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Physical Education

11th Class CBSE Physical Education Sample Question Paper – II (2019-20)

11th Class CBSE Physical Education Sample Paper Question – II 2019-20

As per the pattern of 2020 Question Paper: DelhiIndia
Time: 3 hours
Maximum Marks: 70
Class: 11th
Subject: Physical Education

Note: For the latest pattern – login to

General Instructions:

  1. The question paper consists of 34 questions.
  2. There are 9 Internal choices.
  3. Answer to multiple choice questions should be written as its correct option.
  4. All questions are compulsory.
  5. Answer to multiple choice questions carries 1 marks each.
  6. Answer to any question in Section B carrying 3 marks should be approximately in 80 – 90 words.
  7. Answer to any question in Section C carrying 5 marks should be approximately in 150 – 200 words.

Section A: 11th Physical Education Sample Question Paper

Question: 1. Which is not an objective of Physical Education? [1]

  1. Organic development
  2. Social development
  3. Emotional development
  4. Technical development


When first Asian Games were held?

  1. 1949
  2. 1950
  3. 1951
  4. 1952

Question: 2. The second edition of Khelo India School Games were held at [1]

  1. Pune
  2. Bangalore
  3. Delhi
  4. Guwahati

Question: 3. The first modern Olympics were held in [1]

  1. Paris
  2. Stockholm
  3. London
  4. Athens

Question: 4. Indian Olympic Association was formed in [1]

  1. 1926
  2. 1927
  3. 1928
  4. 1929

Question: 5. Which is not a component of Physical fitness? [1]

  1. Strength
  2. Agility
  3. Neuro muscular coordination
  4. Endurance


Maximum range of movement around joint is known as

  1. Endurance
  2. Flexibility
  3. Speed
  4. None of the above

Question: 6. Which is not a game that includes coordinative ability? [1]

  1. Kho – Kho
  2. Gymnastics
  3. Basketball
  4. Chess

Question: 7. When Special Bharat came into existence? [1]

  1. 2000
  2. 2001
  3. 2002
  4. 2003


A sports person is eligible to participate in deaflympics who is having hearing loss of

  1. 55 dB or greater
  2. 25 dB or lesser
  3. 15 db to 45 dB
  4. None of the above

Question: 8. What is the role of speech therapist for children with special needs? [1]

  1. Treatment for fracture
  2. Treatment for sprain
  3. Treatment for speech
  4. Treatment for fever

Question: 9. Ashtanga Yoga has how many elements? [1]

  1. 6
  2. 8
  3. 10
  4. 12

Question: 10. Sukhasana is derived from the world [1]

  1. Sukham
  2. Saksham
  3. Sunder
  4. None of the above

Question: 11. Adventure sports are also known as [1]

  1. Action sports
  2. Boxing
  3. Cricket
  4. None of the above

Question: 12. Powered paragliding is attached with [1]

  1. Gear Box
  2. Clutch
  3. Motor
  4. None of the above

Question: 13. Body Mass Index is calculated by using [1]

  1. Body Height and weight
  2. Only Body height
  3. Only Body weight
  4. None of the above

Question: 14. How many blocks are used in shuttle run [1]

  1. 8
  2. 6
  3. 4
  4. 2

Question: 15. Physiology refers to [1]

  1. Functioning of body
  2. Structure of body
  3. Fitness of body
  4. None of the above


How many rings are there in trachea?

  1. 12 – 16
  2. 16 – 20
  3. 20 – 24
  4. 24 – 28

Question: 16. The stability of wrestler is more if [1]

  1. Center of gravity is high
  2. Center of gravity is low
  3. Center of gravity is medium
  4. None of the above

Question: 17. Logus refers to [1]

  1. Talk
  2. Soul
  3. Mind
  4. Emotions

Question: 18. Biological problems in adolescents are due to [1]

  1. Slow physical growth
  2. Rapid physical growth
  3. No physical growth
  4. None of the above

Question: 19. Phase I of preparatory period deals with [1]

  1. Specific fitness
  2. Wellness
  3. Basic fitness
  4. None of the above

Question: 20. Use of alcohol and cocaine effects [1]

  1. Increased blood pressure
  2. Decreased blood pressure
  3. Normal blood pressure
  4. None of the above

Section B: 11th Physical Education Sample Question Paper

Question: 21. Explain any three career options in Physical Education. [3]


Write about individual competitions at national level.

Question: 22. Explain about the inaugural winter Olympics. [3]

Question: 23. Explain the components of Physical fitness. [3]

Question: 24. Write three Indian Organizations promoting adaptive sports with the year in which they came into existence.

Question: 25. Elaborate Yama. [3]

Question: 26. Elaborate the role of a leader. [3]


Describe the opportunities available to act as leader in sports.

Question: 27. How hip-waist-ratio test is administered? [3]

Question: 28. Write any three functions of skeletal system. [3]

Question: 29. Write any three importance of Sports Psychology. (any three) [3]


Physical Education Sample Question: Differentiate between growth and development.

Question: 30. Explain Psychological warming up.

Section C: Sample Question Paper

Question: 31. Define Physical Fitness. Explain its components. [5]


Explain the aim and objectives of adaptive Physical Education.

Question: 32. Define Yoga. Explain its importance. [5]


Explain the qualities of a leader.

Question: 33. How health related fitness is measured? [5]

Question: 34. Explain the functions of circulatory system. [5]

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