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10th English NCERT: First Flight - Footprints without feet

10 CBSE English First Term Exam 2023-24: N.K. Bagrodia School

10 CBSE English Exam : First Term Exam 2023-24: N.K. Bagrodia Public School, Rohini

School Name: N. K. Bagrodia Public School, Sector 9, Rohini, New Delhi 110085 India
Class: 10th Standard (CBSE)
Subject: English
Time Duration: 03 Hours
Maximum Marks: 80
Date: ~ September 2023

General Instructions: 10 CBSE English First Term Exam

  1. Read all questions carefully. This paper has Multiple Choice / Objective / One word / Short Answer / Long Answer Questions.
  2. The paper is divided into four sections. Reading Skills, Writing Skills, Grammar, Literature Textbook. All sections are compulsory.
  3. Attempt questions of a section together and not randomly. ADHERE TO THE WORD LIMIT.
  4. In MCQs write down the full answer along with the option number.
  5. All the answers should be correctly numbered as in the question paper and written in the answer sheet provided to you.

Section A: Reading Skills

Question: 01. Read the following passage:

1. If this universe is the outcome of a desire how can its essential ingredients like us be free from desire? Desire, however, is the root cause of all mental stress because we associate stress with the non-fulfilment of desires.

2. Abraham Lincoln used to say that behind every cct of man there is always a selfish purpose. There were many who disagreed with him. One late night, while returning from a meeting, he heard wild shrieks from the roadside. He asked the coachman to stop, and he got down to see what was happening. He saw a pig struggling and squealing to free itself from a muddy ditch. President Lincoln reached out and rescued the pig. In the process he soiled his shoes and trousers but seemed quite satisfied to see the pig free again. When he settled back in the coach, his aide asked him if there was a selfish purpose behind this act too. Lincoln promptly replied that had he gone home without rescuing the pig he would have kept tossing in bed thinking of what might have happened to that pig. So, by rescuing the pig he had earned himself a good night’s sleep albeit, Lincoln was a good human being and that is why he desired to save the pig but as soon as this desire crept into his mind, the fulfillment of the desire became his own primary concern.

3. Stress can be both physical and mental. A workout at the gym, a game or two of tennis or a jog in the morning can stress one physically. Similarly, a game of chess, listening to sad songs or watching a sad movie can stress you mentally. But in such cases, you stress yourself willingly and they bring satisfaction. The ill effects of stress begin when you overwork or tire yourself beyond acceptable limits irrespective of whether you did it willingly or not. As far as physical stress is concerned, the problem is easily resolved. Aching muscles send you signals, and one decides to slow down or rest or avoid playing those extra games in future.

4. Mental stress, however, is a different story. If ignored and you do not care to find out why and how you created it then it can lead to hypertension, blood pressure, diabetes, forgetfulness, anger, fear etc. Take for example, a budding young executive who sets a goal to become a multi-millionaire. He must stress himself physically and mentally but why complain? After all it is his own desire. When we stress ourselves for the fulfillment of our desires, we must take the responsibility for it. Stress is not caused by people or situations; it is your response to them.

Based on your understanding of the passage, answer the given questions:

(a) According to the writer the root cause of stress is __________

  1. desire
  2. greed
  3. money
  4. food

(b) List two reasons why Lincoln saved the pig.

(c) Fill in the blanks appropriately.

When Lincoln saved the pig it was ________ first and then the ________ of desire. (Paragraph 2)

(d) workout in the gym or playing chess is not stressful. Justify.

(e) Substitute the underlined word in the following sentence with a word / phrase from paragraph 4.

He is an upcoming manager in a corporate set up.

(f) We need to keep our mind open to ______________.

  1. God’s plan
  2. desires
  3. solving problems
  4. facing challenges

(g) Complete the following appropriately.

Based on the usage of the phrase “Aching muscles send you signals” we can infer that ____________.

(h) Complete the following sentence appropriately.

The title ‘Managing Desires’ is inappropriate for the given passage because ____________

(i) State whether the following statement is TRUE or FALSE.

