Wednesday , March 26 2025
Paragraph on Drug Addiction: Long & Short Paragraphs on Drugs

Paragraph on Drug Addiction: Long & Short Paragraphs on Drugs

Drug addiction is when someone can’t stop using a drug, even if they want to and even if it’s harming them. It’s like a strong pull that makes them keep taking the substance. Over time, the person might need more of the drug to get the same feeling. If they try to quit, they might feel very sick or bad-tempered. This happens because their body has become used to the drug. Addiction isn’t just about willpower; it’s a health condition where the brain changes and makes quitting hard. It’s important for people with addiction to get help because it can seriously affect their health and life.

International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

United Nations International Day against drug abuse and the illegal drug trade. It is observed annually on 26 June, since 1989.

Drug addiction is a chronic brain disease that is characterized by compulsive drug use despite adverse effects. Addiction is when one is unable to control the impulse to use drugs; it is not just chronic but a relapsing disease.

Long and Short Paragraphs on Drug Addiction in English

You will find below a number of short and long paragraphs on Drug Addiction. We hope these Drug Addiction paragraphs will help students in completing their school assignments. These will also help children to write and read out paragraphs with simple words and small sentences. Students can select any paragraph on Drug Addiction according to their particular requirement.

Drug Addiction Paragraph 100 words

Drug addiction is a dependence syndrome. It is a condition where a person feels a strong desire to consume drugs and can’t do without them. Such people find it difficult to control the need to take drugs. The feeling to consume drugs becomes more important for them than other daily chores and even their family.

If the addicted person does not use drugs for longer time he is likely to feel depressed and isolated. Addiction is the state where mind and body just cannot do without drugs. The brain changes are persistent that is why drug addiction is often defined as a form of mental disorder.

Drug Addiction Paragraph 150 words

Drug addiction is a chronic disorder that refers to the condition in which a person feels a strong need of drugs and can’t keep from consuming the same. It is characterized by obsessive engagement in desired spur despite adverse consequences. The addictive stimuli are characterized by two factors – one is positive reinforcement and second is perceived to be intrinsically rewarding. A person develops and feels increasing pleasure in consuming drugs.

The initial decision to take drugs is mostly voluntary for most of the people but with repeated use of drugs one develops the habit and deprives self control that eventually leads to dependency. The dependency and over consumption of drugs can lead to persistent brain changes. Long term use of drugs can also affect the brain functions that include behavior, learning, stress, anxiety and memory. Despite being aware of the adverse consequences people addicted to drugs continue using it as they simply cannot resist them.

Drug Addiction Paragraph 200 words

Each and every one’s mind and body reacts differently to drugs. Some might love it and develop the urge to consume it repeatedly, some might just have it occasionally and some might hate it. Everyone who consumes drugs does not get addicted to them. Some may just have them occasionally and not feel the urge to have them repeatedly.

Signs of Drug Addiction:

Here is a look at the signs of drug addiction:

  • A strong urge to consume drugs everyday either single or multiple times
  • Ensure continual supply of drugs even if it demands begging, borrowing or stealing.
  • No self control when it comes to consuming drugs. Addicts tend to consume more drugs than they may actually want to.
  • Consume drugs regularly despite knowing about their adverse consequences.
  • The feeling of withdrawal even when one is with family and friends.
  • People often stop enjoying what they used to earlier. This may be things such as watching movies, listening music cooking or just about anything.
  • Spending more time seeking and using drugs and dealing with its effects
  • Prolonged feeling of anxiety and depression
  • Feeling of vulnerability when devoid of drugs
  • If one loses control over oneself and gets trapped in drug addiction one should definitely consult a doctor.
  • Right treatment and healthy lifestyle can help get rid of drugs.

Drug Addiction Paragraph 250 words

Drug addiction is a growing trend among young adults and is a major concern for the society. People often get used to drugs to escape away from their problems though once addicted it causes several other problems over the time.

Who is more Prone to get Addicted?

  • Those whose family members like parents, siblings or relatives consume drugs and alcohol regularly are likely to develop this habit.
  • If one starts taking drugs at early age it is likely that they get addicted as they grow.
  • One who feels more depressed and stressed constantly often uses drugs to feel better and eventually gets addicted.
  • One who is going through troubles in relationships with family or spouse can also develop such habits.
  • One who is suffering from grief or trauma of losing loved one may start using drugs to escape the feeling of hurt and get addicted over the time.

Commonly used Drugs

  • Cocaine: Cocaine is the most commonly used illicit drug smoked, snorted or injected popular for its upsurge in energy and euphoria.
  • Heroine: This one his extremely addictive and is injected with a needle. It creates a numb and euphoric high.
  • Marijuana: This drug has medicinal properties and can be eaten or smoked.
  • MDMA: This drug creates a flow of dopamine in the brain.
  • PCP: The drug causes a person to lose mental and physical control.
  • Adderall: The drug causes an intense rush of positive energy.
  • LSD: This drug has an effect for 12 hours and the user experiences hallucinations and sense of floating above one’s body.
  • XANAX: This is an anti-anxiety medication which is extremely addictive and gives soothing effect.
    Consuming drugs cannot be any kind of escape but a trap that leads you to more severe conditions.

