11th Class Physical Education Term 2 Exam 2021-22
February 24, 2022
11th Class, CBSE Question Papers, Physical Education
11th Physical Education Exam 2021 – 2022
General Instructions:
- There are three sections in the Question paper namely Section A, Section B and Section C.
- Section A consists of 9 questions amongst which 7 questions have to be attempted each question caries 2 marks and should have 30-50 words.
- Section B consists of 5 questions amongst which 3 questions have lo be attempted each question carries 3 marks and should have 80-100 words.
- Section C consists of 4 questions amongst which 3 questions have to be attempted each question carries 4 marks and should have 100-150 words.
Section – A
Question 01: What is blood doping and gene doping. (1+1)
Question 02: Classify the two methods to improve the speed of an athlete. (1+1)
Question 03: Write any two importance of sports psychology. (1+1)
Question 04: When & Where Special Olympic Bharat started. (1+1)
Question 05: What is pranayama & enlist the three steps of pranayama. (0.5*4)
Question 06: Define the motto & vision of Paralympics. (1,1)
Question 07: Explain any two harmful effect of alcohol. (1+1)
Question 08: Mention & explain any two developments of Adulthood period. (1+1)
Question 09: Write any two specific benefits of vrikshasana. (1+1)
Section – B: 11th Physical Education Exam 2021
Question 10: List down the principles of sports training and briefly explain the four of them. {1+(0.5*4)}
Question 11: What is niyama & explain its types. (1+2)
Question 12: Create a flowchart to explain principles of warming up. (1+1+1)
Question 13: Differentiate between growth and development. (1+2)
Question 14: Write in detail about Deaflympics. (1*3)
Section – C
Question 15: What is physical fitness & explain the components of physical fitness. (1+3)
Question 16: Explain the role of physical education teacher in a school. (1*4)
Question 17: Briefly explain about sill, technique and style with suitable examples. (1+3)
Question 18: Briefly explain the administration of Shashankasana along with its contraindications and draw stick diagram. (2+1+1)