Our body’s response is what causes stress.

(j) Most of us are quite particular about not soiling our clothes. Would you save the pig, had you been in the place of Lincoln. Give a reason to support our reply.

Question: 02. Read the following table displaying the details of various skills of five students carefully:

Read the following table displaying the details of various skills of five students carefully:

Answer the following questions, based on the table above:

(a) Based on the communication skills of the students, which student is most likely to struggle during annual speaking assessment? Support your choice with one valid reason.

(b) Which student is most likely to lead group discussions?

  1. Kavya
  2. Saumya
  3. Navya
  4. Pakhi

(c) Give two justifications for Navya being the best fit to be a ‘Competent Leader’ in a group activity.

(d) Select the correct option to complete the analogy in the context of ‘comprehension/reading skills’.
______________ : outstanding :: Saumya : satisfactory.

  1. Kavya
  2. Navya
  3. Pakhi
  4. Tanvi

(e) Complete the given sentence with the appropriate reason, with reference to the information provided in the comprehension / reading skills column.

We can infer that Saumya’s comprehension/reading skills are better than that of Pakhi because

(f) Explain briefly why Kavya is likely to be unwilling to acknowledge other students’ views while working on a project as a team leader.

(g) The students’ teachers are committed towards improving the performance of the students who lag behind in most of the skills. There is an arrangement of special classes for such students after the school hours. Identify the students who would be selected to attend the special classes.

(h) Select the option that correctly matches the students’ performance in their preparedness for sessions.

Select the option that correctly matches the students' performance in their preparedness for sessions

  1. A – 1; B – 2; C – 3
  2. A – 4; B – 2; C – 4
  3. A – 4; B – 1; C – 3
  4. A – 2; B – 4; C – 3

Section B: Writing Skills

Question: 03. You are Alena, the Academic Captain of your school. Write an email to the Head of the English Department requesting to arrange a visit to the Book Fair in about 50 words.

Question: 04. Write a factual description of a person who impressed you while you were on a vacation recently. (80 – 100 words)

Question: 05.

(A) Saundarya / Souhard was flabbergasted when she / he saw an accident scene. People just gathered around the victim doing nothing with just one person stepping forward to help. She / he feels that more people should have been able to render support and first aid. She / he decides to write a letter to the editor of a leading national daily to sensitise the common people on the importance of knowing first aid. Write the letter in about 100 – 120 words taking ideas from your MCB Unit Health and Medicine.


(B) Saundarya / Souhard was moved to see that the children of her / his house help aren’t able to go to school due to lack of schools and facilities in the nearby areas. She / He decides to write a letter to the Education Minister complaining about the problems faced by such children. She / he also suggests what steps can be taken to provide education to such students. Write the letter in about 100 – 120 words taking ideas from your MCB Unit Education.

Question: 06.

(A) You are Franz / Florina. You saw the following pointers on the notice board of your school. Using your own ideas and ideas taken from your MCB Unit Science, write an article in about 120 – 150 words on the fact that science and technology have made human beings their slaves.

write an article in about 120 - 150 words on the fact that science and technology have made human beings their slaves.


(B) Mrs S. Ahuja is worried about the tendency of children to stay away from any sort of physical activity. She decides to write an article for the school magazine highlighting the problem, its effects and probable solutions. Write the article as Mrs S. Ahuja taking ideas from her notes given below, your own ideas and ideas from MCB Unit Health and Medicine. (120 – 150 words)

Write the article as Mrs S. Ahuja taking ideas from her notes given below, your own ideas and ideas from MCB Unit Health and Medicine.

Section C: Grammar

Question: 07. Complete the tasks A-C as directed:

(A) Complete the following paragraph by filling in the blanks by choosing the appropriate option:

The naughty children walked (a) ___________ flower beds, climbed the fruit trees (b) _________ plucked the unripe fruits. They (c) __________ pits on the garden path. The marks of their mischief could be seen all over the garden.