Paragraph Drug Addiction 300 words

Drug addiction is not an immoral code of conduct but a chronic disease that has various direct and indirect effects that may last for short or long term depending on the severity. The severity depends on the use of specific drug and the quantity of the usage. It can lead to mood swings, changes in appetite, weakness, blood pressure, etc. There are other more persistent effects like mental illness, cancer, heart disease, lung disease, etc.

There are a lot of indirect effects on the addicted person and people around him. This can include effecting a person’s sleep, nutrition and decision making ability, education, employment, social relationships, family and status and can lead to violence and injury, engagement in illegal activities, unprotected sex, HIV and other transmissible diseases.

Let us have a look at some effects in detail below:

  • HIV and other transmissible diseases: Drug addiction is often characterized with risky behavior and can unconsciously lead to unprotected sex. It greatly increases the chance of contracting HIV and other transmissible diseases.
  • Mental health issues: Most of the people addicted to drugs develop mental health issues like depression, paranoia, anxiety disorders and aggressive behavior. Compared to normal people addicted people are twice likely to develop mental health issues.
  • Criminal activities: One might get into criminal activities to meet the daily need of drug supply in case of financial crisis.
  • Cardiovascular disease: It may lead to cardiovascular conditions like abnormal heart rate and heart attacks. It can also cause infections of the blood vessels and heart valves.
  • Liver damage: Chronic use of some drugs like heroine and steroids can cause severe damage to liver and can also lead to liver failure.

So, there are several undesirable direct and indirect effects of drug addiction that can relapse. Such addiction for long term can damage one’s personal and social life completely.

Drug Addiction Paragraph 350 words

Addiction is defined as a chronic brain disorder that is characterized by compulsive drug desire and use despite being aware of its adverse effects. It is called a brain disorder as it severely affects the brain function. The brain changes can be persistent and can lead to several behavioral changes in a person who consumes drugs.

Why Do People Consume Drugs?

There are several reasons why people begin consuming drugs. While initially it is voluntary in most of the cases, here are the possible reasons why it:

  • To feel pleasure: Most of the people get trapped in to drug addiction as it produces intrinsic feeling of intense pleasure. The sensation of ecstasy is followed by other feelings of pleasure. For example, the ecstasy caused by stimulants such as heroin enhances the feelings of satisfaction and respite whereas cocaine gives elevated pleasure and the feeling of power and confidence.
  • To relieve stress: People who suffer from stress, anxiety, trauma, mental illness and severe depression begin taking drugs to reduce their stress. Stress is the major reason why people get in to drug use as it not only helps them cope with their stress but gives them the feelings of pleasure.
  • Because others are using it: The strong influence of others and peer pressure is the reason why most of the youngsters begin taking drugs. In order to impress peers and boast about their independence and adulthood adolescents often begin using drugs.
  • Medication: The opiate based prescriptions suggested by doctors to their patients are extremely addictive. People often take medication as they think it is safe because doctors have prescribed them.
  • To do better: It is a competitive world. The pressure to fit in and do better encourages youngsters for persistent use of drugs. Young adults are more vulnerable to improve their cognitive performance or fitness. The use of drugs such as prescribed stimulants and androgenic steroids is common. They do not realize the downside of consuming it and getting addicted.

Even moderate use of drugs is harmful and can have several adverse effects. It leads to undesirable behavior and can have profound and persistent impact on the life of the addict.

Drug Addiction Paragraph 400 words

Developing a drug addiction is not a moral sin although the society often dismisses such people as immoral. It takes a lot of effort and willpower to overcome the issue. Drug addiction is a disorder that creates changes in brain initiating strong urge and compulsion to use drugs that makes it impossible to resist them. Nevertheless, retrieval is never out of reach no matter how critical your condition is. With correct treatment and healing therapy one can overcome the problem and things can change.

How to Overcome Drug Addiction?

  • The willingness to change: It is very important to accept and be aware of the problem. One needs to be ready to fight the problem. The key to retrieval is the strength of will to bring the change.
  • Consult a Doctor: A doctor can talk to you and understand your mental and physical condition and health history. The doctors can then suggest the treatment plan as per your condition and considering all the factors. It can comprise of counseling, medication, detoxification and other follow up therapies.
  • Join the rehab centre: Rehabilitation is important to recover from the addictions. Rehabilitation programs provide therapy that is based on comprehensive, holistic and individualized approach.
  • Cognitive-Behavioral therapy: This kind of therapy helps you learn new skills and behaviors that empower you to overcome drug addiction. The skills learned here are helpful and can be implemented for life time. This therapy can help control the triggers.
  • Healthy Lifestyle: It is important to change your lifestyle and develop healthy habits like meditation, yoga and other forms of exercises. Meditation is very important to relieve stress and cope with anxiety. Practice meditation daily to feel better. Other than meditation working out daily will help you cope up with stress and stay fit which will make you feel good. Exercise is also vital as it helps restore dopamine level to the level before drug addiction. Yoga includes physical activity and meditation as well. So, practicing yoga daily helps heal and relax mind and body.
  • New Social Connections: Try making new social connections and groups that will help and support you to overcome your disorder. Join new clubs and try new hobbies like swimming or playing new sport that you enjoy.

It is possible to change and overcome the problem with correct treatment and support of your loved ones and community. You need to be determined and develop a mindset to change that will lead you to your goal.