The Open Window 8th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘It So Happened’ Chapter 7 Question: What was Framton Nuttel suffering from? Answer: Framton Nuttel was suffering from nervous disorder and excitement. The doctor advised him complete rest and relaxation in the countryside. Question: Why does Framton retire to the countryside? Answer: Framton retires …
Read More »Princess September: 8 Class English ‘It So Happened’ Ch 5
Princess September 8th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘It So Happened’ Chapter 5 Question: What did the King of Siam give his daughters one year on his birthday? Answer: One year on his birthday, the King of Siam gave each of his daughters a green parrot in a golden cage. Question: What happened …
Read More »The Selfish Giant: 8th Class English ‘It So Happened’ Ch 3
The Selfish Giant 8th Class NCERT CBSE English ‘It So Happened’ Chapter 3 Question: Was the Giant happy or sad over the state of the garden? Answer: The Giant was sad over the state of his garden. He could not understand why spring was so late in coming. Question: What effect did …
Read More »Rip Van Winkle: NCERT 5th Class CBSE English
Subject: English Chapter: Rip Van Winkle Class: 5th Question: Circle the correct meaning of the given words. You may need to use the dictionary. idled away wasted rested …
Read More »Class Discussion: NCERT 5th Class CBSE English
Subject: English Chapter: Class Discussion Class: 5th Question: What activity was going on in the class? Answer: A class discussion was going on in the class. Question: Who was the quiet one in the class? Answer: Jane was the quiet one in the class. Question: Why was she quiet? She was afraid …
Read More »The Talkative Barber: NCERT 5th Class CBSE English
Subject: English Chapter: The Talkative Barber Class: 5th Question: How many brothers did the Barber have? Answer: The barber had six brothers. Question: Why was the Sultan in a hurry? Answer: Sultan was in a hurry because he had to go out at noon to give feast to some of his friends. …
Read More »Topsy Turvy Land: NCERT 5th Class CBSE English
Subject: English Chapter: Topsy Turvy Land Class: 5th Question: When do children go to school in Topsy Turvy Land? Answer: The children go to school at night in Topsy Turvy Land. Question: In the poem, if buses travel on the sea, then where do the boats travel? How should it …
Read More »10th CBSE English Board Exam 2018-19 Unsolved Paper
10th CBSE English (Communicative) Board Examination (2018-19) Time: 3 hours Maximum Marks: 80 Subject: English Class: X Date: 23/03/2019 General Instructions: The question paper is divided into three sections: Section A: Reading 20 marks Section B: Writing and Grammar 3o marks Section C: Literature 30 …
Read More »8th CBSE English Annual Exam (2018-19)
8th English Annual Examination (2018-19) School Name: Venkateshwar Global School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India Time: 3 hours M.M: 80 Subject: English Class: 8 Date: 27/02/2019 General Instructions: The question paper is divided into three sections. Section A: Reading (20 marks) Section B: Grammar & Writing Skills (30 marks) Section C: Literature (30 marks) …
Read More »10th CBSE English Pre Board (2018-19)
10th English Pre Board Examination (2018-19) VGS, Rohini, New Delhi School Name: Venkateshwar Global School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India Time: 3 hours M.M: 80 Subject: English Class: X Date: 08/02/2019 General Instructions: The question paper is divided into three sections: Section A (Reading) 20 marks Section B (Writing & Grammar) 30 marks …
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