  1. over
  2. in
  3. on
  4. across


  1. but
  2. and
  3. therefore
  4. since


  1. dig
  2. digging
  3. digs
  4. dug

(B) In the passage given below one word has been omitted in each line. Write the missing word along with the word that comes before and the word that comes after it in your answer sheet against the correct option number.. The first one is done as an example.

Before Missing Word After In speech of any spoken language, the tone eg. In a speech and voice of the speaker play an important role. (a) The speaker to be careful about the pitch of his (b) voice. Style, tone and pitch matter speaking in public. (c) If anyone them is faulty, it can affect the entire speech. (d)

(C) Do as directed:

(i) Rearrange the following jumbled words/phrases in the given context to create a meaningful sentence:

The old man urged the villagers to tell him if there was anything else. He asked them if they wished to be the governors. The villagers refused.

God’s will / he could / obeyed / he / as long as / manage everything / he told / that

(ii) Report the dialogues to complete the paragraph that follows :

Man : Step aside, lady. I’ve taken a course in first aid.
Woman : I can offer help.
Man : Just wait and let me do my work.
Woman : When you get to the part of calling a doctor, I’m right here.

The man told the lady to step aside and added (a) ___________. The woman replied that she could offer help. The man told her to wait and let him do his work. The woman told the man that when (b) __________.

Section D: Literature Text Book

Question: 08. Read the given extracts and answer the questions briefly, for ANY TWO extracts out of the three given:

(A) “So till the judgement, that yourself arise
You live in this, and dwell in lovers eyes.”

  1. How can ‘you’ dwell in lovers’ eyes?
  2. List the traits of the sonnet that can be inferred from the above lines?
  3. What do you infer from the term ‘judgement”?
  4. List the traits of the poet that can be inferred from the above lines?

(B) Toads and teals and tiddlers, captured.
By her voice, cheered on, enraptured:
“Bravo!” “Too divine!” “Encore!”
So the nightingale quite unused to such applause,
Sang till dawn without a pause.

  1. What has the poet laid emphasis on in the given extract?
  2. How can it be inferred that the Nightingale’s song was a sensation?
  3. How did the Nightingale feel on being applauded?
  4. What is the impact of the use of alliteration by Vikram Seth in the first line of the extract?

C. “Maybe you’d like to go to the cafe in the village for a drink”. They disappeared beyond the corner of the wall. After a few minutes I followed.

(i) What is the actual reason for advising the author to go for a drink?

List a quality of the author which is revealed from the above lines.

(iii) List a quality of the speaker of the first sentence which is revealed from the above lines.

(iv) Do you approve of the author’s act of following the boys? Give one reason in support of your answer.

Question: 09. Answer ANY FIVE of the following six questions in about 30-40 words each:

(a) People see ghosts when they are perturbed.° Comment on the given statement based on your understanding of the lesson ‘The Letter’.

(b)7 List the traits of Ozymandias that are highlighted by his pompous words on the pedestal of his statue.

(c) Do you think the boys looked after Lucia willingly? Give reasons for your answer. (Two Gentlemen of Verona)

(d) Which traits of the Jordans and Slaters are revealed by their discussion about the grandfather’s obituary. (The Dear Departed)

(e) State two reasons why Mrs. Packletide was confident that no one would ever reveal her secret of missing the aim. (Mrs. Packletide’s Tiger)
(f) Is time sluttish according to you too? Give reasons for your answer. (Not Marble, Nor The Gilded Monuments)

Question: 10. Answer ANY ONE of the following two questions in about 150 words:

(A) In today’s world, shrewd, stingy and money-minded people like Miss Mebbin and the Frog usually survive and have the last laugh. Write your opinion supporting or negating the given view in the form of a paragraph.


(B) Write a dialogue between Mrs. Slater and Mrs. Jordan after the grandfather leaves to get his will changed. You may begin like this ___________

Amelia: Oh! No…now we will never get father’s money.

Elizabeth: All this has happened just because of you.

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