Question: Which are the two well known Gardens in Kashmir? Describe them. Answer: The two well known gardens in Kashmir in Srinagar are: Shalimar Bagh It was built by Jahagir for Nur Jahan in 1619 CE It has 4 terraces The fourth and the best terrace was reserved by Royal ladies …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Movements of the Earth – Their effect
Question: What are the two important movements of the earth? Explain. Answer: The two important movements of the earth are: Question: How are seasons caused? Answer: Season are caused due to the revolution of the earth and the tilt of the earth’s axis. Question: Which are the four main seasons? …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Imaginary Lines – Latitudes and Longitudes
Question: What are latitudes and how many of them are there? Answer: Imaginary line drawn parallel to the equator which run east to west on earth’s surface are called latitudes. There are 181 line of latitude. Question: Differentiates between latitudes and longitudes. Answer: Question: What is prime meridian? Answer: The longitude …
Read More »NCERT 5th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Our Earth – Continents and Oceans
Question: Name the continent where Sahara Desert is located? Answer: The continent where Sahara Desert is located Africa. Question: Name the continents connected by the Isthmus of Panama? Answer: The continents connected by the Isthmus of Panama North America and South America. Question: Name the White Continent? Answer: Antarctica is …
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