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Physical Education

11th Class CBSE Physical Education Sample Question Paper – I (2019-20)

11th Class CBSE Physical Education Sample Question Paper – I (2019-20)

As per the pattern of 2020 Question Paper: DelhiIndia
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70
Class: 11th
Subject: Physical Education

General Instructions:

  1. The question paper consists of 34 questions.
  2. There are 9 Internal choices.
  3. Answer to multiple choice questions should be written as its correct option.
  4. All questions are compulsory.
  5. Answer to multiple choice questions carries 1 marks each.
  6. Answer to any question in Section B carrying 3 marks should be approximately in 80 – 90 words.
  7. Answer to any question in Section C carrying 5 marks should be approximately in 150 – 200 words.

Section A: 11th Physical Education Sample Question Paper 2020

Question: 1. What is the aim of Physical Education?  [1]

  1. Growth and development
  2. Healthy lifestyle
  3. Overall development of personality
  4. None of the above


Development of Neuro-muscular coordination is in between

  1. Brain and body
  2. Brain and bones
  3. Body and stomach
  4. None of the above

Question: 2. In first Khelo India Games the competition was held in [1]

  1. 15 disciplines
  2. 16 disciplines
  3. 17 disciplines
  4. 18 disciplines

Question: 3. When did ancient Olympics begin? [1]

  1. 776 BC
  2. 778 BC
  3. 780 BC
  4. 782 BC

Question: 4. In which year Olympic oath started? [1]

  1. 1920
  2. 1930
  3. 1940
  4. 1950

Question: 5. Which is the ability of an individual to do physical routine work without getting fatigue? [1]

  1. Wellness
  2. Life style
  3. Physical fitness
  4. None of the above


Maximum strength is the ability to overcome against

  1. Equal resistance
  2. Lesser resistance
  3. Maximum resistance
  4. None of the above

Question: 6. Coordinative ability depends on [1]

  1. Circulatory system
  2. Endocrine system
  3. Nervous system
  4. Digestive system

Question: 7. Aim of Adapted Physical Education is to deal with [1]

  1. Athletes
  2. Children with disabilities
  3. Adults
  4. None of the above


When International Paralympic Committee was formed?

  1. 22 September, 1986
  2. 22 September, 1987
  3. 22 September, 1988
  4. 22 September, 1989

Question: 8. What is the role of a Physiotherapist for children with special needs? [1]

  1. To maximize the ability to move
  2. To minimize the ability to move
  3. To develop endurance
  4. None of the above

Question: 9. The word Yoga is derived from [1]

  1. Yuj
  2. Yug
  3. Yog
  4. None of the above

Question: 10. Pranayam is derived from Sanskrit word [1]

  1. Asana
  2. Meditation
  3. Prana
  4. None of the above

Question: 11. Which is not a good quality of a leader? [1]

  1. Good personality
  2. Bad orator
  3. Regular
  4. None of the above

Question: 12. For how many days Easy trek should last? [1]

  1. 7 days
  2. 20 days
  3. 27 days
  4. 32 days

Question: 13. Body Mass Index was developed by [1]

  1. Belgium Statistician
  2. American Statistician
  3. Canadian Statistician
  4. None of the above

Question: 14. Metronome is used [1]

  1. To fix frequency
  2. To give music
  3. To measure heart rate
  4. None of the above

Question: 15. Anatomy refers to [1]

  1. Functioning of body
  2. Structure of body
  3. Fitness of body
  4. None of the above


Kinesiology is derived from Greek word

  1. Kine
  2. Kinesi
  3. Kino
  4. None of the above

Question: 16. The approximate weight of adult heart is [1]

  1. 100 g
  2. 200 g
  3. 300 g
  4. None of the above

Question: 17. Psyche refers to [1]

  1. Mind
  2. Heart
  3. Soul
  4. None of the above

Question: 18. Adolescence is referred as [1]

  1. Childhood
  2. Adulthood
  3. Teenage
  4. None of the above

Question: 19. Sports training is based on [1]

  1. History
  2. Geography
  3. Science
  4. None of the above

Question: 20. Blood doping increases [1]

  1. Speed
  2. Flexibility
  3. Endurance
  4. None of the above

Section B: 11th Physical Education Sample Question Paper 2020

Question: 21. What do you mean by Physical Education? Explain with the help of two quotations. [3]


Write any three objectives of Physical Education.

Question: 22. Write about first Ancient Olympic event. [3]

Question: 23. What is the importance of Physical fitness and wellness? [3]

Question: 24. Write about the objectives of adaptive Physical Education. [3]

Question: 25. Describe the importance of yoga. [3]

Question: 26. Define leadership with two quotations. [3]


Write any three qualities of a good leader.

Question: 27. Explain the method of measurement for BMI. [3]

Question: 28. What is the importance of Anatomy and Physiology? [3]

Question: 29. Explain the importance of Psychology. [3]


What do you mean by Sports Psychology?

Question: 30. Explain the concept of sports training. [3]

Section C:

Question: 31. Define Physical Education and explain its aim and objectives. [5]


Write about Ancient Olympics Bharat.

Question: 32. Elaborate Special Olympics Bharat. [5]


Describe Paralympics.

Question: 33. Define yoga. Explain its importance. [5]

Question: 34. Elaborate the importance of Psychology in Physical Education and sports. [5]

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