Saturday , September 21 2024

Search Results for: Gandhi

NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: India After Independence – Quiz


NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: India After Independence – Quiz 13 Multiple Choice Questions related to NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: India After Independence – Quiz: The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26 January, 1950. Nathuram Godse disagreed with Gandhiji’s conviction that Hindus and Muslims should live together …

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NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: India After Independence


Question: When was the Indian Constitution adopted? Answer: The Indian Constitution was adopted on 26 January, 1950. Question: Which step has been described as revolutionary? Answer: All Indians above the age of 21 would be allowed to vote in state and national elections. Question: On what point did Nathuram Godse …

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NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The National Movement: First Phase

National Movement

Question: What factors resulted in growing opposition to British rule? Answer: All these factors resulted in growing opposition to British rule: All the section of society suffered under British rule. The peasant had to pay high taxes. The artisan was ruined by foreign competition. The factory worker received very low …

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NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Education And British Rule


Question: Name the different languages that William Jones studied. Answer. Greek, Latin, English, French, Arabic and Persian. Question: Why was Calcutta Madrasa set up? Answer: Calcutta Madrasa was set up to promote the study of Arabic, Persian and Islamic law. Question: Why was the Hindu College established in Benaras? Answer: …

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NCERT 6th Class (CBSE) Social Science: What is Government?

Media and Democracy

Question: Name some institutions that are part of the government. Answer: The Supreme Court, the Indian Railways, Bharat Petroleum. Question: List any two functions of the government. Answer: The government protects the boundaries of the country. It maintains peaceful relations with other countries. Question: What happens when someone commits a crime? …

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NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

NCERT 7th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Human Environment: Settlement, Transport and Communication

Question: What do you understand by the term human settlement? How did settlements emerge? Answer: Human settlements refer to the locations where people build their homes. Around these settlements human communities develop. A community is a group of people living in a particular area and bound by a common culture …

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समय का सदुपयोग पर हिंदी निबंध

My First Day at School: English Essay for Students & Children

काल करे सो आज कर, आज करे सो अब। पल में परलय होएगी, बहुरि करेगा कब।। मानव जीवन में समय का अत्यधिक महत्त्व है। समय को सही पहचानना ही समय का सदुपयोग है। समय निरन्तर गतिशील है। समय के साथ चलना प्रगति और रुकने का अभिप्राय मृत्यु हैं। मेसन ने कहा …

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भारत-चीन सम्बन्ध पर विद्यार्थियों के लिए हिंदी में निबंध

भारत-चीन सम्बन्ध

स्थूल दृष्टि से देखने पर भारत और चीन में पर्याप्त समानता दृष्टिगत होती है। दोनों एशिया के बड़े देश हैं; दोनों की जनसंख्या और क्षेत्रफल बहुत है। दोनों की सभ्यता और संस्कृति अत्यन्त प्राचीन है; दोनों भगवान बुद्ध के अहिंसा और शान्ति के सन्देश से प्रभावित रहे हैं। दोनों विकासशील …

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