows that she is very greedy. When she sees the potential buyers Jeanne and Gaston; her cleverness comes to the fore. She flatters the lady hoping to impress them. She is keen on maintaining appearances. She needs money but refuses to work to earn it.

Question: You are Krishtakka. Write a letter to Triveni, the popular writer telling her why you like ‘Kashi Yatre’ and how it motivated you to read.


Murthy Villa,
26th May, 20xx

Dear Triveni,

I wish to thank you for the way, unknowingly, you have brought about a change in my life.I am an avid reader of your novel ‘Kashi Yatre’.

My granddaughter would read out the weekly episode to me. I enjoyed the story as I could identify myself with the novel’s main character, an old woman who did not go to Kashi as she had sacrificed her savings for the orphan girl’s marriage.

When my granddaughter was away, I could not find out what was going on in the story as there was no one who could read it for me. I then decided that I too would learn how to read.With her help, I soon learnt the Kannada alphabet, and now am able to read quite well.

All this would not have happened, and I would have remained illiterate, if you had not written such interesting and inspiring stories.
Thanking you once again.

Yours sincerely,

Question: The writer’s grandmother is convinced that age is no bar when it comes to learning. She wants to convey the same message to her friends. Write a speech in about 150 words to be delivered by the grandmother conveying this most important message to her friends in the temple courtyard.

Answer: Dear friends, good evening. I want to stress upon you that age is no bar when it comes to learning. I was born at a time when it was not necessary to educate the girls. I got married when I was quite young and had children at a very young age. I became busier with the coming of my grandchildren. Like other people, I too was fond of ‘Kashi Yatre’.Since I could not read, my granddaughter read it aloud for me but her week long absence made me realize my dependence on her. It was then that I decided to team Kannada. I set Saraswati pooja during Dussehra festival as my deadline.I put in a lot of hard work. My granddaughter proved to be a good teacher. She undertook the task of making a 62 year old woman literate. 1 achieved the target I had set for myself. There is nothing impossible, you just need strong willpower and determination to make it possible.
Thank you.

Question: Give a character-sketch of the grandmother.

Answer: The Grandmother was an old lady of sixty-two. She was uneducated as she had never been to school. She regretted her illiteracy when her granddaughter went to attend a wedding ceremony. At that moment, she felt helpless and dependent as she could not read ‘Karmaveera’ on her own. She didn’t know how to read. This incident brought a change in her life. She decided that she would learn to read so that she would become independent. Her will power arid firm determination helped her and she succeeded in learning to read. She believed that ‘for learning, age is never an obstacle’ and she proved it right. She was a traditional lady who believed in touching the feet of God, elders and teachers; that’s why, on Dussehra festival, she touched the feet of her granddaughter as a mark of respect towards her teacher.To sum up, she was an affectionate lady with great will-power and firm-determination.

Question: How did the grandmother react to the story? Why?

Answer: The grandmother waited for the next episode of the story eagerly. She listened to it with the greatest concentration. She would forget all her work. She could even repeat it verbatim. Actually, she used to identify with the old lady in the novel. She was therefore greatly fascinated by the story.

Question: What made the grandmother take so much interest in the weekly story of Kashi Yatre?


What made the grandmother identify herself with the old lady in the serialised novel Kashi Yatre?

Answer: The narrator’s grandmother was old herself. She, too, had the same religious beliefs. She also wanted to go to Kashi and worship Lord Vishweshwara to earn the ultimate punya. This made her identify herself with the old lady in Kashi Yatre. Therefore, she was always eagerly waiting to listen to the next episode.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: What did the grandmother do hearing the latest episode of the Kashi Yatre?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: The grandmother used to listen to the latest episode of the Kashi Yatre very attentively. She would then go to the temple. There, in the countryard, she would discuss it with her friends. Thus, the people did not like it just for entertainment. They made it their way of contemplating their own lives.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: Why was there so much debate about the story – the Kashi Yatre? Why could the narrator not understand that?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: Like the grandmother, the other people of the village also identified themselves with the characters of Kashi Yatre. They had their own social, cultural and religious beliefs. So, by debating about the story, they discussed their own social, cultural and religious traditions and lives. The author as a yound child could not understand as to why it was being discussed so much.

Question: “When I back to my village, I saw my grandmother in tears.” What made the grandmother cry?


What happened when the narrator went away for a week? How did it affect her grandmother?

Answer: The narrator had gone away for a week. There wasn’t anyone to read out the story’s next episode to her (grandmother) in her absence. She was desperate to know about it but could not. She felt dependent and helpless. It made her cry when she saw the narrator after a week.

Question: What did the grandmother tell the narrator of her past?


What did the grandmother tall narrator at night?

Answer: The grandmother told the narrator that she lost her mother early. Her father remarried. There was no one to look after and guide her then. She married very young and had children. She was happy performing her familial and hiusehold duties. She could not go to school but made her children and grandchildren study well.

