Wednesday , March 26 2025
Russian Revolution

NCERT 9th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Socialism in Europe and the Russian Revolution

Question: Emergence of the Soviet Union as a great power after World War I was considered a danger by many countries. Give reasons:

Answer: Reasons why Soviet Union was considered a danger by many countries after the World War I were:

  1. The communist ideology of the Soviet Union was viewed as a threat to the social and economic system of the Western European countries.
  2.  There was fear in many capitalist countries of Western Europe that Soviet Union was helping many countries to turn communist.

Question: Give any two reforms introduced by Tsar Nicholas-II immediately after the Revolution of 1905.

Answer: The Tsar Nicholas-II:

  1. Introduced the October manifesto which granted the people freedom of speech, press and association.
  2. Power to make laws was conferred upon on elected body called the Duma. 28. Who was the leader of the Bolshevik Party? Lenin was the leader of the Bolshevik Party.

Question:What was the attitude of former USSR towards the movements for independence in Asia?

  1. The USSR was against imperialism and supported independence movements occurring in Asia.
  2. Immediately after the Revolution the Soviet government annulled the unequal treaties which the Tsar had imposed on China. It supported China’s efforts at unification under Sun-Yat-Sen.

Question: Who were the Bolshevik’s?

Answer: Bolsheviks formed the majority party. They were eager to establish a socialist state as quickly as possible, even by force and violence if need be.

Question: The Russian Revolution of 1905 was a dress rehearsal of the October Revolution of 1917.

Answer: The Revolution of 1905 was a dress rehearsal of the October Revolution of 1917:

  1. The 1905 revolution aroused the people and prepared them for the later events.
  2. It drew soldiers and the people of non-Russian nationalities into closer contact with the Russian revolutionaries.

Question: What were the factors behind Bolshevik success in the Civil War?

Answer: The factors responsible for Bolshevik success in the Civil War were

  1. Bolshevik order of land redistribution and
  2. Cooperation with non-Russian nationalists and Muslim Jadidists

Question: What type of a nation did liberals wants?

Answer: Liberals wanted a nation which tolerated all religions.

Question: What did liberals oppose?

Answer: Liberals opposed the uncontrolled power of dynastic rulers.

Question: What type of nation did radicals want?

Answer: Radicals wanted a nation in which government was based on the majority of a country’s population.

Question: Give any two features of communism.


  1. To abolish private property
  2. Elimination of unfair gaps in income

Question: Name the prominent industrial areas of Russia in 1890’s.

Answer: Moscow and Peters-burgh.

Question: Who was Lenin was the leader of the Bolsheviks. He demanded for:


  1. War be bought to a close.
  2. Land be transferred to the peasants.
  3. Banks be nationalized.

Question: Why do we say that liberals during this time could not be called Democrats?

Answer: Liberals during this time could not be called Democrats because they didn’t believe in Universal Adult franchise. They didn’t want the women to have the right to vote.

Question: Write the main objectives of Russian Revolutionizes.

Answer: The main objectives of the Russian Revolutionaries were:

  1. To secure peace and withdrawal of Russia from the First World War.
  2. Transfer land be transferred to the tiller.
  3. Give control of industry to the workers.
  4. Give equal status to non-Russian nationalities.

Question: Socialist saw private property as the root of all social ills?

Answer: Socialist saw private property as the root of all social ills because individuals who owned the property were only concerted with personal grans and not with social welfare and exploited the workers. So if a society as a whole controlled property, more attention would be paid to social interests.

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