भारत की जलवायु, भूगोल, प्राकृतिक परिवेश, यहाँ की उर्वरा भूमि, स्वच्छ जल के सरोवर और नदियाँ, वन तथा पर्वतों ने यहाँ के रहनेवालों को आत्म-निरक्षण, आत्म-चिंतन, मनन, ध्यान, योग-साधना के लिए अवसर प्रदान किया। धन-धान्य, खद्यान्न से सम्पन्न यहाँ के निवासी आत्म-निर्भर थे। अध्यात्म-चिंतन ने उन्हें आत्म-संतोष, अपरिग्रह का पाठ …
Read More »10 Science Solved Sample Paper 5
As per 2019 CBSE Question Paper Design Class: 10th Class CBSE Subject: ScienceTime Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: The question paper comprises five sections: A, B, C, D and E. You are to attempt both the sections.All questions are compulsory.Internal choice is given in sections B, C, E and E.Question numbers …
Read More »10 Science Solved Sample Paper 4
As per 2019 CBSE Question Paper Design Class: 10th Class CBSESubject: ScienceTime Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: The question paper comprises five sections: A, B, C, D and E. You are to attempt both the sections.All questions are compulsory.Internal choice is given in sections B, C, E and E.Question numbers 1 and …
Read More »10 Science Solved Sample Paper 3
As per 2019 CBSE Question Paper Design Class: 10th Class CBSESubject: ScienceTime Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: The question paper comprises five sections: A, B, C, D and E. You are to attempt both the sections.All questions are compulsory.Internal choice is given in sections B, C, E and E.Question numbers 1 and …
Read More »स्वामी विवेकानंद पर निबंध विद्यार्थियों के लिए
भारत वर्ष में नवजागरण का शंखनाद करने वाले महापुरुषों में स्वामी विवेकानंद का अद्वितीय स्थान है। स्वामी जी का जन्म 1863 ईस्वी में हुआ उनका जन्म नाम नरेन्द्रनाथ था। स्वामी जी बचपन से ही कुशाग्र बुद्धि और उच्च विचार सम्पन्न थे। उनकी प्रारम्भिक शिक्षा अंग्रेजी माध्यम से हुई। सन् 1884 …
Read More »10 Science Solved Sample Paper 2
As per 2019 CBSE Question Paper Design Class: 10th Class CBSESubject: ScienceTime Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 80 General Introductions: The question paper comprises five sections: A, B, C, D and E. You are to attempt both the sections.All questions are compulsory.Internal choice is given in sections B, C, E and E.Question numbers 1 and …
Read More »10 Science Solved Sample Paper 1
As per 2019 CBSE Question Paper Design Class: 10th Class CBSESubject: ScienceTime Allowed: 3 HoursMaximum Marks: 80 General Instructions: The question paper comprises five sections: A, B, C, D and E. You are to attempt both the sections.All questions are compulsory.Internal choice is given in sections B, C, E and …
Read More »शिक्षा का माध्यम पर हिन्दी निबंध
शिक्षा के माध्यम से तात्पर्य है वह भाषा जिसमें शिक्षार्थी को शिक्षा दी जाये, जिसमें लिखी हुई पुस्तकों का अध्ययन उसे करना पड़े। शिक्षा का आरम्भ बचपन से ही हो जाता है। पाँच – छः वर्ष की आयु का बालक नर्सरी स्कूल या प्राथमिक पाठशाला में जाने लगता है। ब्रिटिश …
Read More »Agriculture Quiz: 10th CBSE Geography
NCERT 10th Class (CBSE) Social Science (Geography): Agriculture Quiz 31 Multiple Choice Questions related to NCERT 10th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Agriculture Quiz: The art and science of cultivating soil, raising crops and rearing livestock including animal husbandry and forestry.It is a type of agriculture / farming which is practised …
Read More »Agriculture: 10 Class CBSE Geography
Question: What is agriculture? Answer: The art and science of cultivating soil, raising crops and rearing livestock including animal husbandry and forestry. Question: Name any two farming system (agriculture type) which are practised in India. Answer: (1) Primitive subsistence (2) Commercial farming Question: Name any four agricultural products exported by …
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