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English essay on My Favourite Teacher for students & children

10th English Periodic Test II (2018-19)

10th English Periodic Test II (2018-19)

School Name: Himalaya Public Senior Secondary School, Sector 7, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India
Time: 3 hour
M.M. 80 marks
Date: September, 2018
Class: X

General Instructions:

  1. Attempt all Questions.
  2. Do not write anything on the question paper.
  3. Attempt all questions in each section before going on to the next section.
  4. Read each question carefully and follow the instructions.
  5. Section A: Reading Skills 20 marks
  6. Section B: Writing Skills, Grammar 30 marks
  7. Section C: Literature and Novel 30 marks

SECTION – A: Reading (20 marks)

Question: 1. Read the following passage carefully: (8 marks)

Tiger Trail at Mithunpur

It was around 4 a.m. when, despite the biting cold, Vijay Singh from Mithunpur Mouza village in Uttar Pradesh‘s Sambhal district had headed out to the fields. He never returned. Villagers found his slippers, pajama, and mobile phone near a pond. Animal pug marks had led the villagers to Vijay or what was left of him, for when the villagers reached there his half-eaten body lay inside the thicket of a sugarcane field. Frenzied villagers had scoured the surroundings till they came in sight of the killer – a full grown tigress.

Experts were baffled by this occurrence for Mithunpur Mouza has no forests anywhere near the place. The closest tiger habitat to the village is the Jim Corbett National Park, a good 120 km away. Questions have thus been raised as to how it got there unseen.

The answer were partially revealed when officials got clues from more shocking events that followed. Tracked by forest officials and virtually cornered by villagers on two occasions the hunted tiger began moving north towards the Corbett jungles. On the way it had claimed four more lives in the course of the next fortnight. According to forest officials it seemed the tigress was moving almost in a straight line, as if directed by a compass.

With GPS tracking devices it was found that the tigress had moved 12o km in 14 days, and crossed not less than three national highways, three railway crossings and crossed not less than three national highways, three railway crossings and at least one river, as also numerous village roads. That concludes that the tigress had travelled through 250 km of human habitation and moved through sugarcane fields of the region quite undisturbed, till it was harvesting season, in December. For the tigress, the sugarcane had been like tall grasslands and as secure as the forest jungles. Besides sugar cane also attracts wild pigs and other animals which become prey for the tiger. Confirming evidence of the tigress’ presence in the sugarcane, officials had found a clear spot in the middle of the cane field which they conclude was probably its base.

On the basis of your reading of the passage complete the following sentences.

  1. The villagers found Vijay Singh’s half eaten body ………………………………..
  2. The killer of Vijay was ………………………………………………………………………
  3. The villagers were confused because ………………………………………………….
  4. In 14 days the tigress had moved ……………………………………………………….
  5. The tigress choose to live in the sugar cane fields as …………………………….
  6. The tigress had travelled …………………………………………………………………..
  7. The official claimed the presence of the tigress when …………………………..
  8. On its way to the Corbett jungles the tigress ……………………………………….

Question: 2. Read the following passage carefully: (12 marks)

All too often people are quick to pass judgement on other or other or on situations without knowing the full background. We listen to how people behave with each other and we find numerous occasions on which someone is quick to criticise someone else for their actions. Everyone thinks that his understanding of a situation is right and everyone else is wrong.

There is a true account of an explorer from Australia, David Edge worth, who accompanied Ernest Shackleton on an expedition to the South Pole. It was a very dangerous and difficult expedition. One day, Edge worth’s assistant was working inside his tent. Suddenly, he heard a voice from outside. He listened hard but could not make outside. He listened hard but could not make out what voice was saying. Finally, he knew it was the voice of Edge worth, who asked, “Are you very busy?” The assistant who was working on something, said, “Yes, I am busy.”

The voice of Edge-worth was again heard saying, “Age you very busy” The assistant was angry and impatient with the boss for disturbing him, yet he called in an annoyed tone, “What is it that you want?” Edge worth was silent for a moment, and then he called back with a muffled apology, “Well, I have slipped down a crack in the ice and I do not think I can hang on much longer. I may get killed very soon.”

Imagine how embarrassed and even guilty the assistant must have felt that he was so wrapped up in himself that his boss might have fallen into the crack and would have been killed, if he had not been there to help him out. His boss was polite and respectful even in the face of risk to his own life, while the assistant was impatient and angered by the inconvenience caused to him by a call for help.

