School Name: | Himalaya Public School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India |
Class: | 12th Standard (CBSE) |
Subject: | Physics |
Time Duration: | 03 Hours |
Maximum Marks: | 70 |
Date: | 16 / 12 / 2022 |
General Instructions:
- There are 35 questions in all. All questions are compulsory.
- This question paper has five sections: Section A, Section B, Section C, Section D and Section E. All the sections are compulsory.
- Section A contains eighteen MCQ of 1 mark each, Section B contains seven questions of two marks each, Section C contains five questions of three marks each. section D contains three long questions of five marks each and Section E contains two case study based questions of 4 marks each.
- There is no overall choice. However, an internal choice has been provided in section B, C, D and E. You have to attempt only one of the choices in such questions.
- Use of calculators is not allowed.
- You may use the following values of physical constants wherever necessary:
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All questions are compulsory. In case of internal choices, attempt any one of them.
Question 01 – 12th Post Mid Term Physics Exam 2022-23: The effect of decreasing wavelength on energy and momentum of photon, is; Mark (1)
- Energy decreases and momentum increases
- Both increases
- Both decrees.
- Energy increases and momentum decreases
Question 02: S is the surface of lump of magnetic material. Mark (1)
- Lines of B are not necessarily continuous across S.
- Some lines of B must be continuous across S .
- Lines of H are necessarily continuous across S.
- Lines of H cannot all be continuous across S.
Read On…
CBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2022-23: CBSE Syllabus plays a major role in helping students prepare an effective study plan. The Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has released the revised syllabus for the class 12th for the 2022-2023 session. We have provided below the CBSE Class 12 Physics Revised Syllabus which students may read and download in PDF. This syllabus mentions the details of the course structure for the theory paper and the practical exams. Students must follow this latest syllabus to study the prescribed chapters and topics only and avoid the content dropped for the current academic session.
Check CBSE Class 12 Physics Syllabus 2022-23 below: