The English language can be tricky and nowhere is this confusion as manifest as it is in the nitty-gritty of understanding words such as ‘affect and ‘effect’. Though there are innumerable mix-ups in English language which confuse the readers, not many have quite achieved the kind of confusion that comes …
Read More »Colon Vs Semicolon for Students
English language can be quite complex and punctuation is a powerful aspect of the language. It strings the words in the correct manner, giving them the right meaning. Good writing in English makes use of punctuation in the proper places. So, knowing where and how exactly to use these punctuation …
Read More »Common Grammatical Errors Information
When it comes to the English language, it is considerably difficult for a person to be correct all of the time. The language by itself is a tricky mess but, if mastered, can prove to be a walk in the park or a piece of cake even. For example, the …
Read More »Common Homophones List For Students
‘If you stand at the stair and stare at the picture.’ The words ‘stair’ and ‘stare’ in this sentence, belong to the most common, but confusing category in English language. They are homophones – words which have the same pronunciation, but differ in spellings and meanings, as in the case …
Read More »Compliment Vs Complement For Students
Interchanging compliment and complement is a common mistake in the English language. The two words are homonyms, i.e. they are similar in spelling and pronunciation but have entirely different meanings and hence, the need to use them appropriately. It’s surprising to see how many people get these words wrong. And …
Read More »Dangling Modifiers Information For Kids
“One morning I shot an elephant in my pajamas”. Isn’t it weird to read that an elephant wore pajamas? Though this statement puts a smile on your face, it reminds us about the important of proper usage of modifiers in a sentence. Improper usage or misplaced modifiers can make your …
Read More »Degrees Of Comparison For Students
Comparing two things is the most common way of taking decisions. Grocery shopping involves comparing similar products of different brands or even different packaging of the same products; this phenomenon is even extended to humans when we compare height, weight, nature, looks or other general aspects of one person with …
Read More »Empathy Vs Sympathy For Students
If you can differentiate the emotional intensity associated with the following expressions – “I can only imagine how hard this is for you” and “I completely understand what you’re going through”, then you may not find it hard to distinguish between sympathy and empathy. Sympathy is just a sorry feeling …
Read More »Ensure Vs Insure for Students
The English language can often be pretty confusing even for the most accomplished of its exponents. This is because English is perhaps the only language, that has been in constant evolution with constantly added new words, phrases and their usage, that have been added through centuries not only enriching it …
Read More »What Are Adverbs? Definition & Types
Are you trying to rewind the grammar lessons on Adverbs? Well, we will help you out in that. By definition, adverb is a part of speech that modifies a verb, another adverb, an adjective, a phrase or a clause. When you say, “He drove the car slowly”, you are actually …
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