10th CBSE Information Technology 2019
March 7, 2019
10th Class, CBSE Question Papers, Computer Science
10th CBSE Information Technology 2019
Time: 2 hours
M.M.: 50
Class: 10th CBSE
Date: 02/03/2019
General Instructions:
(i) This question paper contains 31 questions out of which the candidate needs to attempt only 23 questions.
(ii) Question paper is divided into two sections:
- Section A
(i) Multiple choice questions / Fill in the blanks / Direct questions: contains total 12 questions of 1 mark each. Answer any 10 questions.
(ii) Very short answer type questions: contain total 7 questions of 2 marks each. Answer any 5 questions.
(iii) Short answer type questions: contains total 7 questions of 3 marks each. Answer any 5 questions.
- Section B
(i) Long answer / Essay type questions: contains total 5 questions of 5 marks each. Answer any 3 questions.
Section A
Attempt any 10 questions (1 marks each):
1. We really enjoyed ______ on the trip to Manali last month. (us / ourselves) [1]
2. My house is a _______ two-bedroom flat in Mayur Lok. (spaceful / spacious) [1]
3. Sound-Sentry is designed to help users with ______ impairments. [1]
4. ISP stands for _______. [1]
5. ______ can be used to break continuous text to one or more sentences. [1]
6. ______ can be used for inserting information at the top of each page automatically. [1]
7. On selecting ______, the first character in all the words of the selected sentence will be converted to Capital Letter. [1]
8. Conditional formatting is available under _______ group in Home tab. [1]
9. Chart option is available in _______ group under the Insert tab. [1]
10. A _______ software provides the user an electronic version of a calendar. [1]
11. Print option is available under _______ menu. [1]
12. Calendar software allows the user to _______ to other users’ meeting request. [1]
Very short answer type questions (2 marks each). Answer any 5 questions.
13. What do you mean by P2P? [2]
14. What do you understand by Document Template? [2]
15. What do you understand by Style? [2]
16. What do you mean by Freeze in Spreadsheet? [2]
17. How can you insert an audio clip a presentation? [2]
18. What do you mean by grouping object? [2]
19. What do you understand by Task in Microsoft Outlook? [2]
Short answer type questions (3 marks each). Answer any 5 questions.
20. What do you mean by prepositions? Write any two examples of prepositions. [1+2 = 3]
21. Define the following: [1+1+1 = 3]
(a) Paying guest
(b) Landlord
(c) Notice
22. Write down the process for inserting Page Break. [3]
23. Write short notes on the following: [1+1+1 = 3]
(a) Upper Case
(b) Sentence Case
(c) Strike-through
24. What do you understand by Slide Transition? [3]
25. What do you mean by Speaker Notes? [3]
26. What is RDBMS? [3]
Section B
Long answer/Essay type questions (5 marks each). Answer any 3 questions.
27. Write down the process for transferring data on the Internet. [5]
28. Write short notes on the following: [1+2+2 = 5]
(a) Web Server
(b) Dial up
(c) WiFi
29. Explain the different types of Charts. [5]
30. Write down the steps for creating a table in Open Office application. [5]
31. What is database server? Explain Primary key and Foreign key. [1+2+2 = 5]