9th CBSE English Examination: Mid Term Question Paper (2019-20) School Name: Himalaya Public School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 80 Class: 9th Date: 20/9/2019 Subjec: English General Instructions: The question paper is divided into three sections: Section A: Reading – 20 Marks Section B: Writing & Grammar – 30 Marks Section …
Read More »9th CBSE Science Examination: Mid Term 2019
9th CBSE Science Examination: Mid Term Question Paper (2019-20) School Name: Himalaya Public School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 70 Class: 9th Date: 17/9/2019 Subject: Science General Instructions: All questions are compulsory. There are 37 questions in all. This question paper has four sections. Section A, Section B, Section C …
Read More »9th CBSE Social Studies Examination: Mid Term 2019
9th CBSE Social Studies Examination: Mid Examination Question Paper (2019-20) School Name: Himalaya Public School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India Time: 3 Hrs. Marks: 80 Class: 9th Date: 23/9/2019 Subjec: Social Science General Instructions: All the questions are compulsory. The question paper is divided into four sections. Section A, Section B, Section C and Section D. …
Read More »शिक्षा और व्यवसाय पर निबंध विद्यार्थियों और बच्चों के लिए
शिक्षा और व्यवसाय: हिंदी निबंध शिक्षा का प्रयोजन है व्यक्ति का सम्पूर्ण और समग्र विकास, उसके शरीर, मन, बुद्धि तथा आत्मा को सबल-सशक्त बनाना, उसमें अच्छे-बुरे, उचीत-अनुचित, पाप-पुण्य, हित-अहित का विवेक पैदा करना। शिक्षा मनुष्य को सभ्य, सुसंस्कृत, शालीन, सच्चरित्र बनाती है, उसे जीवन जीने की कला सिखाती है। शिक्षा …
Read More »The Book That Saved the Earth: 10th CBSE English Ch 10
The Book That Saved the Earth: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet‘ Chapter 10 Question: Why was the twentieth century called the ‘Era of the book‘? Answer: There were books for everything, from anteaters to Zulus. Books taught people what to do, how to do, when to do and why …
Read More »Bholi: 10 Class CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet’ Ch 09
Bholi: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet‘ Chapter 09 Question: Why is Bholi’s father worried about her? Answer: Bholi was not like other children. She fell off a cot as a child due to which her brain was slightly damaged. She learnt to speak very late and used to stammer. …
Read More »The Necklace: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English Chapter 7
The Necklace: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet‘ Chapter 07 Question: What kind of a person is Mme Loisel and why is she always unhappy? Answer: Mme Loisel is young, pretty, ordinary but discontented woman. She is of a humble background but dreams of riches and comforts. She is proud …
Read More »The Making of a Scientist: 10 Class CBSE English Chapter 6
The Making of a Scientist: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet‘ Chapter 06 Question: How did a book become a turning point in Richard Ebright’s life? Answer: The book ‘The Travels of Monarch X’ opened the world of science for Richard. After reading it he became interested in tracking the …
Read More »A Question of Trust: 10th Class CBSE English Chapter 4
A Question of Trust: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet‘ Chapter 04 Question: What does Horace Danby like to collect? Answer: Horace Danby likes to collect rare and expensive books. Question: Why does he steal every year? Answer: He stole every year so that he could buy the rare and …
Read More »Footprints without Feet: 10th Class CBSE English Chapter 5
Footprints without Feet: 10th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘Footprints without feet‘ Chapter 05 Question: How did the invisible man first become visible? Answer: The invisible man (Griffin) first became visible after he slipped into a big London store for keeping warm and overslept there while wearing some clothes taken from the store. …
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