Wednesday , March 26 2025
Street Fellow

Street Fellow Essay For Students And Children

Raman is may street fellow. He is my best friend. He is my next-door neighbor. He is of may age. He is may class-fellow as well. We got to school together.

Raman is the son of a college professor. His mother also is a school teacher. So he comes of a well-educated and civilized family and has amiable manners and sociable habits. He is regular and hard working. He prepares his lessons at home and takes interest in his studies. He is well-dressed and well behaved. He is in the good books of all the teachers.

Raman possesses good qualities of head and heart. He is truthful, honest and obedient. He is gentle but fearless. He is an early riser and accompanies me for a morning walk. He takes part in games and has a strong, well-built body.

For all these qualities, Raman is expected to bring a good name to his parents. He does well at examinations, stands first or second in the class and wins prizes. He is very helpful to me and I have every regard for him. He knows good from bad and shuns evil society.

Raman is fond of pets. He keeps a rabbit and small dog and looks after them well. He has a room to himself. He keeps every thing in order.

Raman is the worthy son of a worthy father. I am happy to have such a companion.

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