Question: What is length? Answer: The size or the measurement of something from one end to the other is called length. Question: Name any two measures used in ancient times? Answer: The two measures used in ancient times are: Handspan Cubit Question: Why did people in ancient times realize the …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Science: Force and Energy – Simple Machine
Question: What is force? Answer: A push or pull acting on an object is called force. Question: What is gravity? Answer: The force that attracts objects towards the center of the earth is called gravity. Question: What is magnetism? Answer: The push or pull applied by a magnet on metals …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Science: Air and Water
Question: What is the atmosphere? Answer: Air is a layer around the earth. This layer is called the earth’s atmosphere. Question: Name the various layers of the atmosphere. Answer: The various layers of the atmosphere are: Troposhere Stratosphere Mesosphere Thermosphere Exosphere Question: How does the atmosphere protect us from meteoroid …
Read More »NCERT 5th class (CBSE) Science: Earth, Sun and Moon
Question: What is a solar system? Answer: The sun and the celestial bodies that revolve around it form the solar system. Question: Apart from plants, name the other celestial bodies that are in the solar system. Answer: Apart from plants, name the other celestial bodies that are in the solar …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Science: Volcanoes, Earthquakes and Tidal Waves
Question: What are volcanoes? Answer: Cracks in the earth’s crust out of which molten magma comes out is called volcanoes. Question: Name three types of volcanoes? Answer: The three types of volcanoes are: Active Volcanoes Dormant Volcanoes Extinct Volcanoes Question: Give one example each of an active and an extinct volcanoes. …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Science: Light and Shadows
Question: What are transparent materials? Give any two examples. Answer: Materials that allow all the light to pass through them are called transparent materials. Eg: clear glass and clean water. Question: What are translucent materials? Answer: Materials that allow some amount of light through them are called translucent materials. Question: …
Read More »A Visit To A Hill Station – Essay in English
Last month my school took us all for a trip to Dehradoon and Mussoorie. About 150 students went in two buses. Some of our teachers were also accompanying us. We took our overnight cases along with some eatables and set off with great enthusiasm. We reached Dehradoon after a journey …
Read More »कामयाबी पाने की अंधी दौड़
कभी-कभी कुछ बातें हमें उतना नहीं चौंकातीं जितनी वे गंभीर होती हैं, जैसे कि किसी छात्र द्वारा आत्महत्या कर लेना। आत्महत्या की वजह होती है पढ़ाई के बोझ तले दबा महसूस करना या मातापिता की उम्मीदों पर खरा न उतर पाना। तभी तो कहीं से खबर आती है कि फलां …
Read More »Innovation kit for out-of-box ideas catching up in schools
If you feel that your fifth grader is brimming with creative ideas but you can’t find him or her a platform to make those happen, an innovation kit from BiBox may help. The kit helps your kids to build simple toys from robots to a working replica of Delhi Metro’s …
Read More »Movie ‘Rough Book’ acclaimed by TIS
A thought provoking movie titled, Rough Book, a movie about the Indian Educational System, produced by the film production arm of Aakash Educational Services, Aerika Cineworks, has been earning praise and laurels across the globe on a national and international level . It was adjudged the Best Feature at the …
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