Question: “… there had to be some reason why was talking to me.” What made the grandmother tell her story to her granddauter?


What did the grandmother want the narrator to do for her?

Answer: The grandmother felt herself to be very dependent and helpless in the absence of the narrator. She felt the yearning to learn how to learn how to read. As such she wanted the narrator to teach her the Kannada alphabets so that she may be independent and could read the novel herself.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Qustion: How did the grandmother try to read the story Kashi Yatre herself in the absence of the narrator? Why?


Why did the grandother rub her hands over the pages of the magazine many times?


“But I knew it was not possible.” What was not possible? Why?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: The grandmother was highly interested in the story of the Kashi Yatre. She wanted to know the story’s next episode as soon as the magzine came. But shee could not read as she was illiterate. The narratoe who used to read it to her was away. So, in her desperation, the grandmother rubbed her hands over the pages of the magazine many-a-times. She hoped that her skilled hands would understand the story.

Question: “What use is money when I cannot be independent?” Why did the grandmother say so?


What, according to the grandmother, is the right use of money?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: According to the grandmother, the right use of the money is to make people feel independent and proud of themselves. She was rich but could not read herself. She depended on the narrator. So she dependent and helpless.

Question: What did the grandmother wish to learn? Why did she ask her granddauter to help her?

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer: The grandmother wished to learn how to read the Kannada language because she was interested in the story of the Kashi Yatre. She felt dependent and helpless when she could not read in herself. She chose her granddauter to help her because she knew about her passion for the Kashi Yatre and the grandmother would not feel embarrassed before her.

Question: What made the speaker laugh at her grandmother? How did she react?


How and why did the narrator make fun of her grandmother? How did her grandmother feel, then?

Answer: The narrator was a small girl of twelve years. She understood neither the necessity of the education nor her grandmother’s desperate longing to read the Kashi Yatre. So, she made fun of her by laughing at her old age, and her wish to learn to read childishly. But her grandmother felt neither discouraged nor humiliated. She was determined. So, she simply smiled back at her.

Question: What were the obstacles before the grandmother to learn reading and writing? Who reminded her of these and how?

Answer: The grandmother was sixty-two-years old. Her eyesight was weak and she wore spectacles. She worked in the kitchen mostly. So she had little time to learn. Her granddauter and teacher reminded her of this and made fun of her.

Question: What did the grandmother regret? How did she overcome it?

Answer: The grandmother could not go to school in her childhood. So she did not know how to read. But she would work hard by reading, repeating, writing and reciting whatever her granddauter had taught her. With her sheer determination and hard work, she quickly overcame her dependence and helplessness.

Question: How did the grandmother express her respect and the gratitude for her teacher?

Answer: She made her teacher i.e., her granddauter sit on a stool in the pooja place. She gifted her a frock material. She then, bent down and touched her teacher’s feet as per the tradition in the society. In this way, she worshipped her teacher on the day of the Saraswati pooja.

Question: How did the teacher know that her student ‘had passed with flying colours’?


What tells you that the grandmother had successfully achived her ‘aim’?

Answer: On the day of the Saraswati pooja, her granddauter who was her teacher also, gifted her the novel Kashi Yatre. She opened it and read out its title and its publisher’s name immadiately to her teacher. It made her teacher know that her student had passed with flying colours.

Question: What is the theme of the story, ‘How I Taught My Grandmother To Read’?


“For learning there is no age bar.” How does the story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother To Read’ prove this?

Answer: The story describes a sixty-two-year old woman’s struggle to gain independence by learning to read. Like many others of our country, she was illiterate. But she was inspired by her passion to read a story in the magazine. She asked her twelve-year-old granddauter to teach her. She worked hard and, with her determination and hard work, learnt to read really soon. Thus, she proved that “for learning there is no age bar”.

Question: What was the impact to Triveni’s story on the people of the village?

Answer: Triveni was a popular writer in the Kannada language. Her stories usually dealt with the lives of the ordinary people and the complex psychological problems they face. She had an easy and convincing style. One of her novels Kashi Yatre appeared in the weekly magazine Karmaveera. It had a strong impact on the people of the village. They connected with the characters of the story. They would wait eagerly for the bus bringing the magazine.

Question: What was the impact of the novel Kashi Yatre on grandmother?

Answer: The story had the strongest impact on the narrator’s grandmother. When she could not hear it for a week she felt dependent and helpless. She then decied to learn to read and write. Thus, the story inspired her to overcome her lifelong weaness of being illiterate and gain independence.

