Friday , March 28 2025
Mother's Day Essay For Students And Children

Mother’s Day Essay For Students And Children

Mother’s Day Essay 5 (300 Words)

Mother’s day is a very special day of the year for both kids and mother. It is being celebrated since many years every year on the second Sunday of the month of May in India. It is celebrated by the teachers and students in the schools by inviting mothers. Students take part in many cultural activities to impress their mothers. Mothers are especially invited to school by their kids on the order of school Principal and teachers. At this day mothers are given lots of gifts, love and respects by their kids. Kids prepare special poem recitation or conversation in Hindi or English for their mothers.

Mother’s day is celebrated in many countries at different days in order to highlight mother’s role in our everyday life. All mothers play lots of great role in the life of their kids from giving birth to making them a well being human. It is only mother who shapes the child’s character and then whole life. Every mother plays a great role in the growth and development of their child. She takes care about everything what a kid want. She understands herself fully responsible for her child from waking up in the morning till sleeping in the night.

She awake us in the early morning, help in brushing, bathing, preparing breakfast and lunch for school, dress up us, go to our Parent-Teacher Meeting (PTM), help us in home work, give food, milk and fruits at proper time, give medicine at right time when we become ill, wash and iron our clothes, play football with us in the home play ground, she make us sleep in the night at proper time, prepare delicious dinner to us and other lots of activities. Actually we cannot count our mother’s daily activities. She does unlimited works for whole day long. She is only responsible for all works of all members of the family. Simply, we can say mothers are great.

Mother’s Day Essay 4 (250 Words)

A mother is everyone’s best friend because she takes care of everything we need. So, to say her thanks and give her respect, a day of the year has been dedicated to the mother and celebrated as Mother’s day every year. We cannot live without our mothers and her caring love. She cares us so much, she becomes happy when we laugh and she becomes sad when we weep. She is only one in this world who never leaves us alone. She is fully devoted to us like on one else in whole world.

In India mother’s day is celebrated every year on 2nd Sunday of the May month. Everyone at home get together to enjoy this day and eat delicious dinner at home or outside the home. All the family member gives gifts to the mother and say her very happy Mother’s Day. Our mothers become always at home for us. From the birth of us till her last moment of life, she cares us like a small child. We cannot count her contribution in our lives. Even we cannot count her daily activities from early morning till night.

She has lots of responsibilities and does all continuously without getting tired. She is the one whom job is unlimited without any fix job time and work. We cannot give her anything in return however we can say her big thanks and give lots of respects and care. We should always love and care our mothers and obey her all orders.

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