Friday , March 28 2025
Human nerve cell

Control and Coordination: 10th Biology

Question: What is Hydrotropism?

Answer: Hydrotropism is a type of tropism, where the plant shows movement in response to water.

Question: What is coordination?

Answer: The organ system cannot work independently. They are linked in one way or the other. Working together of all these systems is called coordination.

Question: Why is the response of a plant to a stimulus not observed immediately?

Answer: The response of a plant to a stimulus not observed immediately because the plant shows its response very slowly.

Question: What are hormones?

Answer: Any chemical substance which is formed in the tissues of endocrine glands and are carried by the blood to other parts of the body for its specific actions is termed is hormone.

Question: What are Phytohormones?

Answer: A Phytohormones can be defined as chemical substances, which are produced naturally in plants and are capable of translocation and regulating one or more physiological processes when present in low concentration.

Question: What are meanings? What are their functions? Name the fluid, which is filled in between meanings.

Answer: The brain is surrounded by three membranes called meanings, which help to protect the brain. The space between the meanings is filled with cerebra spinal fluid, which protects the brain from mechanical shocks.

Question: How does control and coordination occur in single-celled animals?

Answer: The cytoplasm of the single-celled animal controls and coordinates the activities of the organism.

Question: Name any two phytohormones, which are growth promoters.

Answer: The two phytohormones, which are growth promoters are Auxins and Gibberellins.

Question: Name any growth inhibiting phytohormone.

Answer: Abscises acid is a growth inhibiting phytohormone.

Question: What makes a stem bend towards sunlight?

Answer: The chemical substance called plant hormone or phytohormone makes a stem bend towards sunlight.

Question: List two body functions that will be affected if cerebellum functions that will be affected if cerebellum gets damaged.


  1. Walking in a straight line.
  2. Picking up a thing from ground.

Question: Write the role of motor areas in brain.

Answer: Motor areas of the brain control the movement of voluntary muscles.

Question: Give the scientific names of the following regions of the human brain:

  1. Region for sight.
  2. Region which controls salivation.


  1. Temporal (of the forebrain)
  2. Medulla (of the hindbrain)

Question: All information for our environment is detected is by specialized tips of some nerve cells. Write the name given to such tips and also mention where are they located?

Answer: Receptors.
They are located in sense organs.

Question: State the function of:

  1. gustatory receptors, and
  2. olfactory receptors


  1. To detect taste.
  2. To detect smell.

Question: Which part of the nervous system controls reflex arcs?

Answer: Spinal cord.

Question: What type of movement is shown by mimosa plant leaves when touched with a finger?

Answer: Nastic movement

Question: Which tropic movement is responsible for the growth of pollen tubes towards ovules?

Answer: Chemo-tropism.

Question: Why endocrine glands release their secretions into the blood?

Answer: It is because endocrine glands are ductless.

Question: At the time of puberty, both boys and girls show lots of changes in appearance. Name the hormones responsible for these changes.

Answer: Testosterone in male and oestrogen in females.

Question: Which system facilitates the communication between central nervous system and other parts of the body?

Answer: Endocrine system

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