Value Based Question: How I Taught My Grandmother to Read

Qustion: The auther’s grandmother was illitrate so she was totally depended on her to read the weekly episode of serialised novels ‘Kashi Yatre’. Based on your reading of the story, write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Illiteracy is a Curse’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Illiteracy is a Course

Illiteracy is the inability to read and write and it is disheartening to see how the rate of illiteracy is growing at a steadfast pace. Illiteracy is a cause of concern for our society. It is one element in the huge chain of social evils. It also given rise to many other issues like unemployment, poverty, child labour etc. It is indeed a curse to the human society. For example, illiterate people do not understand the importance of family planning. For them more children means many more hands to earn money. Instead, they fail to feed their kids with their meagre income which then results in malnutrition, early death, child labour etc. Even a powerful nation would lose its stand if they are note strong on their literacy quotient. Thus, illiteracy truly is a curse which needs to be eradicated.

Question: The story ‘How I Taught My Grandmother to Read’ is about the bond of affections that exists between a young girl and her grandmother. based on your reading of the story, write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Grandparents should be loved and cared for by grandchildren.’

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Grandparents should be loved and cared for by grandchildren

In today’s world life has become very fast paced and no one has time for others, even for one’s own family members. Very often the old grandparents are neglected and no one has any time to look after them. Instead of sending our elderly parents to old age homes, we must given them all the love and support they need. At that age, more than the physical presence it is the emotional bond that they crave for. Grandchildren are a symbol of youth, zeal and energy. When they are around, grandparents feel more loved and at ease. They too feel young and positive when there are children running about the house. Also, they are the best teachers of values when the parents are too busy working. Therefore, young children must understand that grandparents are a symbol of maturity and they should love and respect them.

Question: The novel ‘Kashi Yatre’ had a profound influence on the lives of the people of the village. Based on your reading of the story, write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Good Literature Has Always Influenced the Lives of the People’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Good Literature Has Always Influenced the Lives of the People

A good literature is that which acts like a mirror. It reflects our lives in many ways and lets us know that our longings are nnothing but universal. We are not alone or isolated rather we belong to the society. If it weren’t for literature, the present time would have been a vague mist like apparition with no clear outline. Another reason why literature is such an essential part of our lives is because it gives us a direction and subtly brings out the social evils prevalent and embedded in our society. The writings of great authors have influence the masses at large. They talk about the social evils and condemn it publicly. When the society loses it track it is the literature that gives it proper guidance.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: The author’s grandmother was 62 years old and yet she was illiterate. In India seven out of ten women are illiterate. No country can be expected to progresh when such large population of women are ignorant and illiterate. Based on the reading of the story, write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Empowerment of women is possible only by giving them quality education’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Empowerment of women is possible only by giving them quality education

It is often said that when a man is educated we educate an individual; but when a woman is educated we educate the family. A woman plays many roles in her lifetime. She is somebody’s daughter, mother, sister, wife, daughter-in-law etc. They constitute the rest half of the world’s population and without them, there will always remain a hole in the socio-economic growth of the society at large. Only if a woman is educated, will her entire family understand the importance of education. If she is educated, she can teach her kids and help them with their homework. This would also ensure that she does not feel inadequate in front of her kids. Education is the key to empowerment and no woman can feel empowered without it. Therefore, every woman should be provided with quality education so that she can become an equal part of this world at large.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: After grandmother learned to read and write she told her granddaughter; ‘Now I am Independent’. Based on this statement of grandmother, write a paragraph on the topic: “Education can make one Independent”.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Education can make one Independent

Most learners are unhappy with the burden of learning. They don’t realise the fact that education can really make your life independent and future secure. It helps you to solve various problems of life successfully. It gives you necessary knowledge to live your life better. Education gives you self-esteem. If you have been able to stick to it and graduate, it will give you sense of accomplishment. It teaches your discipline without which you can’t achieve success in life. It helps you to inculcate the quality of hard work very early in life. If you are educated you often don’t need to depend on others for anything you want to do in life. You will be able to manage your life on your own.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Question: ‘Is it not written in our scriptures that a teacher should be respected, irrespective of the gender and age’? These words were spoken by grandmother to Sudha Murty. Based on these words write a paragraph on the topic: ‘Respect your teachers’.

How I Taught My Grandmother to Read – Answer:

Respect your teachers

An average teacher explains but a great teacher inspires. All teachers play a great role in the lives of their students. He / She is able to instill a passion for learning in his / her students. They help their students to discover themselves, hences we need to love and respect our teachers. These days students lack respact for them. They think that teaching is a job for which they get paid; then why to respect them? But is is more than a profession. It is a genuine vocation to serve. All the teachers have selfless devotion to their vocation and they teach their students with great commitment. Hence, we really need to respect our teachers and remember them all through our life with gratitude. They act as agents of change and ccounsel their pupils in their choice of careers. Teachers can really have an impact on the lives of many children, especially when they leave a good impression on them. Many pupils do not forget the teachers who in one way or the other affected their lives positively.


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