11th Class Physical Education Mid Term Examination 2019-20
February 23, 2022
11th Class, CBSE Question Papers, Physical Education
11th Class Physical Education Mid Term Examination 2019-20
General Instructions:
- The question paper consists of 34 questions.
- There are 9 internal choices.
- All questions are compulsory.
- Answer to multiple choice question carries 1 mark each.
- Answer to any question 21 to 30 carrying 3 marks should be approximately 80-90 words.
- Answer to any question 31 to 34 carrying 5 marks should be approx. 150-200 words.
Section – A
Question 1: What is the aim of Physical Education?
- Growth and development
- Healthy Lifestyle
- Overall development of personality
- None of the above
Which is not an objective of Physical Education?
- Organic Development
- Social Development
- Emotional Development
- Technical Development
Question 2: Development of Neuro-Muscular Coordination is in-between
- Brain and body
- Brain and bones
- Brain and Stomach
- None of the above
Question 3: The worlds first Special Olympic Games were held in
- London
- Chicago
- Switzerland
- Canada
Question 4: How many rings are there in Olympic flag?
- 2
- 3
- 4
- 5
Question 5: Which is the ability of an individual to do physical routine work without getting fatigue?
- Wellness
- Lifestyle
- Physical Fitness
- None of the above
Maximum range of movement around joint is known as
- Endurance
- Flexibility
- Speed
- None of the above
Question 6: Aim of Adaptive Physical Education is to deal with
- Athletes
- Children with disabilities
- Adults
- None of the above
Note: To access further questions – please download PDF File (205KB)