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CBSE 2019 10th English Exam Pattern, Marking Scheme

The English Communicative question paper will carry total 80 marks. There would be three sections in the questions paper.

NEW DELHI: CBSE will conduct board exams for class 10 students in February and March 2019. With the board exams only a couple months away, students have begun to prepare for the D-day. It is imperative to look at the marking scheme and exam pattern to better strategize the board exam preparation. In this article we will discuss the exam pattern and marking scheme for English Communicative paper for class 10 students.

CBSE Class 10 English Communicative Exam Pattern

The English Communicative question paper will carry total 80 marks. There would be three sections in the questions paper: Reading, Writing and Grammar, and Literature.

Section A: Reading

Section A will carry 20 marks. There will be two passages. One passage will carry 8 marks and the second passage will carry 12 marks.

This section will test a students ability to read and understand a passage and answer questions based on the passage. The important point here is to read the passage carefully and grasp the main theme of the passage.

Section B: Writing and Grammar

The Writing and Grammar section will carry 30 marks. There would be total 5 questions in this section out of which two will cover writing part and three will cover grammar part. The writing part will carry 18 marks and grammar part will carry 12 marks.

The writing part will have essay / letter writing and story writing type questions. Grammar part will have fill in the blanks, sentence re-arrangement, and omission type questions.

Section C: Literature

The Literature part will carry 30 marks and will have four questions and each question will have an option. Students could choose any of the options to answer.

For literature section, students should read the texts carefully and memorize the names of the poems, stories and prescribed texts and their corresponding authors.

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