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General Knowledge Test August 2024: अगस्त मासिक सामान्य ज्ञान क्विज

General Knowledge Test August 2024: अगस्त मासिक सामान्य ज्ञान क्विज

General Knowledge Test August 2024 Month: For admission in National Military School, the entrance examination is organized every year by the Ministry of Defense. Through this entrance exam, students are given admission in class 6th and 9th. Admission in class 11th is provided on the basis of 10th board examinations. You can get eligibility and other information related to admission in military school from this page.

GK Test [1]

August 2024 Month Quiz Index:

GK & Current Affairs For Admission in National Military Schools:

Admission is available only in these classes: Let us tell you that admission in National Military Schools is not given in all classes but only in 6th, 9th and 11th class. For admission in these classes, entrance examination is organized by the Ministry of Defense.

what should be the qualification: To get admission in national schools, one has to appear in the entrance test. If you want to get your child admitted in class 6, then it is necessary for the student to have passed or be studying in class 5. Similarly, for admission in class 9, the student must be studying in class 8. Admission in class 11 is given on the basis of performance in 10th board examinations.

Age Limit: Along with educational qualification, it is also necessary for the student to fulfill the prescribed age criteria. For admission in class 6, the minimum age of the student must be between 10 to 11 years, for admission in class 9, the minimum age of the student must be between 13 to 14 years.

Let us tell you that the exam for admission in National Military Schools is conducted every year. The exam is conducted in the month of December for which applications start from October / November.

General Knowledge Test August Month: 04-08-2024

01. भारत के पहले मलयाली राष्ट्रपति का नाम क्या था?

Answer 01.

के. आर. नारायणन

02. इन महीनों में से किन में दिन अधिक होते हैं – मार्च, अप्रैल, मई, सितम्बर, अक्तूबर, नवम्बर?

Answer 02.

मार्च, मई तथा अक्तूबर

03. सूर्य के चारों ओर ग्रहों के चक्र लगाने का पथ गोल है या अंडाकार?

Answer 03.


04. पृथ्वी के दूसरे सबसे बड़े महाद्वीप का नाम बताएं?

Answer 04.


05. कम्प्यूटर की भाषा में RAM क्‍या होता है?

Answer 05.

Random Access Memory

06. UPSC क्या है?

Answer 06.

Union Public Service Commission

07. अंकों से भय को किस ‘फोबिया’ यानी डर के नाम से जाना जाता है?

Answer 07.


08. इनमें से कौन-सा मूल तत्व नहीं है – लोहा, इस्पात, ऑक्सीजन या इंडियम?

Answer 08.


09. चांद पर सर्वप्रथम कदम रखने वाले नील आर्मस्ट्रांग के साथी अंतरिक्ष यात्री का नाम बताएं?

Answer 09.

एडवर्ड बज एलड्रिन

10. किस राज्य को ‘बादलों का घर’ भी कहते हैं?

Answer 10.

मेघालय को

11. क्षेत्रफल के हिसाब से भारत का दूसरा सबसे बड़ा राज्य कौन-सा है?

Answer 11.

मध्य प्रदेश (सबसे बड़ा राज्य राजस्थान है)

12. घग्घर किस राज्य की प्रमुख नदी है?

Answer 12.

हरियाणा की

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