Friday , March 28 2025
The French Revolution

NCERT 9th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The French Revolution

Question: What happened during the reign of terror?


  1. The period from 1793 – 1794 is referred as the reign of terror.
  2. Robespierre followed a policy of severe control and punishment.
  3. All those whom he saw as being ‘enemies’ of  the republic. Eg: Nobles, clergy, members of other political parties and even members of other political parties and even members of his own party, who did not agree with his method were arrested, Imprisoned and then, tried by a revolutionary tribunal.
  4. Robespierre’s government issued laws, placing maximum ceiling on wages price.
  5. Meat and bread were rationed
  6. Peasants were forced to transport, their food grains to the cities and self it on the prices fixed by the government.
  7. The use of more expensive white flour was forbidden. All citizens were required to eat(equality bread).
  8. Instead of traditional ‘monsieur’ (Sir) and ‘Madame’ (Mam), they were called citoyen (citizen) and citoyennes (citizens)
  9. Churches were shut down and their buildings were converted to barracks or offices.

Question: Write a short note on Jacobin’s club, its formations, members and achievements.


  1. The members of the Jacobin’s club belonged to less prosperous sections of the society. They included small shopkeepers, artisans, pastry makers, daily wage workers. They were leaded by Maximilian Robespierre.
  2. A large group among the Jacobins decided to start wearing long striped trousers sans culottes. This was to set themselves apart from  the fashionable sections of society especially nobles.
  3. Elections were held all men of 21 yes and above regardless of wealth got the right to vote.
  4. The newly elected assembly is called convention.
  5. On 21 September, 1792, it abolished monarchy and France was made republic.
  6. Louis XVI was sentenced to death on charge of treason.

Question: Describe the circumstances leading to the out break of revolution protests in France.

Answer: The circumstances leading to the outbreak of the revolutionary protests in France.

  1. Economic causes: Louis XVI led a luxurious lifestyle and long years of war drained the financial resources of France. In order to maintain the army and the administration efficiently, the state was forced to increased taxes rapidly leading to food shortage and the price of bread increased which was a staple client of people. The wages didn’t rise as rapidly and the gap between rich and poor increased.
  2. Political causes: The French government was an absolute monarchy whose ruler Louis XVI was pleasure living and extravagant. Louis XVI drove into useless wars bringing the country to the bankruptcy. In France people had no share in decision making. Administration was corrupt, dis Organised and inefficient. The defective system of tax collection and oppression created discontentment.
  3. Social causes: The French Society in the eighteenth century was divided into three estates which was part of the feudal system. The members of the third estate, clergy and nobility enjoyed certain privileges by birth. They were exempted from paying taxes to the slates. The nobles extracted feudal from the peasants  who also pay taxes called ‘titnes’ to church and ‘taille’ to the states. As a result burden of financing activities of the states were only met by the third estates.

Question: Explain the legacy of the French Revolution to the wold.


  1. The French Revolution is a milestone in the history of mankind.
  2. It inspired revolutionary movements in almost every country of Europe and South America.
  3. The social and political changes that took place indifferent parts of Europe can be traced to the French Revolution.
  4. When France occupied many places in Europe they spread new ideas among the people of the occupied area.
  5. Thus, the greatest affect was the starting of Mass movement all over the world and instilling a spirit of Nationalism among the people.

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