Understatement Examples: Understatement is a figure of speech in which there is a contrast between the description and reality. As such, understatement can be used to reflect modesty, sarcasm, derogatory or complimentary tone. Understatement literally refers to what is not being said. In short, the gravity of the statement is …
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Natural Vegetation and Wildlife: 7th Class CBSE Geography
Natural Vegetation and Wildlife: NCERT 7th Class CBSE Geography Question: Answer the following questions. Which are the two factors on which the growth of vegetation mostly depends? Which are the three broad categories of natural vegetation? Name the two hardwood trees commonly found in tropical evergreen forest. In which part …
Read More »हामिद खाँ: 9th CBSE Hindi Sanchayan Chapter 05
हामिद खाँ 9th Class (CBSE) Hindi संचयन प्रश्न: लेखक का परिचय हामिद खाँ से किन परिस्थितियों में हुआ? उत्तर: एक बार गर्मियों में लेखक तक्षशिला के खंडहर देखने गया था। गर्मी के कारण लेखक का भूख प्यास से बुरा हाल था। खाने की तलाश में वह रेलवे स्टेशन से आगे बसे गाँव की …
Read More »9th Social Science Pre-Mid Exam Question Paper (2019-20)
9th CBSE Social Science Pre-Mid Examination Question Paper (2019-20) School Name: Himalayan Public School, Sector 13, Rohini, Delhi 110085 India समय: 3 hours अंक: 80 दिनांक: 29/06/2019 कक्षा: IX Subject: Social Science General Instructions: All Questions are compulsory. The question paper is divided into four sections. Section A, Section B, Section C and …
Read More »Manufacturing Industries Quiz: 8 Class CBSE Social Science
NCERT 8th CBSE Social Science: Manufacturing Industries Quiz 13 Multiple Choice Questions related to NCERT 8th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Manufacturing Industries Quiz: Industry refers to an economic activity that is concerned with production of goods, extraction of minerals or provision of services. Industrial plants produce chemicals, locomotive parts, agricultural …
Read More »Subject Verb Agreement Rules
You might be familiar with the subject-verb rules that are used while framing sentences. To have a much clearer picture of what they are, you will find them presented with examples in this article. The entire trick lies in recognizing the singular and plural subjects and the forms of verb …
Read More »Manufacturing Industries: 10th Social Science
Question: Name two most important sugar producing states of India. Answer: Uttar Pradesh and Maharashtra Question: Name three major air pollutants. Answer: Air borne dust, smoke and undesirable gases are three major air pollutants. Question: List four Agro based industries. Answer: Sugar, edible oil, cotton and silk are Agro based …
Read More »Nationalist Movement in Indo-China Quiz: 10 SST
NCERT 10th Class (CBSE) Social Science: Nationalist Movement in Indo-China Quiz 25 Multiple Choice Questions related to NCERT 10th Class (CBSE) Social Science: The Nationalist Movement in Indo-China Quiz: It was used for import and export of goods as well as for the exchange of ideas. Vietnam economy was primarily …
Read More »Rise of Nationalism in Europe: 10th History
Question: Who was Frederic Sorrier? Answer: Frederic Sorrier was a painter. Question: In which year did Frederic Sorrier prepare a series of four prints? Answer: In 1848 Question: Which famous French artist had prepared a series of four prints visualising his dreams of a world? Answer: Frederic Sorrier Question: What …
Read More »Nationalist Movement in Indo-China: 10 SST
Question: When was French Indo-China established? Answer: 1887 Question: When did Vietnam get its Freedom? Answer: 1945 Question: Mention any two steps which were taken by the French government to improve transportation in Vietnam. Answer: Trans Indo-China rail network was started linking northern and southern parts of Vietnam. A railway …
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