Many times we think we understand the circumstances of others. We are annoyed when others do things that we do not agree with or do not want them to do. We are annoyed when we hear people’s reasons for doing what they do, and think their reason is merely – an excuse. However, how many of us are willing to put ourselves in the shoes of another? How many times have passed judgement on others only to find, that they were right and we were wrong?

2.1. On the basis of your reading of the above passage answer the following questions briefly: (1×4 = 4 marks)

  1. Why are we wrong when we pass judgement on others?
  2. What does everyone feel about their understanding of a situation?
  3. Why did Edge-worth ask his assistant if he was very busy?
  4. What would have happened if Shackleton had not been there?

2.2. Find meaning of the following words with the help of the options that follow: (1×4 = 4 marks)

(a) Numerous (para 1)

  1. several
  2. happy
  3. anxious
  4. few

(b) Expedition (para 2)

  1. organised journey
  2. discovery
  3. speed
  4. dispatch

(c) Annoyed (para 3)

  1. Angry
  2. Fear
  3. afraid
  4. Frightened

(d) Embarrassed (para 4)

  1. Shy
  2. Blushing
  3. awkward
  4. Uneasy

SECTION – B: Writing and grammar (30 Marks)

Question: 3. You are Mohit Aggarwal, resident of 43, Civil lines, Rohini, Delhi. You are interested to visit Dubai in your vacations. Write a latter to the Embassy of Saudi Arabia inquiring about the requisites of student Visa. (8 marks)
Write a letter to the editor of a national daily urging the people to switch over to solar energy to conserve electricity and limit electricity bills. You are Sumit / Sumitra.

Question: 4. Develop the story with the help of hints given below: (10 marks)

While coming out of the bank I saw a monkey walking menacingly towards me. I panicked It snatched my bag ………..
I was driving fast. As I hit the main road I saw an upturned bike and a man ……………………..

Question: 5. Fill in the blanks choosing the correct option from the words given below:
After listening restlessly (a) __________ a long (b) _________ tedious Sermon, a Six year old boy asked (c) __________ father what the preacher (d) ______ the rest of the week. (4 marks)

(a) (i) to                          (ii) of                     (iii) by                                (iv) from
(b) (i) but                       (ii) or                     (iii) and                             (iv) though
(c) (i) him                      (ii) his                    (iii) he                                (iv) her
(d) (i) did                       (ii) done                 (iii) does                           (iv) do

Question: 6.The following passage has not been edited. There is one error in each line. Identify and correct it. (4 marks)

You recently ask me to write a short
(a) ………………..
report in the progress made so far
(b) ………………..
in the literacy project. Initial adults
(c) ………………..
were reluctant in learn, but they overcame 
(d) ………………..

Question: 7. Rearrange the given words / phrases to form meaningful sentences. (4 marks)

  1. No parallel / discipline / of any kind / has.
  2. Go together / duties / should / discipline / and rights.
  3. Equally important / should be/ treated as / for a / they/ satisfying life.
  4. The other / or ignored / very bad / it will / if one/ prove. overlaps.

SECTION – C: Literature and long reading text (30 marks)

Question: 8. Read the extract and answer the following question: (1×4 = 4 marks)

The voice of my education said to me
He must be killed
For in Sicily the clack, snakes are innocent
The gold are venomous.

  1. What did the narrators education urge him?
  2. Did the narrators kill him?
  3. What do you mean by “Venomous”?
  4. Give the meaning of innocent?


“I suppose we are in some danger?” said Miss Mebbin

  1. Who is the speaker talking to?
  2. What danger is she talking about?
  3. Why is she so sure about some danger?
  4. Give the meaning of the word “danger”.

Question: 9. Answer any four of the following question: (2×4 = 8)

  1. Why does the boys destination at Poleta surprise the author greatly?
  2. “Mother and me is going to bring grandfathers bureau down here”. “Who makes this remark and in what context?
  3. What moral is Shelley teaching through the poem “Ozymandias?
  4. How does a man crave to be remembered?
  5. Explain the way the frog brought an end to the nightingale.

Question: 10. The story Patol Babu highlights the importance of passion and satisfaction. Discuss.
Good conduct, discipline, Courage, Patience are the true assets of beauty in a person. Comment. (8 marks)

Question: 11. Answer any one of the following questions: (10 marks)

The diary of a young girl

Anne-frank was a good reader. Justify with examples.
Elaborate Anne’s relationship with Peter Wessel.

The story of my life.

How did Helen feel at the Perkins institute? How did the children at the institute receive her?
Give a character sketch of Anne Sullivan.

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