Tuesday , March 25 2025
English essay on My School Library for students & children

English essay on My School Library for students

The library is one of the most important places of a school. Every good school must have a well-stocked library, which can be used by students and teachers alike. The library of a school acts as a storehouse of knowledge.

My school has one of the best libraries in town. It consists of two large rooms on one side of school building. It has large windows and is thus airy and well lit. There are long, gleaming tables with chairs on all sides. Chairs have also been placed near the windows for comfortable reading.

My School Library: English Essay

In one room the books of general interest have been stocked, while the other contains newspapers, journals and reference and other text books. Our library contains nearly 10,000 books on every subject-literature, history, science, mathematics etc. are some of them. There are also novels, classics and encyclopedias etc. Our schools subscribes to some of the best newspapers, journals and magazines from all over the world.

Every class has one library period in a week. We can issue any book we like, except for the reference books. Fines are imposed for spoiling the book or for returning it late. During exams we can sit for longer periods in the library. The librarian is a well trained king lady.

Books can really prove to be the best friends of man. They can increase his knowledge as provide pleasurable reading. But we must never write on them or tear their pages. The library then will become our favorite place in the school.

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