CBSE: Central Board of Secondary Education

CBSE Board Exam 2019: Important tips to score high, exam commences from February 15

CBSE will conduct the CBSE Board Exam 2019 from Friday, February 15 onwards. Candidates to appear for the exam need to know a few tips to score high in CBSE Board Exam 2019:

The Central Board of Secondary Education, CBSE Board Exam 2019 will commence from February 15 for Class 12. Class 10 Board examination will begin from February 21, 2019. The admit cards have already been given out by school and appearing students have already collected it. The Board has taken strict measures this time after the question paper leak issue that happened last year. A total of 28 lakh candidates will appear for Class 10, 12 Board examination. The Board has released other details related to the CBSE Board Exam 2019 on the official site at

By now, students must be in the mid of the revision process. It is quite natural for students to feel nervous and stressed out. But to avoid stress, students should know simple tips to score high in CBSE Board Exam 2019:

  • Solve Sample Papers: It is important for students to take out time and solve the sample papers every day. Pick sample papers of each subject and solve it in three hours. This will help the appearing students to manage the time allotted for the examination. The sample papers are easily available in the market or online as well.
  • Choose NCERT Books: There are several books available online and in the market to prepare for CBSE Board Exam 2019. But students should stick to NCERT text books to score high marks. The questions available in NCERT books needs special attention from students and solving them on regular intervals can help in better grades.
  • Use of Proper Language: Students must understand and keep in mind the difference between spoken and written English. Proper usage of language is a key point to score high. Words that is used while speaking cannot be penned down in the answer sheets. Writing an answer demands perfect english that is not used in day to day life.
  • To the Point Answers: Students who will be appearing for the Board examination need to know that the Board has made it clear that simple and clear language answers will be appreciated. Do not try to make your sentences longer, rather than try to keep it short and simple and to the point.
  • Word Limit: It is advisable to the students do not exceed the word limit for the question given. Adding that extra amount of word will not only stretch the answers but will also divert the key point from the answers. The reason behind setting a word limit is because the Board knows that the answer can be articulated within the given word limit.

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